

"Headmistress, why did you need to see me?" Harry asked.

"I didn't. This ICW officer does." Olympe said as she walked out of her office, closing the door behind her.

Harry turned to look at this masked unspeakable.

"What do you want Algernon?" Harry asked.

The unspeakable dropped his mask. "Harry, I have but a simple question. What are you and your ladies doing on the Wittenbergplatz in Berlin?" Croaker said with a smirk.

"I won't even ask how you know. Hypothetically, we might be setting a trap." Harry fenced.

"A trap means a bunch of parts. First, for the ICW; what spells and why are you keep coming back?" Croaker asked with a wolfish grin.

"Anti-apparition, anti-port-key, muggle repellent, muggle obscuration, cct obscurement, power draining, power reduction, leyline redirection, and bleaching," Harry replied.

"For something like that, I have to assume the trap is for Dumbledore?" Croaker asked.

"Yes, I am the bait. He has a spy at Beauxbâtons. She is seducing me. Soon she will break my holly wand. I will then go to Berlin to get a new wand." Harry said with pride.

"You are something else, Mister Delacour," Algernon said shaking his head. He was proud of the boy. Harry had kept Neville safe. Now he was planning on killing off the last threat Neville had.

"I know. Did you perchance check the area to make sure we bleached out everything enough so that Dumblefuck would not realize it is a trap?" Harry asked.

"Now that I know what you are up to, I will do so with a team of specialists. I will send you an owl. Oh, I gather that you do not play on an intermural quidditch team. Olympe was trying to persuade you to change your mind. One of the teams' seekers currently cannot play." Algernon said. "You of course said, no, you don't have the time with lovely Hermione Delacour badgering you about studying."

This caused Harry to laugh. He knew Croaker would be spying on him.

"She is good for that. I don't think any student in this school could even doubt that reason." Harry replied.


Mister Harry Delacour

It was a nice job. However, we found some issues. Since it is for Albus's Greater Good; we fixed those. It is a go.

Head ICW Unspeakable, Croaker


Albus Dumbledore

I will be spending time with Harry on Thursday night. I will send you an owl if I fail to snap the stick.

Aurora Sinistra



Harry and anyone with him will not be returning to your school. After all it is better to kill an innocent than spare an enemy.



Harry was in his last class of the day. It was Astronomy with Professor Sinistra. He has to take this class for the second term of the year. Like all the electives; he had one term for those that he would not need or test in.

Since it was not that important to his life goals; he didn't have to put a lot of effort in. He was working on other classwork while in the class. Which is exactly what he was doing before he heard a stern voice calling out his name, "Mister Delacour. Mister Delacour, can you answer the question?"

Harry's eyes went wide as he felt everyone looking at him, some even snickering at the fact he got caught with his trousers down so to speak. "Um...stars." The entire class started to snicker at him while Hermione slapped her hand to her face at his stupid answer. She wished she had more of an influence on him to the point where he would be so well prepared he could answer any question.

Aurora Sinestra looked very cross at his answer. "Very bad guess. Just because this is only a survey course for you, doesn't give you the right to slack off in my class. Stay after class so we can go over your punishment for not paying attention." While she couldn't give him detention she planned to make him think twice before slacking off in her class.

Professor Sinistra understood why Harry was distracted he was never a star pupil who gave it his all anyway. She couldn't give him a pass because of his situation. He had to at least give a tiny bit of effort. She knew that students that were doing their magic knowledge survey classes; didn't even try. It irritated her. Plus, maybe she could get his wand away from the boy today.

After class, Harry stayed sitting until everyone was out of the room. Before he could stand and walk to the front of the room Professor Sinistra stood in front of his desk while crossing her arms. "Mister Delacour, while in class I need your focus here."

Harry nodded while trying to avoid eye contact. While his mind was protected, he didn't need to take any chances. "I know but I have a lot on my plate right now."

Aurora felt a wave of excitement. When the boy had responded, he had put his wand on the desk. "You still disrespected me."

Harry tried to look embarrassed while internally rejoicing. He would get laid; get his weakest wand snapped; and start a series of events that would end with him finally being free.

"No, I just have so much homework in my other classes. Since I get graded for them, not yours, it just happens. I am sorry." Harry lied.

Aurora leaned back on the desk behind her looking at Harry. While she was watching she was pleased that his eyes went up her legs to wear her short skirt ended.

"Okay, but you still need to show me more respect. At least in front of the other students." Aurora said.

"How?" Harry asked, hoping that he would get to dip his wick soon. His ladies had just teased him at lunch; just so he would be randy for this meeting. They even gave him a potion to drink for it.

"I will show you." When her students' deep green eyes met hers she felt the irresistible urge to kiss him. She noticed he had a bulge in his pants.

"We can think of something." Leaning over the desk she looked down to see a tent in between her student's legs. She remembered how large the boy was. It met her needs quite well. She swept the desk of all items on it. She then stepped on Harry's wand as it landed on the floor. It broke. She then had Harry lay down on the desk and before his hands went to his belt and button her hands stopped him. She undid his trousers for him. Pushing his pants enjoying watching his cock as it sprung out. Quickly her hand wrapped itself around his cock and she gave him one pump which made a clear dew drop appear at the tip.

She started to work her hand up and down his shaft. Even with a few drops of precum, he was much too dry for this to feel good so she spit in her hand. With that added lubrication her hand started to glide up and down. Harry started to moan the faster her hand went and he got even louder when she added a twist towards the tip.

Aurora spent a couple of minutes wanking Harry's length. "Stop holding back and cum. I want you to last longer when you shag me."

Those were the magic words because ropes of cum started flying out of his dick with such force the first one hit her chin. It made her flinch and stop her hand motions as she watched him make a mess of himself. His seed stained the bottom of his dress shirt and stomach. Unable to help herself she wiped her chin with her hand and was face to face with a dripping finger. Then to make sure Harry would not be angry about his wand. She proceeded with no hesitation she lunged forward and engulfed his glands in her mouth. From tip to ¾ of the way down her tongue licked up all of the seed from his length.

After Aurora was done she pulled back expecting to see his cock start to wilt but instead, it looked even stronger and more rigid. "That wasn't enough?" She teased. Knowing Harry could last more than one orgasm. '

Harry looked a little sheepish now, "That was amazing." While she did her best it was going to take more than that to get him soft.

He made a move to get up but her hand pushed his chest back down on the desk. "No, I want more." Bringing her filthy hands to her shoulders she pushed off her robe before ripping off her blouse and pushing her skirt down. Due to her small bust, she didn't even bother wearing a bra. She normally went commando. She saw his eyes fixated on her hairless, wet mound. Aurora mounted him on the desk and rubbed the length of her wet slit against his saliva-slick cock. Even just this was making her moan wantonly. "It's been so long."

Harry replied, "Then what are you waiting for?" While he could have gripped her hips and brought her down on him. He wanted to laugh but her core was too tight and slick. She was trying too hard to seduce him.

Not one to back down from a challenge she raised her hips and placed the head at her entrance before dropping her hips and letting his long hard dick penetrate her pussy. "Fuck this feels so good, we need to do this more often."

Harry's hands went to his Professor's hips as he took in her ebony skin. She had a lean and athletic body and small breasts.

"Merlin, why does his cock feel so good?" She would miss this when Albus killed the boy. Maybe she would get a proper shag from another student. After all, she would not be a teacher at this slag den next year. Worse, there was no longer a greater good school now. The familiar coiling in her stomach let her know she was going to cum sooner rather than later. This so far was the most toe-curling sex she has had with the boy. If it wasn't for the greater good, she would not set up the boy to die. He was that great of a shag.

Just before she was about to cum Harry held her butt in the air and wouldn't let her push her hips down and in a moment of brilliance he thrust his hips off the desk roughly shoving all this length into his teacher. When he did he saw Aurora Sinistra's eyes go wide for a split second and he felt her pussy gush with even more fluid. While he could have given her a moment to enjoy it he still wanted to release his seed in this stupid bint.

Aurora Sinistra was getting fucked harder than normal with the boy. Every thrust her student made in her core was long and full. Each time he bottomed out, his action made her see stars. Harry was panting as he was about to finish up with his teacher. Harry, could feel his seed churn in his balls as it shot its way up through the tip of his cock before being deposited in the dark skin beauty above him. "I'm cumming."

Aurora Sinistra was relieved, she wanted to be able to walk tonight. At least as far as her bed. That set her off again. Each warm splash of seed in her core enhanced and prolonged her orgasm. When she felt his orgasm end he let go of her ass and she was able to lay down on her student, no longer held up by his strong hands.

Harry smiled at her as he brushed some stray sweaty hair out of her face. "That was nice." He said laughing. This ended so much better than he was expecting.

Aurora narrowed her eyes thinking that there had to be more than that. The boy still did not notice that his wand was broken. So, she grabbed his length.

Harry felt the squeeze and gave her a low growl, "Be careful remember I am young and still have enough for another shag if you keep that up."

Aurora realized she had to accept it. She needed him docile when he saw his wand. "If you had to shag me again how would you do it?" She might be able to shift the blame to him; for his wand.

Harry grazed his hands from her firm bottom up her sides tickling her ribs before resting on her back. "Well you got to ride me I think it would only be fair if I returned the favor." She just nodded while looking at him with some heat.

"Are you sure, my slutty teacher?" Harry assumed she wanted a last shag with him since Dumbledore was going to kill him tomorrow.

Kissing him full on the lips she put in everything she was currently feeling before she said, "Fuck me any way you want."

Those were the magic words to Harry because before she knew it she was being held by her student in the air as he stood up. Now she had all of her hundred and ten pounds bearing down on the cock inside of her. With all of this weight pushing down so his length pierced her.

"Ahhh so deep." Aurora moaned, feeling him pound her cervix.

Harry ignored her words and focused on bouncing his teacher on his cock. If this was his last fuck of this bint he was going to make it count. "You feel so tight. I can't wait to fill you up again. Are you ready to get another load?" With his erotic declaration, he felt her core trying to massage his length as it impaled her roughly.

"Yes. Fill up your professor like the slag she is." After all, she had just set him up to die.

After a few minutes, Harry felt the familiar tug in his balls and he was close to filling up his teacher again. "I'm gonna cum professor. Are you ready?"

For the last few minutes, Aurora was just a pile of bones as Harry used her like a cocksleeve. She had already come twice while in this position and a third was right around the corner. "Cum inside. Fill me up." Her student did just that and she felt another full load of cum rush inside her. This one even felt bigger than the last and she had a full feeling that she had never felt before. She noticed her belly was slightly distended.

While panting she said, "Set me down on the desk I couldn't stand if I tried." Harry did as she asked before pulling out of her and she felt everything he gave her start flowing out making a mess all over the desk. Looking at his groin she saw that he was finally soft and it made her want to celebrate with a stiff drink in bed while recovering from the best shag of her life.

Then she turned to the floor. "Oh, my, you're your wand!" She faked.

Harry just turned and looked down on his broken holly wand, and shrugged. "It is fine, I will request to go to Berlin tomorrow. I will just get the fee out of your arse after I get back."

"That is fine. I will see you tomorrow night." She lied again.


Harry was nervous. Despite all the preparation, today was going to be the last problem in his life. Once the old goat fucker was dead or captured, he would be free. Then all he had to do was pass his Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. Then he would have his happily ever after.

All his ladies also showed the tension. Each had a task today. If any of them failed; all their lives could fall like a house of cards. If they succeeded; they would have earned their dreams of a family plus children.


Luna was happy. She had the easiest mission today. Portkey to Hogsmeade. Wait for a group of students to meet in a private room in the rebuilt Three Brooms Tavern. Then kill them. Set the room on fire, thestral to New Castle, then take the muggle ferry to the continent. She was looking forward to riding the Eurail from Amsterdam to Paris. She would miss the fun with Dumbledore though.

"Luna, what are you doing here?" asked Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Aurora sent me. She wanted me to warn you that today big news will happen." Luna replied. "Are we all here?"

"We are only waiting on Seamus," Justin stated.

"Then I will get butterbeer for us. Five, right?" Luna asked. Justin just nodded.

Luna came back into the room levitating six butterbeers behind her.

"What is she doing here?" Seamus asked with a slight alarm.

"Aurora sent her. She said she has great news for us from France?" Justin said.

Luna put butterbeer in front of each of the students.

"Well; the good news. Today Dumbledore and Aurora will be killing Harry Potter. Noon Berlin time." Luna said. She saw this relaxed the group. She said enough so they thought she was the traitor in Harry's group. It was Daphne, but that was because the bitch had won the spot by rock, wand, and parchment. "I have the portkeys to get us too there. We have to leave in an hour. So, cheers, to victory!"

"Cheers!" All the students raised their butterbeer in a salute. Then drank it down. After a few seconds, they started grabbing their throats.

"You know, basilisk venom is corrosive as well as a neurotoxin. Your throats have already been compromised. Fluids are filling your lungs, and most of your organs are being burned. Fleur will stop all the boys that have already gone to Berlin. Goodbye." Luna said with a cheer. She finished her safe butterbeer. The muggle incendiary was set. Time for her to go into the forest and grab her ride. She was glad she had the raw meat in her backpack to attract the thestrals. Boy, she missed her favorite creatures.


"Where do you think you are going?" Susan said as she cast a spell to block the floo from working.

"You can't stop me you fucking bitch!" Bienfait Henriette de Barras replied with heat. She started to draw her wand.

"Stupidfy!" Susan roared. Harry's tail was now stopped. She dragged the girl into a broom closet. She tied her up and hid her wand. Sticking it to her back. It would take this stupid girl an hour to get free and find her wand. After all, who would think to look at their back to find their wand? Now back to homework. Before she forgot, she put a vial in the bints robe and left the room.


"Hello Mrs. Delacour. Are you sending an owl to your parents? Your sister is one of my favorites." Sinistra said while trying to cover her guilt. She had just sent the owl to Albus. He would be killing Harry within the hour.

"I am glad you like to have Astoria in your class. Who are you sending an owl post to? Albus perhaps?" Daphne asked with a grin. She quickly brought her wand out and said Petrificus Totalus. She then turned into a krait; she bit the teacher. Then turned back to human. Once Sinistra had died, she withdrew a vial from her robe and cast a spell. The venom from the bint's body switched with the poison in the vial. "Too bad, not only did you fail, your death will cost your compatriot's life."

Daphne left. She was to meet with Susan in the library. They had three parchments on ancient runes due on Monday.


"Are we in the right place?" One of the boys asked.

"I think so, using this map, the building is tall and in ruins. It should be easy to see. This way I think." Another of the boys said.

"Hurry up, I can't stand being dressed in these muggle clothes." Yet another said.

They crossed the street and walked up to the intersection. Looking around they saw what looked like a building that was damaged. As they walked, they finally found a place to cross the street. As they got closer to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, they saw a vision of loveliness.

"Hello there, we are meeting here," Fleur said while blasting the boys with her allure. Her sister did the same from behind them. Once they all entered the building and into an empty room.

"Take off Gabrielle, I will meet you at the entrance of the zoo in a few minutes," Fleur said while smiling at her sister.

Her sister nodded and left the room. Fleur was glad her sister left. Their allure had put the boys into a comatose state. It was easy to cut all their throats. Her sister did not need to see what this war required of all of them. Using a few spells and she was clean of blood. Another and the knife was no longer there. After she left, she cast a finite on the ccts. It would do no good to leave them confounded for all time.

Now she had to catch up to her sister. She was looking forward to the aquarium at the zoo. Only in Germany, she thought.


Harry loved the store. Their selection of food, sweets, lingerie, and liquors was awesome. He hoped he would be able to come back here after all the mess that would soon be happening. It had as much as Harrods. Since he still had time, he decided to buy some stuffed animals for his girls. Then finding chocolates, he bought quite a bunch. It was perfect, no person in their right mind would think he was on a kill mission. More likely, he was on a not to be killed by his girls for one reason or another mission. He even grabbed a quick bite. Now it was off to the meeting.


As he left Kaufhaus des Westens; he was nervous. This was it. Across the street, Dumblefuck was waiting for him. If all went right, Fleur, Luna, and Susan had stopped the old goat from having children join the fight against him. Daphne had taken out the last spy. Now it was only him and Hermione taking on the most powerful wizard left. Unlike when they took out Tom, there would not be any real surprise. The only surprise, Hermione would make sure the first spell would fail.


He crossed the street, just past the Currywurst, was the ward line. He just had to get on the grass. He was pretty sure that the muggle standing at the fountain was a glamoured Dumblefucker.

As he headed past the food stand and now was on the grass. He noticed that the muggle he was sure was the goat; walked onto the grass at the other side.

"The muggle raised his arm and he heard Avada Kedavra. A rock came out of nowhere and intercepted the green beam. Then he felt Hermione power up the wards.

"Afternoon, Albus. So why are you trying to kill me?" Harry asked casually. He had dropped his presents and drew his ebony wand with his offhand.

"You refused to obey me," Albus said looking disappointed.

"Is that all, that warrants me dying?" Harry asked skeptically. Now his buloke wand was in his primary hand.

"You are right, it does not, but you need to be punished for your cowardly attempt to flee magical Britain and escape your destiny."

"My What? My destiny?"

"Don't play the fool with me, boy," Dumbledore spat back, allowing his façade to slip for a moment, "I know that you heard the prophecy. Despite all my warnings that you weren't ready, you still somehow heard it. You know that your destiny is to face Lord Voldemort in combat. One of you will prevail while the other will perish."

"What can I say, I needed information to stay alive. I don't want to die in my teens."

"No one does, my boy, no one does. If you had just followed my plan for your life, you would not realize you were going to die, before you would have had to confront the Dark Lord."

Harry looked confused. "How exactly is that any better? I would still be dead. Or did you try to make my life so horrid that death would be a blessing? Like by dumping me on my relatives' doorstep that November night. Muggles that abused me!"

"They were not too bad. They were there to make sure you stayed on with us and did as you were supposed to," Dumbledore growled, "instead of abandoning Britain and your foretold duty."

"My foretold duty to Britain? What the fuck, what exactly have you been having Snape put in those lemon drops of yours?"

"Why in the world would you think I have any desire to sacrifice myself for your greater good? Or for the people of Britian, I don't even know? People who have never said two words to me?"

The old man gave him a stern look. "I wouldn't go that far. Britain loves you for what you did as a baby. After all, you are the boy who lived."

"How would I know that? The only time I've ever heard from anyone, that was not at Hogwarts was when I was in the Leaky Cauldron when I had lunch there. As far as the boy who lived; let me guess; it was you that created the bullshit. No doubt so you could gain galleons, fame, and power from that."

Dumbledore shifted uncomfortably. "Of course, I used it for my gain. I couldn't let a mere child usurp my position as the most important wizard in the world."

"I decided that letting you bask in the fame would not be for the greater good. Your entire focus should be on Lord Voldemort and fulfilling your end of the prophecy."

"You're a bastard. You made the people hate me. Then you set a task in front of me that I should never have to deal with. I'm a teenager for Merlin's sake. It's the job of adults to take care of dark wizards. The Ministry, the DMLE, the Chief Warlock; not a young boy. How in the world is it my responsibility?"

"The prophecy said you were the only one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord," the old man answered shrugging.

"You're basing your entire war strategy on that prophecy?" Harry laughed.

"This prophecy is why I made every decision I made about your life, Harry," Dumbledore protested, "I wanted you kept safe from the wizarding world at your relatives. You have a destiny on your shoulders that will enshrine you as one of the greatest heroes in British history."

"So, you have a vaguely-worded supposed prophecy from an alcoholic fraud that you just happen to employ which somehow makes me the person to kill Voldemort?"

"That's exactly what the prophecy said, Harry my boy," Dumbledore answered with a self-satisfied grin.

"A prophecy that doesn't mention who this supposed Dark Lord is by name. Given how I have been treated as part of your machinations, I could just as easily argue that you're the Dark Lord in the prophecy. Tom and I talked about it even. We are not sure if the prophecy refers to him or you."

"Enough of this!" Dumbledore bellowed, rising to his full height, "None of us can escape destiny, least of all you. You have two choices, you can die here and now, or come back with me to England where you will die at Tom's hand. While there; you will be an obedient child, nodding when I tell you to nod and doing what I tell you to do."

Potter stared at the old man for a long moment. "You're not going to give this up, aren't you?"

"The prophecy said that you were the one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord, Harry, so we must do what we can to bring that about. I am sorry, but it must be this way. At least I will ensure that you die painlessly while fulfilling your destiny."

"At least let me ask some questions before we go," Harry asked.

"Well, if you will follow your orders," Dumbledore said. "I can't see the harm. It won't matter for much longer, anyway. What would you like to know?"

Potter pursed his lips, "Start at the beginning. Why did you tell my parents to go into hiding?"

"After hearing the prophecy in full, knowing that neither you nor Lord Voldemort could be killed while the other was still alive, I decided to ensure it would happen sooner than later. If I knew how popular the boy who lived became; I would have found a different way."

"So, knowing there was a spy in the group of your father's friends, I decided to confound them to go into hiding. That way, the traitor would lead Lord Voldemort straight to your family, and I would be able to finish him off after you died," Dumbledore finished.

Potter's eye twitched. "You mean you wanted him to wipe out my family, then show up when it was all over and kill him, claiming the glory for yourself."

"Now, now, my boy. I am Albus Dumbledore after all. It wouldn't do for someone to surpass my glory. I did have to stay in the hollow that night."

"Right, because of Tom Riddle's Horcruxes; how do you think that would end? Speaking of those thing, when were you going to tell me that he made them let alone that I had one in my head?"

"You are wrong, Mister Potter. Before that night, I knew where all of them were. I had Sirius's younger brother as a spy. I would have just destroyed them after you and Tom died. Then my plan's changed. You lived. I knew you had a piece of Lord Voldemort's soul in your scar the night I left you with your loving relatives, and it is still there because no methods exist for destroying the soul pieces without destroying the vessels themselves," Dumbledore retorted. "So you still have to die."

"Are you so sure about that?" Potter shot back, "You haven't been around me for quite a while, after all."

"Nonsense," the old man protested, "There are only so many ways to destroy a Horcrux, and all result in the annihilation of the container. I am sure of it."

"Are you so sure about that?" the boy repeated, maddeningly calm, as if he knew something Albus Dumbledore, did not.


"A killing curse by Tom could do it," Harry continued, "Actually a ritual did, a dark but that is neither here nor there. You knew I had part of Tom Riddle's soul fragment in my head when you left me with my abusive relatives, who you also knew were magic-hating muggles."

"I knew it was going to be dark times for you, my boy, but that you would come out of it stronger in the end." Albus said.

"If I survived, you mean. I almost didn't. How many times did Pomfrey show up?" Potter growled.

Dumbledore waved off his protest. "The prophecy ensured that you would. Pomfrey was only so you weren't too badly damaged that muggle authorities got involved."

The boy glowered at him. "Figures you would think that. Let's see; you also allowed a professor possessed by Tom Riddle to teach in my first year, using the Philosopher's Stone as bait."

"Of course, I did! How else could I prove that Voldemort was still around in one form or another? Plus, it was another chance for Tom to kill you." Dumbledore exclaimed. "Using the Stone as a trap showed me for certain that he was not only still alive, that he was actively seeking a way back."

"And then you knew his Horcrux was in the school the next year, possessing a student. Plus, there was the basilisk."

Dumbledore frowned, "Even I cannot be everywhere at once, and my attention was on how to deal with the monster petrifying the students."

"Like the wards didn't alert you at the beginning of the year? Plus, you knew what that monster was. I was in the infirmary that night when Colin was brought in. I heard you say that his fried camera meant that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened again. You were at the school the first time the Chamber was opened, and you knew what the monster was, and you knew who had let it out. You let Hagrid be arrested and sent to Azkaban both times without trial for no reason other than he was a convenient scapegoat."

"Someone had to be blamed, sending a young Lord Voldemort to Azkaban would have given him the chance to make ties to hardened criminals and forge his network. I needed him where I could keep an eye on him and try to turn him back to the Light. Hagrid was part giant, and only a pawn; easily expedible."

"So, he could become your pawn or worse, staking horse. I bet you knew about his abuse in the orphanage." Harry smiled. "Just like you to ignore physical abuse of a child, what about the third year, when you refused to keep the dementors out of the school? You knew where Bella and Dolohov was at, and yet you allowed those monsters onto school grounds. Several students were almost killed."

"The dementors were in place to by Fudge's order," Dumbledore said, "I allowed it because I could not risk you gaining more fame by killing those two."

"You did not care about the harm they did. The other students they might kill. Just like you deliberately kept my innocent godfather in the closest thing there is to Hell on Earth, because it didn't line up with your plans for me?"

The old man smiled, pleased that the boy was finally getting it. "Exactly! You have a destiny to fulfill, Harry my boy, and that destiny wouldn't be possible if Sirius was there when your parents died. It would have been worse to the greater good than all the issues you caused by exposing Gilderoy."

"Issues, exposing a pedophile in a boarding school are issues?"

"Anything that reduces my power, fame, or popular opinion is against the greater good. Besides, you know the prophecy says that either you or Lord Voldemort must die at the hand of the other. A child, no matter how well-trained, would never expect to stand up to someone with decades of experience in the Dark arts. In the face of such opposition, it would indeed be unrealistic to expect to live afterward."

"So, you expected me to fulfill the prophecy by going to Tom and letting him kill me," Harry said incredulously.

"It's for the Greater Good of the wizarding world, my boy. Your life is nothing compared to that. When you die at Tom's hand, it would allow him to be killed off by anyone else of power."

"Making me the sacrificial lamb to your greater good, giving you all the glory of killing him yourself. I bet you were disappointed I managed to escape after the Tournament."

"That is true. But you finished with your confrontation without dying before I could get there"

"And if I had somehow managed to survive and triumph over him?"

Dumbledore turned a malevolent smirk on Harry. "I would have made sure that you would not have survived against a powerful Dark Lord with decades more experience. You see the genius behind my plan. Once the prophecy was made, you had to die. It was war, and in war sacrifices to the greater good must be made. "

"The plan was to have the tournament soften me up all that year, or just kill me and one of my girls. After I survived the second task you probably hoped that the third task would exhaust me so that it would be easier for Voldemort to finish me off."

"Exactly. Krum's and Diggory's death were lamentable as were their hostages, but acceptable as part of the greater good. I wasn't prepared for you to survive. You came so close to fulfilling the prophecy that night, my boy. Everything since then never should have happened."

"Back to the prophecy, old man, surely you've seen all the glaring holes it has by now. For example, it never actually names the Dark Lord mentioned. It could have been either you or Tom."

"Me? Surely you cannot be serious, my boy," the old man protested.

"Serious? Why not? You let Barty Junior enter me into the tournament. The wards of the second task were planned to kill two of the hostages. "

"I am sorry that you feel this way, but the Greater Good demanded you to be kept safe until the proper moment of your confrontation," Dumbledore declared, "Anyone in your life not guiding you to that end; must die."

"You were raising me as a pig to slaughter," Harry accused.

"That's a very serious accusation, Harry, and one I'm disappointed you made. I the great Albus Dumbledore would never do such a thing." the headmaster smirked. "I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my greater good.

"Well arsehole, just to let you know, Tom is dead. I killed him with a muggle pistol. I did a ritual that removed the horcrux before I started my first year, and helped destroy all of his horcruxes. Oh, and, Confrigo," Harry yelled and drew his buloke wand. His spell barely deflected the reducto that Albus had already cast.


An hour later, both fighters were tired, bruised, and had many cuts and burns.

"Harry my boy; you have come so far in magic. A few more years and you might be able to beat me in a duel. However, I am tired so I will kill you later." Dumbledore said tiredly.

He first tried to apparate, then he tried each of his three emergency portkeys. Nothing happened. Harry started to laugh.

"Hermione is linking the anti-escape wards to the local ley line. She wanted to make sure you did not escape."

"How dare that mugblood slag?" Albus roared. "Well I will just have to kill you, no matter the damage."

"She is more worthy of a lover than Gellert; fuckwad. You are correct; however, we need to end this." Harry replied. He switched to his animagus form. Dumbledore looked at him in shock. Then their eyes met. The yellow eyes of death did work. Dumbledore died and slipped to the ground. Harry was tired. He shifted back to his human form and also fell to the ground. Blackness quickly claimed him.


Harry was irritated. Two more weeks in the ICW hospital. His core was exhausted. Then when he recovered his consciousness; all the questions, both by the German and ICW DMLE. He was so happy his plans worked. The ICW found his holsters and his two unofficial wands. The license and explanation Croaker had set up saved him there.

Even his memory did not get him into legal hot water. The law said he only had to get a permit for one animagus form. The use of the death eye was deemed self-defense. So, he was free and clear. Then the German DMLE gave him dirty looks for the Hogwarts student that were killed in muggle clothes by muggle methods near where his fight with Dumbledore was at. He internally smirked. He again swore on his life and magic that he did not kill Tom with a muggle weapon.

Hermione was found innocent of the charges against her. After all, what she did was make sure that the statute of secrecy was not broken. Not everyone involved got off Scot-free. A bint at Beauxbâtons was sent to the guillotine for trying to frame Daphne Greengrass-Delacour. With that death, the Order of the Phoenix also died.

A month before the end of the school year, the last remaining death eaters attacked Beauxbâtons. A few students and a guard died. But Harry and his ladies killed them. They received Légion d'Honneurs for that.

That was not the only award they received before the end of the school year. They attacked a safe house. In it, the body of Tom Riddle was found. Harry received the ICW highest order and British Order of Merlin; first class for that act. His ladies received second class awards. It also finished the British Ministry's hostility to Harry. He and his ladies now could come and go to the island at will. They didn't though.


"Wake up you old dog," Harry demanded.

"What is going on," Sirius replied scared.

"Albus is dead and Voldemort is dead," Harry replied.

"What do you mean pup," Sirius replied.

"Hermione's blade was coated with the draught of the living death. You have been in this mental institution since. You were potioned and cursed. It took the death of Albus for you to be free of the magic. Now that you are free; you can be my dog-father again." Harry replied.

After a few minutes of thinking. "Dibs on buying each of your children their first brooms," Sirius responded.

"Done. They will release you soon. Then we can talk. You are welcome back into my, and my wives' lives once your healers release you from here." Harry said.


Having a stress-free month; the cete did well on their newts. The ICW had let them do the test a year early. While Harry thought that one more year would have been nice, he still pocketed eight more NEWTs. Admittedly he only got one more outstanding, the rest were acceptable or exceeded expectations. Like with the owls, his ladies did better than he did. Both in number and scores. He was happy though. Both Hermione and Daphne received one more NEWT than Dumbledore did. Breaking his record.


The summer was worse than his last year. Harry had to deal with four stressed ladies that were worried about their NEWT scores. He also had to get his house up and running. He interned with the ICW Department of Mysteries office. Hermione did the same with Mugwump's office. The rest of his ladies, except Fleur, actually got jobs in the ICW.


It had been five years since the cete moved to Switzerland. The only surprise was Luna. She was the ace reporter and owner of the Quibbler. What made Harry proud of her, she was high up in the ICW hit-witch division but only her superiors knew that. Because she kept up her insanity act; no one realized she was one of the deadliest killers on Earth who loved pudding.


Fleur was his first wife to have children. After she made the international head of Wizard liaison with Gringotts, she wanted children. What shocked both of them, she had triplets. Two identical girls and the first male child of a veela in over two millennia. The only real physical difference; the boy had Harry's emerald eyes and his hair was unruly. All of his other ladies made sure that the children did not have one mother, they had five. Harry loved them all.


Following Fleur's lead; Daphne got pregnant after she became the head of the ICW Intelligence Branch. She had her first, child a boy.

The following year, Luna became the head of the ICW Hit program. Nine months later, she bore Harry his third daughter.

A month after that, Susan became the head of ICW DMLE. Beating her aunt; who became the head of the French DMLE three days after her niece. A month later, she was pregnant. Her aunt had also found a beau. Surprisingly it was Sirius Black. Both were pregnant as Susan was her matron of honor.

Harry loved his expanding brood. He was on track to be the head of the ICW DoM; he found he liked research and occasional missions. He liked it enough to give up his dream of being a house husband.


Hermione was the last to achieve her goals. After bouncing around the ICW for a while; she finally found her passion in the DoM research department. At thirty-two; her husband was her boss, and she had twins, two boys. They were born just weeks after Luna's second child, also a boy.

Harry was ecstatic. He had a male child to carry on all the lines but Bones. Since Amelia had a boy, no one cared that Susan had a daughter. Harry didn't care. All his daughters were daddy's girls. He doted on all three of them impartially. He also enjoyed his four boys. He only regretted that they were not able to form his quidditch team. While all the children were good on a broom; none of his wives would allow their children to take those kinds of risks.


Harry's wives were not happy with Sirius Black. The animagus was constantly buying their children prank goods and getting them into trouble. The cete had to restrain Hermione when Sirius was caught taking her sons to King George in Berlin.

Harry had to put his foot down with his godfather. It was that or he would remain sleeping on the couch.


Harry realized that Dumbledore was right. He had gone dark. He was a Dark Lord. His power was unchecked by anyone. The wizarding world ran to the beat of his drum; only that was never publicized. The only wizard news publication now was the Quibbler. His wife' Susan controlled any investigation of death or other crimes; though she was his conscious. Hermione came up with new ways for the family to express their displeasure. Daphne knew every secret, every group that was or may become a threat. Fleur ensured enemies had cash flow and other economic concerns. Last was his knife, Luna. She could get to anyone. She could make it an example, a messy nightmare, or an accident.

Unlike other Dark Lords, Harry had no intension of dying with that power. He made sure his children and their children learned about family loyalty and how to acquire, hold, and relinquish power.

It got him to reflect on Tom and Albus. Both where Dark Lords. Both had their own vision for the magical world. The only difference; both Albus and Tom were based on lies. Tom being a champion of the purebloods. Albus, a champion of the light. He, Harry Potter, champion of the ICW. The will of the ICW. A will influenced by the elected leaders. He also had Susan. So many times she kept him on the right side of the line of evil and good.


Harry was so proud. His last three boys had been made co-equal head boys at Beauxbâtons. He also had to smirk. Hogwarts was closing when the students went home this summer. Britain's magical society had just about imploded. Their pureblood ideals had led them to an inbreeding death. The ICW had to come in to ensure the secrecy statutes. That resulted in a short war. It was the death knell of magical Britain. No pure blood family was left alive in Great Britain.


Harry was exhausted. It was just a few months until he turned seventy. He was going to retire. All the rest of his ladies had retired on New Year's Eve. They wanted to spend more time with their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Besides, Harry had enough galleons, even his great-grandchildren could be wastrels and there would still be enough money for the generation after that so they would not have to work. He wanted to spend more time with his wives. Preferably in erotic situations before they were too old to do such things. Harry knew that wizards and witches lived longer than muggles, so who knew how long he had to enjoy himself?

More to the point; one of his granddaughters was the new dark lady. She was developing the perfect public face, while being the power behind the throne. He named her head of the family. She earned it. She had his magical power, Hermione's brilliance, Daphne's cunning, Fleur's beauty, Susan's conscious, and Luna's bloodthirst and skill at death. She was perfect.


Harry now understood the third brother. Luna had passed. With her gone, he no longer had any living wives. He was looking forward to meeting up with death. At this point; death was a friend. He remembered that over one hundred fifty years ago; he apparated when being chased by Dudley. His long dead sister Dana had seen it.

He had to thank the boy, really for Dana's attention. He did show the boy his appreciation. He laughed; he made sure that Luna killed him on Harry's fiftieth birthday. She planted the slasher blade on him. Susan led the Aurors to his house. There the ICW found evidence that he hated magicals. Case close. Big D was the slasher. The killer who had ended the lives of over two-hundred wizards and witches. Harry was just glad that they did not start an investigation into the disappearance of Vernon, Marge, or Petunia.

The ICW finally closed all the cases that Harry and his wives were involved with. That was his one hundred twentieth birthday present.

The supreme mugwump, his son, gave him and his wives full pardons for all this crimes on his retirement. Both smirked, as both had done wet work for the ICW. Both knew how much was done for Harry's vision of the greater good.


Harry felt like butter scraped over too much toast. He was the oldest wizard alive. Harry was afraid he would pass sixty-thousand days of life. Then Harry went the bed that night. He never opened his eyes again. His last thought. Despite all the killings, he and his wives lived long and happily ever after lives. He had to thank that one woman who was scorned for all that happened after that, both hell and heaven.


There was a celebration of the life of Harry Potter at the ICW headquarters. The only wizard that received three Orders of Merlin, first class. His wives all had at the minimum, an order second class, while Susan had both a first class for catching the slasher and a second, for helping Harry kill Tom Riddle. His body stayed in state, for seven days. Then he was cremated and his ashes were added to the urn with the ashes of his wives. Then his youngest great grandchild, the current Mugwump; tossed the ashes into the sea at over challengers deep.

The End