
Helltown - (Moved to a New Link)

Moved to this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/helltown_29596716400125205 Two weapons clanged. A sturdy long stick with a large mace on top was swayed aside by a strong female warrior. She dug her heel into onto the dusty surface, scowling at her opponent. With her short reddish hair and a menacing yell, she trusted her chain mace towards a tall girl with a long pointy tail and protruding fangs. The pretty demon-looking girl barely dodged her attack, throwing her body to the ground of the arena. The audience behind the flimsy fence roared and cheered in a frenzy. They were packed tight around the rocky walls, thirsting for blood. The fallen girl heaved, holding her weapon tight. Standing up, she narrated, "Someone once joked 'Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company'. Only fools can believe this to be true." Her opponent cackled with a smirk, ready for another attack. "Do you want to know what it's like down here? Well, let me tell you.” Moving into the defensive position, the girl growled, exposing her fangs. She let out a battle cry as their metal weapons met with a loud clang. “And it all started with my death.” The woman in question entered this world as a very old and very ill woman. The woman died peacefully surrounded by her loved ones. She had led a good life and was a kind person, or so it would seem. After closing her eyes, she entered a hell-like dimension. It resembled a large city floating on a lake of molted lava, with black skyscrapers filled with evil people and demons alike, called Helltown. With very little resources in this horrible place, she had to find a way to survive. Luckily, there was hope. The woman used a spell to become a beautiful young woman. She was also very strong. Making a new identity for herself, the main protagonist fought pig demons, escaped the reeking slums. On the way she ended up in a brothel and then as a gladiator in an arena. With many enemies and shifty allies, she became a favorite of the audience and finally managed to catch a break. Finding her spot in the top floors of the skyscrapers, the intrigues truly start. After all her adventures, and she still did not why she was sent there. Along the way, we learn more about her life on Earth and the possible reasons for her fall. Back in Helltown, the cunning woman learns quickly about the ins and outs of the place. She adapts and even thrives, but tries not to lose her humanity. Can she stay sane among such evil? Even more important, what was brewing in those depths and how did it affect the life on Earth? A lot, actually. If so, can she save the world? Her family? Can she escape?

sofiawild · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The good old days

With the 70s rolling around and the end of the State's involvement in overseas war, a sense of change was in the air. Still, the now university student had other things in mind.

Standing in a dark corner, she observed a row of lit candles. Her hair is covered with a familiar, costly scarf which mysteriously appeared four years ago. Ever since that day, Tiffany could not shake the feeling that something supernatural was involved. She took every opportunity she had to visit different places of worship and learn as much as she could. Sadly, none of her efforts were rewarded.

She stood, somewhat awkwardly next to a table with wooden icons, similar to those seen in early Christianity history books. Their composed faces seem to watch her as she moved through the secluded hallway. 

Tiffany put some coins in the donation box and murmured a few words. On her way out, a priest in black greeted her. "Did you find what you were looking for?" 

The girl smiled politely. "Yes, thank you. It will be a nice addition to my essay on medieval arts."

"I'm happy to hear that. There are not many young people who are interested in spiritual things. All these students only seem to care about is get drunk at parties and messing about."

He looked outside and frowned. "Like that girl over there. Look how she spread herself on the hood of that car. And just look at how she's dressed. I've seen night workers with more decency."

"Hmm, yes, my generation has truly fallen. Father, there is something else I was meaning to ask you. Tell me, please. During your long years of service. Have you ever witnessed a miracle happening in this place?"

The priest hummed. "I'm not sure what you would consider a miracle. There were a few sick people who got better after visiting. If that is what you mean."

"I meant more like," she started a bit insecure. "Have any things materialized? Out of thin air?"

The man blinked confused. "Not that I know of," he uttered carefully.

"I see. Thank you for your time," she nodded and hastily left. Making sure that the priest was no longer in sight, she walked towards the skimpily dressed girl.

Regina was leaning on her car, watching her nails, bored. As Tiffany came closer, she took off her scarf, showing her wavy highlighted hair.

Her friend made a face, watching the small building. "Fine hobby you have there?" she added sarcastically.

"Excuse me. Aren't you the one who went temple-hopping with that hippy guru-"

"Oh, don't even mention that freak. I'm so glad my mom left him," she blurted getting visibly upset. "We just can't pick them, I guess."

Her friend caressed her hand to comfort.

"So anyway! I seriously don't understand why you keep coming to such freaky deaky places," Reggie said, getting into the driver's seat.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "As I told you. Time and time again... It helps me with my major. And besides, it's kind of peaceful in there," she replied calmly.

"Tiff," her friend uttered worried. "Is there something going on? I mean, you would tell me if you had a problem, right?"

"And what problem could I possibly have?" Tiffany said curious.

Reluctant, Reggie uttered, "You aren't planning to become a nun, are you?"

Stunned, Tiffany turned to her and burst into laughter. "What in the world made you think that?"

"Well, you've been acting strange. You're reserved and quiet. I mean, you were never a chatterbox, but it was always that wise calculated silence... Like, keep laughing peasants, you know who is going to have the last laugh."

Tiff puffed amused. "Oh please, I wasn't that scary, was I?"

Regina ferociously nodded, making her laugh.

"You were so fierce back in high school they called you the 'Queen Bee'. Not like now. You have closed up completely. Even from me. Why?" Reggie uttered concerned.

Tiff smiled gently and placed her head over her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm just... thinking about my life. Making plans, you know."

"What is there to think about? You have excellent grades, a hunk boyfriend, who worships you. What more do you need?" Regina said.

Tiff hummed. "Yes... Everything seems so perfect from the outside, doesn't it?"

"Is everything okay with you and Tim?" her Reggie whispered worried.

"Of course. He is such a sweetheart. He treats me well and my parents love him," Tiffany said, but her gaze went elsewhere.

"Then what is the problem? Is he cheating on you?"

Tiffany let out a deep sigh and uttered: "No. It's just... do you think I'm pretty enough to have such a boyfriend? I mean, he is a really popular dude..."

"Oh come on," Regina puffed mad. "You're a hot fox if I ever saw one."

"Please don't patronize me, Reggie. I'm smart enough to know how average-looking I am," Tiff declared.

Her friend could only shake her head. "Whatever happened to that confident girl I used to know? You were so cool back then when you twirled people around your little finger."

"When did I do that?" Tiff gasped.

"Don't you remember when you made the entire chess club run leaps around the football field just because one accidentally tripped you in the lunchroom? One glance from you and whoosh... They were standing straight just like mumbling and stuttering more than usual," Reggie said, snapping her finger.

Her friend shrugged. "Not like it was a challenge. It was the chess club after all."

Reggie chuckled with glee. "And do you remember how you tricked that girl into getting us the lock of her brother's hair?"

"Mmm yes and his sweaty T-shirt." Tiffany bit her lip, blushing. "In my defense, he was totally bodacious."

"You mean bodylicious?" Reggie grinned, giddy. They chuckled, driving to the beach. 

The two friends laughed, reminiscing. "What can I say, I was a horny teen. Doing what horny teens do."

Regina smiled, nostalgic for their high-school life. "Yeah, things seemed so simple back then. I was sure you're gonna be something big."

Two very handsome boys were goofing off near an open-top car. Seeing them, they waved and hooted.

Regina smiled, blowing a kiss. Tiff waved, faking a happy grin.

"So what will you do now?"  Reggie asked, not changing her expression.

"I don't know."

"Are you going to ditch him?"

"No... Maybe. I don't know," Tiff said and smiled, looking at her boyfriend's muscular physic.

Regina giggled, knowing exactly what that meant. "You are horrible."

"Hey, I may no longer be a teen, but I'm still horny," Tiffany whispered giggly. Not long after, she hopped into the boy's open arms.

This memory was a pleasant distraction from Cassandra's current plight.

"How could I've been so stupid? I should have known this was a trap. Why did I come so willingly? What's wrong with me?" she thought, swallowing her tears. 

"Finally, some fresh meat!" someone's voice echoed from the dark oval corridor. The scream completely startled the nostalgic Cassandra. 

"Who said that?" she said, reaching for the bars. There was no reply. She stood up, grabbing the metal bars. The dimly lit place was filled with rows upon rows of identical cells.

"Hello? Answer me?" she tried again.