
Hell's Academy

Howard awoke every morning with the taste of blood in his mouth. Every night before he went to sleep, the women sleeping next to him shot him to death so that he could reincarnate in the morning. They did experiments on him, all because he had horns on the top of his head. Finally, after years of experiments, they tossed him into the abyss. A place worse than hell called the Furnace. Down beneath the surface, the Furnace allows dreams to turn into reality, abilities to be amplified by a thousand fold, and for conquests to unfold. Howard, finally finding himself free in the Furnace, joins a team of reprobates from Hell's Academy, hoping to conquer the Furnace and build the ultimate kingdom in the darkest trenches of the world.

RazorIsSharp · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
247 Chs

Demon King Earl's Sacrifice

 Howard felt like he'd been brought back in time when Avena started talking.

More specifically, her domain seemed to be showing him clips of the past. He already knew that Demon King Earl was a handsome man, but this was his first time seeing him in the flesh. He watched Demon King Earl walk out of a cavern. His body, almost completely covered in blood, made him look like he'd just killed thousands. 

"This-this right now, Howard. Was one of the worst days of Demon King Earl's life, and one of his last." Avena said with a sigh. "You see all that blood on him? That is the blood of all the people the Great Last King had under his control. Can you guess why he killed them?"

"Was it to stop the Great Last King?" Howard seemd rather nonchalant to Avena's surprise. "Could it have had something to do with that?"