
Help Me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck

In this fanfiction, the main character is granted their wish by a ROB (random omnipotent being) and is given the body and memories of Gojo Satoru from "Jujutsu Kaisen." However, Gojo (Not Gojo Satoru) is randomly dropped into different worlds, wreaking havoc on various plots as he pleases. The fanfic explores his adventures in different worlds, including "The Second Coming of Gluttony" and "Kaguya-sama: Love is War." In this third world, he unknowingly finds himself in "Oshi No Ko." Currently in Jujutsu Kaisen (starts at chapter Japan 25) While his personality has not been fully developed or fleshed, readers can expect Gojo to do some strange and unexpected things. The characters, ideas, and series featured in this fanfiction belong to their respective owners.

AnHa8 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Japan Again? - 25


(Gojo's POV)

A/N: The goon squad's presence, or rather, their energy, was shrouded by the some curtains (barrier) layered around Shibuya. If it wasn't for the curtain surrounding Shibuya, everyone would have sensed Kaguya Otsutsuki, who rarely concealed her presence.

Right after being engulfed by the light, we found ourselves transported to a completely different world or so we think. The setting was at nighttime, and the scenery bore a striking resemblance to that of Japan. We were in front of a train station with a bunch of debris around. Are we still in the Kaguya verse in Japan? Did we somehow get teleported to another city or state? This place looks like the ghetto part of Japan.

I glanced around at our surroundings. That was when Flone started making gagging noise.

"Arrrgh Bleeeech." Flone retched, as if she was about to vomit. Meanwhile, Kaguya Otsutsuki had a narrowed gaze, her Byakugan activated.

"This place or this world is filled with negative energy all around," Kaguya said with a disgusted tone with her body shaking.

Well, that checks out, we are in a new world. Flone is already showing signs of symptoms.

Immediately Hayasaka went to pat Flone in the back as an attempt to comfort her. "What shall we do Gojo-San?" Hayasaka asked as she had no clue what's going on or where we are. And she is right too, I don't even know if money from the Kaguya world will work here. Do I need to sell gold?

Then, seemingly startled by our presence, a horde of hideous monsters materialized out of thin air and phased through the building. They quickly focused on us and started a frantic pursuit, emitting discordant screeches and unsettling scratching noises.

A/N: Phasing through solid surfaces is an ability that can only be used by low-grade cursed spirits.

Hayasaka got into a defensive position, visibly alarmed and shuddering slightly as she witnessed those abominations. She thought she was going to die.

But in a mere second, I vanished from my original spot and reappeared. The 27 grotesque monsters, in an instant, they all had died with their heads either detached or torn off.

"I think… I have an idea of where we are. These are either cursed spirits or malevolent entities. A world straight out of Jujutsu Kaisen or some world where spiritual entities roam freely." I said as I examined how the grotesque monsters disappeared when they died.

"Though I have some other guesses of other worlds. Probably that horror-comedy anime, Miko Yotsuya." I added.

I'm hoping for the latter. If this world truly is Jujutsu Kaisen, I might not be sure what to do in this world. Oddly enough, even though it was my first time in this world, it felt strangely familiar to me, almost like coming back home.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was immediately struck by an overwhelming sense of disgust and revulsion upon our arrival in this world. This world around her, I'm guessing, didn't sit right with her, as if it were all wrong. This strange sensation deep within her grew stronger by the minute, making her want to get rid of everything around her. That is what I sense from her as a result of our link and connection.

And even Flone, who was usually so full of life, seemed to be struggling and affected. The world was getting into her, and she looked like she was in trouble. As a former vengeful spirit, the world was channeling something into her. Right now, she seems to be in a state of distress, but we just literally enter this world.

Two of my strongest were either incapacitated or on the brink of losing control. For now, only Hayasaka appears to be normal, but unfortunately to say she isn't as strong as the other two.

"Oh, cool! Jujutsu Kaisen!!" Flone exclaimed with excitement upon hearing that, but her enthusiasm was short-lived as she suddenly began to vomit.

This is so sad. This is possibly one of her favorite series as well.

"We don't know that yet." I gave a glance around our surroundings.

Well, at the very least, let's look at the brightside, I had gotten a confession from a woman. Before being transported to an apocalypse-like world. But damn, things aren't looking good right now.

"Sorry, Flone. Please take care of her for me, Hayasaka. I am sending you both to that world." I said as I lifted my right hand.

"Ehhhhhh?! No, You can't! Don't leave me out of this. I want to meet them! I want to throw hands! I want to fight!!!" Flone protested with a loud shout, her steps unsteady.

"Are we going to this personal dimension that you mentioned before?" Hayasaka seemed to be understanding where I'm getting at as she widened her eyes as she stared at a portal being made.

"Yeah. If I were going to need help, I'll summon all of you," I lied, raising my hand to conjure a portal that led to my personal dimension. I playfully nudged Flone's rear end to get her moving, then gestured for Hayasaka to step through the portal, eventually what followed was Kaguya Otsutsuki walking towards the portal.

"Hmmm? You don't want to stay, Kaguya?" I asked, surprised that she would prefer to leave.

"This world is repulsive to its core," Kaguya replied in a cold tone, "I can feel this world tainted by humans, that's why there is this ominous energy circulating around the world. I'm itching to use infinite Tsukuyomi as we speak. Of course, you definitely wouldn't allow such a thing. For now, I will just help around the house." She seemed to be looking forward to heading back though.

"Liar, liar! You won't help! You're just going to read all day!" Flone's voice echoed from across the portal. She was then immediately pulled by Hayasaka to another room.

Just before stepping through the portal, Kaguya turned to me and asked, "Gojo, are you not going? Are you going to stay in this world by yourself?"

"I don't know. If this is the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, it would explain why you guys are feeling like that—negative energy and all. I think I should stick around. Besides, I would like to try beating that mongrel up for fun, and then tell the tale to Flone." I responded honestly.

"You're not thinking of picking up more women, are you?" she asked, her voice devoid of emotion, her eyes narrowing.

"No," I answered swiftly. Even though I might not always show it, I truly find myself really happy in having you three around: Hayasaka, Flonecia, and Kaguya Otsutsuki. That is more than enough.

'I'm not a harem chick magnet who thinks with his dick, anymore.'

Kaguya scoffed as she heard my thoughts as she walked through the portal, and it closed after she entered.

That…Was…Surprisingly easier than I thought. I was planning to kick them all out, pretending that it's for their safety or some nonsense. In all honesty, I don't believe I can defend them all, especially with the complexities of domain expansion and curse techniques. It's too vague and mysterious in its nature, with so many abilities to keep track of. The possibility of Flone getting exorcise by a sorcerer is extremely high. In principle, she is basically in the realm of special grade cursed spirit. The sorcerer of this world would most likely never let that slide except for Gojo Satoru and some other cool people.

With that being said, I need confirmation that this world is Jujutsu Kaisen. Because if it is, I might have to be on the lookout for Megumi. If he figures out how to exorcise, tame, and gain the traits of Mahoraga, he 'might' become the strongest. Imagine if he perfects his domain expansion. He can also hide in the shadows. Summon an evolving immortal army of Mahoragas of shadows, an ever-growing force that will adapt anything and everything. With the ability to strike from the shadows, the potential for versatility is endless.

Then there was Itadori Yuji as well, who was the starting point of all this, and arguably going to be the one to bring it to an end as well.

"Should I kill them? Nah. Even if I'm in the Jujutsu Kaisen world I'm not sure which point in time I would be in. But still, where the fuck am I?" I muttered.

The place I'm in is completely wrecked, with no civilians in sight. The station appeared to have traces that had all been destroyed by humans and were tattered.

After taking one last glance around, I disappeared from my current spot, making my way into the depths of the train station below.


"Man, these ugly ass spirits sure remind me of how my friends used to look back in high school," I chuckled, my laughter echoing through the air as I killed my thirtieth spirit since arriving in this strange new world. The place was filled with spirits who were mercilessly preying on weaker spirits. At some point, I had no doubt that I had stepped into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. The nostalgia I get from arriving in this world just tells me that this world is Jujutsu Kaisen. I could still be wrong, but after diving deep into the foreign memories of Gojo Satoru, I am 90% sure.

"Sh—Shi Bu. Shi Bu Ya—Shibuya Station. Got it," I muttered, struggling to decipher the scattered debris on the floor, hoping it would give me a clue about my exact location. I was in a run-down, trash-filled, and destroyed part of the station.


'Making my way ghost town, walking fast, all alone, in this place~ Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur.' I ran an abridged song of my own in my head.

Purposefully, I strolled down the dimly lit corridors of Shibuya Station, feeling utterly lost in this maze of pathways. My best guess was that I am in the East part of Shibuya Station, or at least that's what I hoped. You know how these train stations can mess with your sense of direction, if you are a foreigner right? They are complex puzzles with more entrances and exits than you can count. And in Japan, they take it to a whole new level – stations so massive they're practically labyrinths. They even have malls within a train station.

Strangely enough, this train station bore a resemblance to the one in the Kaguya World, though I couldn't identify much else in common besides the pathways similarities. It was at this moment that the oddity of the situation truly hit me. Everything about this was just... weird. There was no calendar and clock to tell me what time and day it was because they were all destroyed.

It was now, that thought crossed my mind – Ah fuck, it's Jujutsu Kaisen, and has to be the Shibuya Arc going on right now. Wait, did it start happening or is it ongoing? As if on instinct, I reduce my presence. It wouldn't do to have people knowing there is another Gojo Satoru running free around at this point in time.

My original intention was to have fun with the three of them(Kaguya,Flone, & Hayasaka). But now I'm alone for the first time in a new world. What am I supposed to truly do? I mean, yeah, fighting Sukuna sounds fun, but what about the whole process of getting to that point? I can only do that after Yuji eats all 20 fingers, or maybe 19. Wait, Sukuna also needs that new body, Megumi.

For now, I figured I'd play the spectator. I'd watch and wait, then step in on my terms when the time was right. With my 6 eyes, I seamlessly layered it with Ranmaru's Dōjutsu. My gaze effortlessly penetrated through walls, scouring for survivors or concealed individuals. Simultaneously, the dojutsu worked to prevent any leaks and cloak my presence entirely from sensing me.

There was a sense of uncertainty, emptiness, and hesitation within me.


10:20 PM

Inokashira Line Shibuya Station Avenue Gate.

Maki Zenin, Kento Nanmi, and Naobito Zenin descended the stairs in unison, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit passageway. The path led them downward to the train platforms.

"Everyone felt that presence right?" Nanmi asked.

"Yeah. It disappeared just as it appeared. It's not a problem, that idiot (Yuta Okkotsu) probably exorcized it already." Maki commented.

A/N: Kaguya Otsutsuki's presence.

"I think a bigger problem is that Satoru Gojo was sealed? Right? He's a clown for sure but I don't want to believe he was sealed." Naobito mused.

"Yes. However, even if he is just a fake, Geto seems to be involved. We can assume he planned everything." Nanmi stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I for one wouldn't mind letting things be and bearing the witness to the decline of the Gojo family." Naobito held his chin up as they walked while thinking.

"Oui, go home if you're not going to help." Maki rebuked him

A smug grin danced on Naobito's lips as he retorted, "Heh heh."

"Go home? I'd say that's more for you Maki. Am I right, or am I right? Grade 1! Sorcerer Nanami?" Naobito asked naturally.

"Maki. As far as this is concerned I agree with Naobito." Nanami agreed with his statement.

"Hah?! I'm definitely more useful than a drunk." Maki annoyingly retorted.

"You have been drinking?!" Nanmi angrily asked.

"Not eeeeven one sssip." Naobito answered. "Haaah '' As he burped as the smell of alcohol came out from him.

Nanami seriously thought that maybe he was better off on his own. That's when both Maki and Nanami noticed something peculiar.

"Nanami…" Maki noticed something sinister.

"Yeah I can see it." Nanami responded. They both rushed and started running towards their target.

A cursed spirit with the appearance of a muscle baby squid peeked at them. But there was a human sorcerer behind the cursed spirit.

"You two… are a little too slow" Naobito was already ahead of them and trapped the squid-like cursed spirit in a frame of a photo.

Both Maki and Nanami were taken aback, their expressions a mix of shock and astonishment at his speed. 'A cursed technique?' they both wondered in their minds.

That was when Naobito punched the glass of a photo frame of the special grade cursed spirit within it. The cursed spirit received a strong punch that caused him to reappear and fly across the room.

"Did you see what happened, Nanami?" Maki's voice sought confirmation.

Nanami admitted, "No, I didn't."

The squidlike cursed spirit was writhing in agony, emitting erratic noises until it finally expelled a grim sight: human bones and remains. The pile of human bones was substantial, numbering possibly in the hundreds.

After spouting a bunch of nonsense, the cursed spirit undergoes an immediate transformation of sorts, shedding its prior form like a discarded husk. From within emerged a new entity – a fully developed cursed spirit. He did start to look like some Cthulhu alien monster, like Villgax from Ben Ten.

"No wonder you were so weak..." Naobito smiled as he said this,"You were just a cursed womb."


I was making a move after I saw activities happening in platform A. My eyes widened as I struggled to believe what I was seeing. "Is that fucking Villgax?" I muttered in disbelief, questioning what I was seeing through my eyes. Then I remembered 'Ah shit. It is a special grade cursed spirit.'

A/N: Villgax is an alien monster, a cartoon from a show called Ben Ten.

I could have simply broken through the walls as a shortcut, but I didn't want to potentially collapse the train station underground. I had the ability to teleport, but I didn't want them to notice me. I was hesitating to join in for a reason. Because of this scene, I now know that Gojo Satoru had already been sealed.

Still, I rushed towards the scene at my normal pace. By the time I arrived, they were already nearing the conclusion of their intense life-and-death battle. And then, that was when I heard it. The cursed spirit lying on the ground had to activate its technique, even though it seemed to be cornered.

"Domain Expansion: Horizon of the Captivating Skandha." Dagon proclaimed. I watched the technique unfold.

"Shit." In the blink of an eye, a barrier materialized. It blocked me from entering, due to me being outside of the range. I was late to react because I took my sweet time watching it happening.

"Fuck." I muttered quietly. This was my first time witnessing someone else use domain expansion, and it was undeniably awe-inspiring.

'What should I do? Should I force my way in with a punch, or should I try entering through with my own domain expansion?'

But what happens after? Once I step in, things are going to change. I've learned that change isn't always a good thing, so I'm not sure. I have the power and authority to do whatever I want. I am not on the side of the sorcerer or cursed spirits here (I want to fight 19/20 finger Sukuna. So I need the story not to change.). So, as I stood there contemplating whether to enter or not. I decided I should at least try expanding my domain.

But at that moment, when I decided to finally use my domain expansion I caught wind of another presence, followed by yet another one not too far behind. It was definitely Megumi and Toji. I concealed my own presence furthermore and took a step back. 'Ahhhh, just as when I was about to use it. Was fights always this fast?' I sighed.

I'm not even sure Toji could sense my presence. He is in his reanimated state and on an instinctive mission to take out the strongest. He is not talkative either. After all, this is Toji, who is in a very special case of resurrection. That is why I am stepping back. I will definitely be targeted if I were to reveal myself.

Right on time, Megumi arrived on the scene. He immediately activated his own domain expansion; Chimera Shadow Garden. Entering inside the enemy's domain and setting the stage for a domain tug-of-war. This move effectively neutralized the guaranteed hit effect within the enemy's domain expansion. If I were to join by activating my domain expansion right now, it could potentially dismantle all existing domains, or mine might engulf them all, killing them all.

If that's the case, I just have to time it right when Megumi tries to expand his domain again while inside, tearing the barrier apart to create an opening.

Everyone inside the domain was preparing to set their plans into motion and the intensity of the battle escalated, Toji entered the area. In a sudden and shocking turn of events, a hole was torn open in the barrier, adding a new and unpredictable element to the already chaotic situation for the people inside the domain.

Just as Toji entered through the hole.

"Domain Expansion. Unlimited Void." That was until when I announced my attack.

With that, a third and fourth party joined the fray.
