
hell in life

chayma22chou07 · Realista
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3 Chs

the rules

I woke up at 3 in the morning .. I saw a nightmare I won't remember it it's scared when my step dad hit me very hard with his belt and I was just 9-year-old .. I used to see nightmare so I relaxed myself and went to the kitchen I heard loyed and Evan talking about me so I stay there and Eavesdropping on them

- "where is she ? Why she brings him back now after theses years," loyed said

- "I donno , I think her husband doesn't want him ,she told me that She has been married for seven years" Evan said

- "what the fuck , she didn't care about us and my dad and now her little son " loyed said

- "she's irresponsible How did Leo look to you?" Evan said

-" I think he's not like her ..but he's angry , he doesn't not give confidence to anyone He also cursed me " loyed said

- "what ?And you didn't warn him, right? "

- "no , he was.."

-" who's there?" Evan interrupt loyed hearing the picture fell because I bumped into it ( how stupid I am)

-" it's me , sorry guys if I scared you "

- "why are you not in your bed ? are you eavesdropping us ?" Evan ask

-"no I was just coming to drink a glass of water and didn't pay attention to my steps, so I was bumped by this painting "

- "no problem come in , here " loyed said giving me a glass of water

- "thank you "

- "leo , are you okey ?"Evan said

- "yeah "

- "no you aren't"

- "so you know better then me ?"

He glared at me with his gray cold eyes this glare scared me and I want to cry

- "okey fine , I see a nightmare"

- "and what do you see in your nightmare ?" Loyed asked

- "I don't remember , can I go to bed? "

- "sure bud , and leo don't talk back to me again " Evan said

I ignored him and went to the room

It's 8 am i get up when Rayen slap me

- "ow , what the fuck jerk"

- "chicken 🐔 come on wake up the others waiting you on the table "

- "I'm not hungry"

-" I don't care come on or I'll beat you "

- "I'm not afraid "

- "okey you'll be now

We interrupted by lina entered the room"

-" good morning honey , Ryan can you let us alone please?"

- "good morning , sure sis"

- "what do you want ?"

-" nothing just I want to told you that if the boys hurt you or do something bad to you just tell me"

- "okey , thank you "

- "come on , we are waiting"

- "I'll wash my face and change my clothes and I come"

She left the room 10 min later I entered the kitchen where all my siblings are waiting me, I only found a place beside Evan, so I sat even though I didn't want to

- "sorry for my late"

- "no problem ."loyed said

The meal is delicious : pancakes , juice , .. but I'm not hungry I used to not eat breakfast

- "why you doesn't eat leo ?" Evan asked

- "do you not like the breakfast .. I'll cook for you another meal." lina said

- "no lina thank you , but I'm not hangry "

- "why ?? You don't eat enough last day and.."

-" why are you pressing me ? If you don't want me just tell me I'll live.. "

He glared at me and hit the table with his fist I quickly shut up and he said : "eat leo, and come in my office ."

All stare at me then Ben said : you are dead

- "what? why ?"

- "you'll find ."he chuckled and get out of the home with Rayen and lina

I looked at loyed then I said:

- "am i wrong ? What will he do to me ?"

- "you will find buddy go to him"

I entered his office he smiled to me and tell me :

-" I will make things easier between us , this is the roles:

1/ Respect everyone

2/ No sexual relations until age 21

3 / No drinking, smoking or drugs

4 / No quarrel , no curse,No lying, no secrets, Do not go out without permission

5/ No bad marks or fighting at school

6/ No staying up until 9 pm , no play video games to more than two hours

7/ don't talk back

The consequences will be in the order of error, and errors is arranged from the most serious consequences to the least

Am I clear ???"

- "what the hell , I'll not follow these laws, I'm not a slave and do whatever you want "

- "hey watch your language "

- "and if i don't, fuck you"

- " you are in a big problem ."

- "no I'm not , you all don't love me so let me go .. you think I'm bad I do not know what my mother told you , but I'm not like that, she made be like that and you'll make be worst then I am so fuck you all . "And I left the room and wear my coat and my sneakers and left the house I heard him calling me, but I got in a taxi and went to I don't know .. I didn't even know where I go so I returned home, I stayed in the garden while I was sitting I saw a small house above a tree I went up there and sat until I calmed down I felt that I knew this tree and this little house till I found a picture of me with a man I think is my father I didn't have any picture of him and Now I'm seeing him for the first time As I was coming down from the tree, one of the fools saw me and shouted:"Now you're a monkey . " So I let the branch and I fell to the ground and started screaming then I lost consciousness ....

I opened my eyes and found Evan in front of me saying:" Don't worry baby I am here,everything will be fine."

-"where we are ??"

- "in the room , the doctor has come and examined you, you will drink this medicine to relieve pain, take a shower and change your clothes then take a rest "

- "Evan "

- "yeah bro"

- "thank you , and I'm sorry for what i said and did in the morning , you can ground me"

- "just heal then we'll talk "

I showered and changed my clothes then I went to the office I knocked the door and he let me enter

- "let's talk , I'm overreacting , I cursed , I shouted and I talked back to you then I get out without permission so.."

-" buddy , It is enough for me that you admitted your mistakes, I'll let it slide this time "

- "thank you , "

-" leo sit down , I want to ask you something "

- "okey "

- "do you see the treehouse?"

- "yes , am I grounded?"

- "no , it's yours you built it with dad , when you're little and you're angry or upset you go there "

-"what ? I didn't remember but I think it's true .. Evan can I ask you now"

- "sure "

- "sleeping at 9 pm it's too early so can you made .."

- "okey 9 and 15 min"

- "that's funny ,if it's 10 better"

- "ohh no 9:30 pm "

- "okey this is a nice deal"

And we laughed then I let him work and went to the living room

I found ben and Rayen there

- "are you okey ??" Rayen asked

- "do you care ?? "

- "shut up and answer me "

- "yes, fine "

- "do you take your medicine?" ben asked

I nodded he said : "use your words ." I ignored him and watched the tv he come to me and push me in my stomach then he hit my arms and said : "answer with your words asshole or.."

- "okey okey , yes I take my medicine "

-" good boy , I think you are fine and you didn't need medicine some socks and slaps will heal you"

Ahhh I ignored him and go to sleep

------------------ to be continued