
: Solo Path..

The three of them had been walking for straight five hours and still they haven't come across any createure..

Boruto could not think of anything than the fact maybe they had entered a wrong tunnel,he kept his lookout with a flame burning at his which illuminated around the cave.

As soon as they stopped with sentron looking at Boruto who replied with a nod before added to his motion

Boruto extended two of his right fingers as flames gathered at the tip only for him to shoot it out straight to the darkness that lies in front of them..

'you know maybe we might have taken the wrong path..'

'he is right sign up,I don't think we're moving at the right track..'

Even with his friends asking him still kept his,

jack still kept his head down and his hands tuck in,he just kept on walking like he was just fixed to keep his walking at one straight path.