
Chapter One

Azure sighed, while he lighted a cig. "How did a human retain its human form, why being sent to hell?"

He wasn't pleased even spitting the question out of his mouth, let alone that he was smoking at six on the dot.

Fuck, he needed a drink, a clear fine drink. Not of the cheap stuff, Aria drinks, he knew that much…

"He was murdered but never committed a wrong in his life."

"Lucifer, how is this my fucking problem? He's your son, how the hell am I supposed to deal with him?"

"You think I'm qualified to raise him? In Pentagram city?"

Pentagram city was likely the worse place to raise a child, sinners exist here. If any of them knew that Lucifer's son was here—-

"You, want me to raise him? Along with the other twelve? Us?"

"Unless you wish for me to personally end him, I suppose it's the only option you have."

"Fine, I'll do it. Lucifer, don't go pushing anything else on me."

"Azure, how long do you intend to keep this going?"

"How long do you intend to become ruler of hell?"

"Unless you personally end my life, I don't imagine I'm going to do anything else."

"I don't even know why I supported you back then. I suppose, you were young and I was sick of dealing with old bastards who all talk and don't do shit."

"Is that how your going to put it?"

"Otherwise. Forget it, I'm going—-how annoying, I can't handle this shit anymore."

Upon meeting Charlie for the first time, he'd never seen anyone stoked about being in Hell.

"In case you were wondering, you were murdered—"

"By that whore who raised you, she wasn't really your mother? Never understood how an alcoholic whore could raise a perfectly sain child."

"Lilith, stop calling her a whore."

"She was, fucked over ten men in one night."


"Lilith, the first overlord. She was Adam's first wife, she left him, and took her child and the stone of immortality and convinced Lucifer to end up in Hell."

"Azzy dear, you make me sound like a horrible women. You would leave your husband if all he treated you like cattle breeding machine."

"She called the old man in the sky, "a fucking incompetent dick turd" I for one found it amusing."

"I was pissed off, and drinking at the time. So, it happens."

"He allowed me to marry a fucktard as well, I would be pissed off as well."

"Great, now he's cussing as well."

"Oh, you can't possibly us to raise him without slipping once in a while."

"We can only raise him until he's a legal adult. Then Lucifer said something about figuring out a way to cheat him a new life."

"Oh, how interesting indeed. I didn't expect you to agree."

"You think I wanted to agree, it was either raise Charlie or—-fuck Lucifer again."

"Ha, ahahahahahaah…."

"What are you laughing at?"

"You really turned down fucking Lucifer?"

"Lilith, he gets all lovely and even talks nicely to me. For fucks sake, he asks before I even get a chance to say something to him."

"Lucifer the ruler of hell, and you turned down the option to fuck him? WOW, your much better then a lot of people."

"Charlie, it's not like that."

"His waist can't handle it like it used."

"Shut up!"

"Also be careful which bathroom you tread into you might catch "him" having one of his one night stands."

"Horrible thing to walk on."

"Scared to death. Please, it's normal in our house. Comparing to her drinking, his nonsense is nothing to be complaining about."

"I need another one."

"Isn't that your fourth one today?"

"So what."

"Your smoking is terrible as usual. Enough for today, go to bed. You've been up since six, back to bed before your grumpy ass decided to kill something again."

"I told you, I don't kill anymore—-"

"Sure, sweetheart, we know this by now."

"Sometimes it's like your a mother, Lilith."

"Well, Charlie. I practically am, in this case. Welcome to the house, of overlords."

"Your wearing clothes, what a suprise."

"Is he normally naked?"

"He is."


"He's a sex demon, he resides from the Lust Ring. He's a second-class, he's also a polite person, when he's not fucking people and being a pimp."

"It was a phase, it was the 1910's, I was a colored man, and gay. Could you blame me?"

"I suppose I can't. His name is Louis, or Lu for short. He's the second overlord, he might be good at educating you to make sure your ass doesn't get hoed and end up in a strip club."

"It happened to me once. And it was only for two months…"

"Charles, but everyone calls me Charlie."

"Azz isn't up yet?"

"You want to wake him up?"

"Hell no, I ain't get nearly castrated again. So, whose cooking?"

"You today, Lu."

"Of course. I can make some good food."

"He grew up by the bayou, if you were wondering."

"Lu, pour me a drink would you.."

"Azz, you aren't supposed to be drinking. That crazy doctor, will threaten me with a seditve again."

"Right….the last time it happened, Lu didn't fuck for almost two weeks, he became a normal person and managed to gain ten mill, who wouldn't known it's so effective against his class of sex demon."

"What exactly are you, Azure?"

"Huh? I'm old, and hell born—-oh, I'm one of the oldest demons, how old am I? I was here in hell, before Lucifer became demon king."

"What a thing to claim."

"Azzy dear, Charlie isn't exactly fully human, so what exactly do we—"


"Yes, Yes, I've forgotten."

"Warlocks are version of half-bloods, they are born with immortality and a rather large boasting gain of magic, mind you. It isn't often they died, only when they strike a deal with a demon."

"Azzy dear, don't you have one of your own?"

"Offspring? Please, I've never fucked a human women before."

"You've only fucked Lucifer, I'm suprised his seedling hasn't gotten into your stomach first."

"Louis Depare, you want to die??"

"No, I certinaly don't want to die. Drink your coffe, ill-tempered old man."

"Shut up, before I stick my foot up your ass."

"It feels like a family."

"More like an bunch of immortal ill-tempered children stuck in a house together—-but suppose, family works as well. Though, there is a lot of trouble—like others trying to kill them, normally me or the drunkard handle the mess—-without them paying attention, or at least, Azzy pretends to not notice. I had you registered for a school, you can use this book here to get from the living world to Hell, and back, don't loose it—-there expensive to replace."

"I know."

"Snake, it's to early for your bullshit. I don't want to deal with your slithering hide, unless it become a new boot."

"Is that a bomb?"

"What else would it be?"


"It's hell, Charlie. It's a fucking paradise if you want it to be, and it can be a fucking prison if you choose to make it so."

"You told us not to cuss in front of him?"

"You guys don't, I….I honestly don't give a shit to begin with."

"Not all of us swear, some of us are actually polite. To clearfy, if you were wondering."

"I got that."

I’m re-writing the chapters, this is re-write for chapter one.

Matteo_Manuel_2023creators' thoughts