
Hello, Mr. Major General

Gu Nianzhi had no idea how to get the aloof and handsome Major General to fall in love with her. His eyes were dark and serious. "...Seduce me. If you can do it, I’m yours." Gu Nianzhi: "!!!" Disclaimer: The following stories contains sexual assault, rape, nonconsensual acts, mentally abusive relationships, and violence towards women. Readers are advised to proceed with caution.

Han Wuji · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2264 Chs

Our own Bedstories.

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"The Tunguska Explosion? Gosh, I was wondering why the name sounded so familiar. So that's the reason " Gu Nianzhi took out her phone and searched for it.

There were many news articles and explanations online, but many of them had been reproduced from the same article, so they all looked the same.

"An explosion more than a hundred years ago was as powerful as 20 million tons of TNT. Wow, was too powerful. There hadn't been an atomic bomb back then, so how could there have been such a powerful explosion? " Gu Nianzhi astonished.

"Tens of millions of trees within more than 2,000 square kilometers were burned and charred. The way they fell was very strange. They all pointed to a center, just like the crop circles of later generations. "

When seeing that Gu Nianzhi was surprised, "Haven't the crop circles been proved to be man-made, not a natural phenomenon? "