
Single Bite

In ancient civilizations, the rulers and whoever had the money to support whatever desires they had, could make their lives a lot livelier by employing people of different talents so that they could be entertained at all times.

But these talents differed from one person to the other.

There were those that trained in the way of weapons welding and became mercenaries for hire. Also, there were others that just cracked jokes for whoever was ready to toss a brass or silver coin to them. But the others had talents that were slightly on the other side of what normal people could consider as talents; in a way, funnier but in another, a disgrace.

And just like all the past civilizations that rose to their peak and then crumbled down to ashes only to be replaced with greater civilizations, people like the flatulist existed and were considered very rare.

Even in the whole of Acheron, only two flatulists were known to exist and one was the one that had just released his massive fart in a tense situation that required stealth.

The other was his daughter who hadn't attended today's fight as she didn't do well in crowded places. And the fact that she was a lady, it was a shame to just be walking on the streets and suddenly have the urge to fart overwhelms her and she just releases it.

Her father was happy that in his six children, at least one carried the family tradition that he inherited from his father and his grandfather before him. But on the other hand, her mother couldn't blame her but she just despised the fact that a lady could just act like a barbarian in public disregarding all manners.

But I guess everyone dies the way they lived their lives. And it was finally his time.

The King hired him years ago and has been working for him just doing that when the King needed something to cheer him up from the stress of running and managing a whole Kingdom.

One of the council members had once asked him why not just listen to jokes instead but the answer that he got was the last one as he was beheaded an hour later for opposing the King on his likes.

The others shared the same thoughts as they considered the act of emitting digestive gases in public was just immoral but seeing that one of them just lost ahead for such puny issues, they decided to just look past it from then onwards.

The King had other different entertainers from singers, dancers, and even storytellers but the flatulist was the only one with no competitor which made him be favored by the King.

However, today was the day that he just displayed his talent in full capacity.

Even he didn't know what was happening but knew that whenever he tried to suppress them, the more compelling they became which made their entrance to the world a bit more innovative.

In just a few seconds, the other nobles left the tented area that was made for the Royals and nobles only leaving behind the King and a few others who didn't have the courage to get up to their feet and make an escape.

On the lower row, Sir. Mountain unsheathed his broad sword and took a fighting stance.

Seeing this, the other knights prepared as well as they knew that whatever was going to happen, will be catastrophic on a level that hadn't been witnessed before.

They knew that they couldn't stop the serpent in its advancement but at least they could distract it by attacking it instead of letting it do as it wished.


A gust of wind swept by my face before I saw the serpent crossing the arena to its new target.

In my line of sight, people had already vacated the intended area quietly without making any unnecessary noise.



Continuous farting sounds were heard as the spasmodic force behind them increased exponentially with time.


The metallic restraints gave in after being subjected to a greater force than they could handle releasing an ear-piercing sound.


This time around the lower part of the arena crumbled down and collapsed when the serpent landed on it with its massive body. Sir. Mountain who was just a few rows up stumbled a tad and clutched his sword in a serious way.

He knew that it was his life on the line next and the serpent will just unleash its full strength in everything so he had to get serious or else the repercussions would be unimaginable.


The serpent let out another loud hissing sound and crawled up only to be met with a broad sword that threatened to split it into two.

A screeching sound was heard followed by a few sparks of fire after the broad sword came into contact with the serpent's scales.

With only being able to attract its attention, the mightiest knight in the Kingdom had beads of perspiration on his face as he didn't expect his attack to be useless against such a beast.

The serpent swung its head to Sir. Mountain was in a momentary daze and achieved to throw him into the air before sending him directly down below to the arena.


Sand particles soared into the air before engulfing him. This was just unexpected as everyone had their hopes for Sir. Mountain but seeing that he was tossed into the air like he weighed nothing, made every knight think twice on either to just watch from afar or face the same fate as their comrade.

After seeing that its only obstacle was now out of its path, it slithered the rest of the rows in a blink of an eye but something happened which made it freeze where it was.

Heaven's eyes were void of any emotions as she knew that destruction and mayhem could only invigorate the serpent's fury further.

She looked calm on the outside but she was exploding on the inside just the volcanic Mount Etna.

The serpent seeing the tense atmosphere from the one that is regarded as its mother, chose to approach cautiously as it knew that it had disregarded everything and acted without being given the go-ahead.

At that time everyone froze as they witnessed the unbelievable situation that was unfolding before their eyes.

Only a handful of people knew that Heaven and the serpent had a deep and unbreakable bond so seeing the way it looked at the princess with admiration and pride, nothing could make the people happier but they knew that they couldn't just voice out their happiness or else they risk being eaten alive.

Their love for Heaven soared even higher as they saw that a beast of such terror treated their princess with the utmost respect of all the people in the Kingdom. That was what they wanted in a leader who had control over everything and could guarantee their protection every day.

"I told everyone to just keep quiet... but I guess that some of us can't just follow through with simple rules." Heaven addressed the whole stadium while she looked at the serpent's red glowing eyes.

"I regret to announce the death of someone close to the throne... Someone that had worked for the royal family even before I was born. In that, I thank you for your services to this Kingdom, your services are no longer required." Heaven finished before nodding her head and with that, the serpent's gaze fell upon the flatulist who was drenched from head to toes.


The leathery forked tongue slithered out a few times before the serpent blurred for a moment.

That was the last time that they saw the royal flatulist as he was devoured in a single bite together with the hard concrete.

A massive hole was left in its place as the serpent raised its head to swallow its prey. The slightly bulging mass was seen to move downwards as it swallowed.

Changing its head with a look of satisfaction, it gazed into Heaven's eyes before it made its way back into the arena through the hole that it came out from after being given the permission to do so.

Everyone was in a daze as they resumed to take their seats where there was space. Everything was quiet once again as the serpent stood still on the opposite side of the arena looking directly into my eyes.

My gaze kept shifting from the serpent who seemed to be waiting for some instructions as it acted differently from earlier. Then there was Cerberus a distance away who was now on its feet as it looked daggers at the serpent.

In my opinion, it was pissed to be played about with another beast. Well, there is a first time for everything and I guessed that it hadn't gotten such treatment from all its previous opponents.

That would be good for the both of us as it will have to take the situation seriously and by the look of things, everything was going in my favor.

Then my eyes met with those of Sir. Mountain who was just directly on the opposite side of the arena from me.

At this juncture, two beasts and two humans were in the arena creating a square shape from the way they were in position.

"Now, before hell breaks loose on Acheron, let's not wait anymore for anything else... Thank you for cooperating with me in today's events. I hereby welcome my beloved sister so that she could surprise me with the beast of her choosing... Thank you again citizens of Acheron."