
A family union

Upon returning home, their arms laden with bags of groceries and drinks, Ziana and Zayden discovered the others in the midst of setting up the yard for the eagerly awaited barbecue. The air was thick with the mouthwatering aroma of sizzling meat, accompanied by the satisfying crackling of the grill as it roared to life. Amidst the joyful sounds of laughter and lively chatter, an atmosphere of celebration hung in the air, reflecting the profound bond that was being woven among the reapers and her family, gracing a smile over Ziana's lips.

A new presence had joined the group as well—none other than Lady Winter herself. She relaxed on a reclined chair, relishing the cocktail Norah had extended her. Raising her glass, she greeted Ziana with a warm smile before turning her gaze to her son, who was burdened with bags. A playful smile tugged at her lips as she caught Zayden's scowl, seemingly relishing his evident distaste for these mundane human chores.