
HELL with being an extra

The novle is my First work as a Newbie plzzzz forgive any mistake. If there is amy mispronunciation plzz tell me about it as English is not my native language. The novle is a way to correct my English. "This novel is about a guy who is cunning and selfish. He does not give a dame about the plot of novle.and take as many thing as possible from the protagonist of the novle he transmigrated into. Oh and there is no harem shit.so the is not for harem lover..... And the Cover page is not own by me so if the creator want i will delete to cover page let me know

XERXIS_224 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

The Clubhouse War part-3

Philip saw he was in a jungle. And was wearing a black jacket and black jeans.

He had a sword hanging on his waist. Philip takes the sword out of the scabbard and saw it was a well-built sharp long sword.

Philip after placing his sword back in the scabbard, start walking.

Soon he discovered a lot of goblins walking in the forest.

The goblins saw him and started to attack him. Philip giving them no mind start running in the opposite direction.

There was no reason to fight against the goblins. When there is no gain in it.

Soon Philip came in front of a mountain. Without waiting Philip start climbing the mountain to get a better view of the surrounding.

After climbing the mountain Philip stay there for the rest of his time until he saw a red book coming from the sky.

"Philip said to himself, "There you are".

On the other side of the map, Kevin was looking for a big tree to climb on to inspect the surrounding.

But to his luck, he found Jin in the path.

" Hey, Jin".


" What"?


" what are we going to do now that we meet together"

"We will stick to the plan. We will get a flag before the other team and then regroup with others and get the black flag before the other team does."

"I see".

" Let's do that then".

"So..." before Kevin say his work he saw a red box coming from the sky, a few kilometres away from them.

"Jin look, a box is coming in that direction"

"What", Jin looked that way and both of them started running to the box.

Soon they came in front of the box, they opened the box and saw a flag inside the box.

With a happy face, they took the flag.

" Now all we have to do is regroup and wait for the black flag to come."

"Yes, there is no way they can fight against all of HEXAD. Even though they have Philip and Melisa."

Philip was running toward Melisa who saw from the tree branch he was sitting on.

He soon catches her.


"Wow, you scared me there".

" So, did you find that box came from the sky a few minutes ago?"

"Yeah, I did".

" Wow, where"?

"It is Jin's hands now."

"what? What do you mean by Jin's hand now? You should have taken it."

"No need to worry. Don't you see the sun is going down?"


" They have never felt scared off anything in their life you know, as a result, they have become arrogant, they think they can do anything they want."

Melissa was puzzled by Phillip's words, "what do you mean?"

"Well you see, I will show them what a true terror is?"

For the first time, Melissa felt afraid of Philip. But she didn't say anything because the monster in front of her was their monster.

Yes, Melissa, no everyone in the Philips team has already understood how terrifyingly overpowered Philip is.

After that Philip leaves Melissa and starts tracking down all the other members of the HEXAD.

"13 Deadly Sword Art" wasn't just any normal sword art. If one analysis it properly they will understand the sword art was made to use for assassination. So does the footwork it uses"The Ghost Step" was also a footwork technique that is modified for assassination attempts.

And the most proficient time for assassination is nighttime. And the best place for an assassination is the jungle.

That is why Philip asked Dona the make sure they were sent to a jungle and the time to be nighttime.

Before Jin and Kevin got to the flag Philip had already placed a tracking device inside the flag which he made with ornate.

Philip knew there are going to regroup together and starch for the black flag.

So Philip follows Jin and Kevin with the "Ghost step" until they all meet together.

After meeting together the HEXAD team has made a camp.

"So what is the next step we will be taking ". Riya asked Kevin.

" We will be waiting here until we see the black box".

"Hmmm, I see. Well I will go and take a look if anyone is nearby".

" ok, be careful "

Riya got up from her sit and start walking toward the darkness.

She looks around the darkness with her handmade bamboo torchlight. She after couldn't see anything turn around but to her biggest nightmare, she saw Philip's face popping out from the dark.

Riya was so scared that not a single sound came out of her mouth. soon she saw Philip blowing out her bamboo torch.

It was already 10 minutes that Riya left but she did not come back to the camp.

Now Kevin was afraid, "I will go and see if something has happened. "

When Kevin got out and start using fireball to see in the dark he saw the whole XERXES team except Philip was waiting for him.

"What the..." before he could finish the whole team started to attack Kevin.

Kevin could have easily won if it was a one-on-one fight, but it's a different thing if it's three-on-one.

Kevin try the fire a fireball in the sky to notice Jin the situation.

"No, you don't" Antonio shouted and launch an attack with his spear.

Kevin avoid the attack for a year inches and cast the spell " Ice Arrow".

Soon an Arrow made of ice appears in the air and was launched aiming at Antonio. But the arrow was destroyed by Melissa's arrow.

As soon as Kevin's arrow got destroyed, Melissa launched several more arrows toward Kevin.

"Shit, " Earth wall" Kevin cast another spell.

And soon a wall made of rocks was created and defended against the arrows.

While the arrows clashes with the wall Kevin cast a fireball and tries to launch it in the air and noticed Jin but soon heard another voice,

"Yo, you forgot me" it was James.

Kevin quickly try to turn around but unfortunately before he could do that a huge hammer hit his abdomen and sent Kevin flying to the wall he just made with rocks.

After getting hit and clashing with the wall Kevin fall to the ground and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

" Cough...y.you bastard what did you do to Riya"

"Nothing much, we just killed her and sent her to real life," Melissa said.

"Kevin was completely shocked because he knew even if a person never dies in V R simulation but they feel the same amount of pain they would have felt in real life."

Kevin was angry, he was so angry that if he could he would have killed every single one of them.

But as mage Kevin has a low physical ability. He has already lost all his mana while trying to block James' hammer.

This was the first time in his life Kevin felt so powerless.

"I will kill you, I will kill you all" Kevin shouted as loudly as he can in hope of Jin or Youna listening to his cry but unfortunately the sound couldn't make it that far because of the trees.

"Yo, don't shout at us, it was all Philip's plan".

" Who knew that guy was such a villain," James said while walking towards Kevin.

"He looked at Kevin and said, " Don't worry, we will send the others too, Philip has gone to do that you know".

After that James pick up his giant hammer and launched an attack aiming at Kevin's head.

"Philip Denov" that was the last word, Kevin said before he woke up in his capsule.

On the other hand, Philip and Jin's sword was clashing against each other.

Jin still couldn't believe his eyes what he saw. A few minutes ago Philip poop up from the dark and strangled Youna's neck and took her inside the darkness.

It happened so fast that even though it happened in front of Jin's eyes he couldn't do anything but only look.

After getting his composure back Jin searched for Youna but he couldn't find her.

As he was searching for Youna a sword come aiming his head. Jin senses the danger and blocks the attack with his sword.

It was Philip who attacked him.

"What is the meaning of this" Jin shouted.

"What do you mean by that, we are just doing what we have to do to win".

" There are no rules about not to kill the opponent are there".

At that moment Jin had an ominous feeling.

"W.what did you do to others?"

"What I am going to do to you."

" In your dreams you bastard".

Back to the present,

Jin was sure he could win against Philip. He that it was Philip's greatest mistake to confront him head-on. He was sure to win against Philip and punish him for his immortality towards his teammates.

"But why, why can't I be able to beat him? What is happening? Who can he be so powerful?"

Soon an uppercut slash comes aiming at Jin and breaks his thoughts.

Jin tries his best to block the attack but was thrown back by the impact of the sword clashing.

Jin has lost all his powers. He tries to get up but before he could stand up Philip launches another heavy down cut.

Jin tries to block Philips's attack but Philips's attack brocks his sword and cuts his right hand.

"Aaakh my hand.

" Why are you crying, it's not like your hand is actually cut off. Is?" Philip said while walking toward Jin.

"I will kill you. You son of a bitch"

"Yeah, yeah in your dreams"

That was the last thing Jin heard before he saw he was inside the capsule.

In the monitoring room, Dona and the others were in shock. They couldn't get what just happened.

"We couldn't even able to send the last box"

Dona touches her forehead with her hand and mumbled,

"If you are just going to assassinate them why the hell do you ask for a shity game?"