
Hellbent Moon-mates: Sociopathic x Empathic

AN: Our Lovely Lady of the blue lantern, please be magnanimous and kindly rest in pieces. "You must know the saying 'Stars spark when they touch?' But stars did not spark when we touched, hell did." Savannah Granger was only twenty four when she began caring for her bed ridden comatose boyfriend who she had found having sex with her neighbor the night he had an accident. Struggling to care for her "boyfriend" and keeping the home in which she and her boyfriend shared so many memories, Savannah was sinking deeper and deeper but…. ….. The mirrors…. The mirrors…. What was that thing that looked like an animal who hid in the darkness? Who was that in her mirror every night? What was a mate? "You have never known a man like me, Shepherd, even if I have to bend you over backwards and brand every inch of you with my mark, you will become my hellraiser, now what's our safe word darling?" Her eyes glistened with tears, and misty with excitement gazed up at him. She whispered, "Monster."

Merci_Douglas · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


<p>AN: Carving, smoothing, and adorning you into my perfect little devil will be my biggest comfort.<br/><br/>The winds ushered itself inside the house through the open window. The black crow on the willow tree close to the house pierced it's black eyes into the house. It seemed to be earnestly watching something inside the house, its beak once in a while to crow at the scene in front of it <br/><br/>The moon outside was half full. It seemed to have descended closer to the earth, imposing greatly, winking at the green pastures below. It was a deep dark red while it's other half hid inside a thick white fog that was the sky.<br/><br/>The breeze danced with the green leaves that made up the floor outside, teasing them as it howled towards the house, slowly but surely the cold breeze danced towards the house, it's teasing play was no more as it banged the open window to spread wider, it's sudden intrusion made the 2feet tall metal whistle jingle and chime.<br/><br/>As the whistle aligned against the beige wall jingled and chimed a pair of round black eyes darted towards the door, the eyes seemed like they were almost begging the black door for something.<br/><br/>Bile rolled down a certain pale delicate throat, and her bow-carved red lips that had become tinted a pale blue by the invading winds, quivered greatly whilst her small hands gripped the white sheet of paper filled with contents.<br/><br/>The winds chilled, sighing softly, while a cold air reflected against the steel whistles.<br/><br/>Her eyes narrowed back the paper, eyebrows pulling into a deep frown, skin pressed against her eyelids as she squinted seemingly fighting the withholding the tears that had turned her eyes glassy.<br/><br/>The winds began slamming against her window harder than before, and the grow began to flutter it's wings while crowing repeatedly at her.<br/><br/>Savannah sunk her teeth into the corner of her lips, as sweat managed to drip from her neck into her lower back even though the back of her cloth had turned frosty over the course of a few seconds.<br/><br/>The winds sighed against her golden mirror with curved and delicate designs at the edge the color gold. The mirror's front reflected the chillness in the room which was still dropping faster and faster.<br/><br/>Another windy and chilly sigh landed as a set of pitch black fingers matted with thick fur and curved blackened thick claws joined with the fingers pushed out from the mirror.<br/><br/>The fingers became hands, and legs stepping out from the mirror. It was covered with thick black fur, it's domineering height pushed against the ceiling. Fur covered face, knife-like fur covered ears, descended down, a pair of predatory golden eyes narrowed down at her.<br/><br/>It opened it's mouth, showing off it's thick and vicious canines.<br/><br/>Savannah felt cold and furry skin near her back. A growl emitted from it.<br/><br/>"Read," it was a cruel deep and gravelly hush hush voice.<br/><br/>Savannah swallowed while keeping her on the paper in her shaking hands. "Dear Savvy,<br/>We don't know if you'll live but if you do you should know we love you more than anything in this world, but sometimes love is not enough.<br/><br/> We can no longer pretend we know not of the chaos you will bring. We hope you never come across your destiny, and we beg of you that you kill yourself if you ever do.<br/><br/>Love your parents."<br/><br/>Another chilling breeze swept past her neck, causing the hair on her neck to stand erect. The bone-chilling sounds of bones snapping echoed through the room, it was a swift rhythm and happened as fast as the cold breeze.<br/><br/>Suddenly on the ground the shadow of a large terrifying monster slowly receded into nothingness, and what arose was a normal shadow of a man.<br/><br/>The man's platinum eyes looked down before he crouched down to pick the robe that laid on the ground. He put on the grey robe, not bothering to tie it, leaving out his erect veiny thick cock out on display. Each tight and hard muscle pulled and grinded against each other as he stalked forward.<br/><br/>His black hair with tiny curls and green streaks plastered against his forehead, whilst his platinum eyes danced with lust and enthusiasm. He stretched out his fingers, each knuckles ridden with alphabets, systematically spelling out SHEPHERD. The knuckles grazed against the thick bone-straight black hair of Savannah.<br/><br/>His back muscles pulled, shoulder blades hunching up, and cock twitching from the slight contact between them. He allowed his firm pink colored lips to hook to the side.<br/><br/>He left her back, addressing her front whilst trying to capture her black eyes hidden behind her thick eyelashes. <br/><br/>He cocked his head to the side, vibrant tattoos which filled his neck barred out. "Darling, why do you bother fighting this? Ah, our fates were written in the stars." A human-like hoarse voice mixed with a monster-like deep voice made her shiver.<br/><br/>She squeezed her legs, the chill before changing into heat, heat that attacked all her senses, heat that began to slither down her cunt. <br/><br/>She did not look up at him when she spoke. "I thought you didn't believe in fate?" <br/><br/>His shoulders shrugged nonchalantly. "You're right, what does it matter what Harry, Dick, and Tom say? I will possess, I will claim, and you will become my little monster in distress."<br/><br/>"I will never be yours to claim, I will never become a Hellraiser," she finally looked up, into his platinum eyes.<br/><br/>He smiled for a fleeting second, almost convincing her that he would leave her alone but then the smile suddenly dropped and his expression turned menacing.<br/><br/>He grabbed her fragile neck with his big hand. Easily he lifted her small figure from the ground, eyes brimming with hatred and a tinge of lust, ridding itself of the fake affection in them before.<br/><br/>Bones snapped, and the tearing sounds of clothes echoed. Skin became fur, and man became animal. The human man turned into the huge menacing creature from before.<br/><br/>His platinum eyes that were teething with pure hatred and desire gazed into her frightened black onces. <br/><br/>"You are so fucking stupid, Savannah," He boomed, fanged canines bared at her.<br/><br/>Her smaller hands grabbed his big hairy one. Pleasing was shown in her eyes, as her pale skin began to turn an awful blue.<br/><br/>"Know this Shepherd, neither your cunt parents, the bitch moon goddess, or even yourself can stop me from claiming you. You will bear the mark of the beast and become a Hellraiser, even if I have to burn your world down."<br/><br/>He inched closer towards her face, fur covered face grazing against her smooth one. "... Perhaps then it'll be just you and I." He stuck out his big tongue and swept it on her pale blue cheek.<br/><br/>Her eyes shut and her heart stopped.</p>

Actually I must say that this story is going to be difficult for me. The male lead is not like my former Male lead, I created him to be emotionally detached, so the relationship between the Male lead and the Female lead is way darker than WVW.

Merci_Douglascreators' thoughts