
Hell's Eternal Parade

A world, which in front of everyone seems normal, a world made up of murder, framing, all sorts of inhumane actions, all for the thirst for a higher power. Well known for this, one can actually call such world a parade of such entertainment to the higher beings, who to them find it as an eternal pleasure that they can’t ever get rid of and to the powerless, it is just hell, thus, the name; “Hell’s Parade”. This story dives deep into the life of a young warrior, Liam, whose whole life is all about protection, survival and sustenance with his loved ones but what fate has for him is way far from his view. Revenge, bloodlust, power thirsty and so on, a life his fate, which was decided by the higher beings, forced him into. Does he join the parade and entertain the higher beings with his hell or does he turn the blade’s tip against fate itself?

L3mon_tal3S · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Family Drama.

The summer sun seems to be quite hotter than usual as it reflects on the green leaves of the great green forest.

One can taste the moist trees from the atmosphere and could also perceive it. It is another hot noon after a summer rain.

Sounds of logs being split can be heard from far off, featuring with the birds' songs.

A well blessed noon to be in the green wild life.

An old man comes into the picture as he makes a trip towards where the riving sounds of logs were coming from.

Dressed in a red fur robe with gold embroidery designs all over. He indeed smells rich as his whole get up is accompanied with a white hair and a gold staff he uses to aid himself with his walks.

Before the old man's sight is a blessed view of a young male with an axe, creating the riving sounds while arranging the woods.

The beautiful and artistic well built back, a chain tattoo that's drawn in a wing curve that stretches down to the arms which is covered up with some bandage looking cloth.

As for the majestic pure diamond blonde braids with a ponytail, it is always a beautiful sight to behold as it gives the Viking vibes, accompanied with the log splitting the male was doing.

With a simple stomp from the old man's staff, which was enough to call for the young male's attention, the male in sight suddenly turns to answer the old man's call.

"Greetings master." Says the young male as his well built masculine face is exposed along with the grey eyes and classic shave on his cheeks and jaw.

"I can see that you divided the logs from physical splits and aura splits." The old man speaks with a cranky tone.

"Correctly observed sir." The young male replies.

"Ah, it's been two years and eight months, right, Liam?"

"Of course."

"Go have your bath and join me for breakfast, it is time."

"Really sir!? Thank you sir!!" Liam thanks the old man in excitement.

"Hahaha, although it hurts to let you go, but you have a fellow reaper to hunt down, right? The academy's entrance exam is next week and you have to arrive there on time.

Now lad, go get ready for the journey." The old man stomps with his staff and fades away on sight.

Liam being used to the shocking trick pays no mind to it but rather, hops around like a bunny towards the direction where the stream is located at.


*Knock, knock*

A knock was made on one of the woods that is being used to hold up the large green tent.

"Come in hear brat, I can sense you from far, my senses are not that dull or are you expecting to steal from me in my death?" the old man nags.

"Excuse me master…" says Liam as he walks in, cladded in a grey fitted T-Shirt and tight pants.

"…at least, I was able to steal your family's heart, right Brianna?"

"You wish, you bleeper." A lady responds as she barges in with a large wooden mug at hand from the other entrance of the tent.

Braided red hair, reddish freckles on her pale white skin just like the character from Disney "Brave".

And noticeably, her fit muscles is an artistic sight that can't be overlooked.

"You bastard! Who the hell drinks early in the morning, you ridiculously buffed up mage!

At first, who is going to take a mage who uses a Warhammer as a magic staff!?"

"Chillax you grumpy old fart and show your daughter some love instead…" says Brianna as she drags out a chair and have her seat, syncing along with Liam.

"…mother! When is the food going to be ready, huh!?"

Just as she finished with her questioning, a fork came flying at her… obviously, to stab her but Brianna grabs it with no effort with her left hand.

"Thanks for the fork, at least!?" Brianna taunts more.

"Now, go impale yourself with that!!" the mother responds from far off.

"I already have Liam for that but anyways, thanks for caring, mom!!"

"What!!?" the old man rages as he stares daggers at Liam.

"Let me explain, she was the one who pounced on me. Come on, you should pity me, she almost broke my hips!" cold sweats starts running down on Liam as he tries to save himself from the situation he has found himself in.

"After taking you In as my own son, you decide to pay me back by having daughter's first!!?" the rage keeps on adding as the pressure around the old man became heavier.

"Come on! You made a seventeen years old lad go hunt monsters that are way beyond his strength for four months straight before accepting me!

And again, you can't blame me. Come on, look at her, she's damn thick." Liam teases.

"Damn right!" Brianna responds as she slams her mug on the table.

"You freaking bastard!!!" the old man exclaims as Liam suddenly catches ablaze from under till he is engulfed in the blue flames.

"Oi!!" alongside the blue flame a creature in form of a void or an orb with lots of tiny black wings appeared out of nowhere and exclaimed at the old man.

"Mind taking it easy?"

"Urgh!! Your miniature form is an eyesore! Don't just appear out of nowhere without letting me know!" the old man complained.

"Sorry, can't control that but on a second thought, you must now have to deal with it since you laid hands on my subject outside of training."

"Oh, did you appear as well when your freaky subject laid hands on my daughter!?"

"Uhm… that's a bit different. If we are to look into that… my subject was the victim."

"My point!!" Liam exclaims in support to the mini creature's point while still burning in the flames and out of annoyance, the old man increased its intensity.

"Oi!! You damned crow, where were you when such atrocity was occurring against my daughter!?"

While Brianna paid no mind to the happening event and kept on with chugging down the beer from her large wooden mug, a black crow with an eye patch on its right eye suddenly appeared and pecked on the dining table.

"You do know that there are some matters that are made to be left alone for the kids to handle by them..."

Before the crow could finish with its statement, a table knife got sent at it, which of course passed through.

"What utter nonsense are you spitting? I handed you over to my daughter to cater her as if you're handling a flame but not only did you think she was 'Thor', you also let your immorality to pass down itself onto her!"

"Enough with the chatter! Breakfast is ready!!"

A pale white skinned lady of an amazing beauty with matching hair colour as of Brianna's announces as she walks in with a large pot of some hot soup.

At the sight of her, there was sudden calmness in the dinning room.

The two mini creatures suddenly disappeared, the old man's temper followed suite and was nowhere to be seen.

The blue flame was dispersed and surprisingly, Liam's body nor clothing showed any sign of being burnt.

More shockingly, Brianna who was lost with her drinking suddenly threw off her large mug of beer which still isn't finished yet, off the window and simultaneously, she sat and composed herself.

There came a sudden silence in the room and it stayed that way till the lady, which seems to be Brianna's mom and the old man's wife, came in again with another pot of meat.

As she goes round the table to have her seat and with a snap of a finger from the old man, the chair made way for her to seat on.

With a charming bright smile, she looks at her husband and nods in gratitude.

She goes on to wave her hands around and the plates placed on the table floated as well as the serving spoon.

Before everyone, the dishes served itself to the people around. It was no surprise to them as they are already used to this scenario.

After the dishes have been served, everyone indulged in their meal in a gentle manner.

Halfway through the meal, the silence suddenly got broken as the old man cleared off his throat and spoke up.

"Now Liam…" in response, Liam turned his attention towards him before the old man continued.

"…you've been here with us for two years and eight months. Time sure do pass by quickly to the extent that I'm always surprised with how much you have grown.

Well, I still remember the first time we both met. You were young and ferocious. Tirelessly hunting on the poor monsters and creatures of the wild just for your goal.

I came up to you at that very moment and asked what seems to be your bother. Can't believe that the young foolish lad who launched at me with killing intent is sitting with me on my own dining table and sharing my own meal with me."

With his last statement, everyone laughed out heartily.

"Now tell me, what was your goal once again?" the old man asked.

"To slay the War Reaper…"