
Chapter Seven: The Chest

"Before you see what lies inside the chest, I must tell you a little bit of information," the Forest God told them. "I have no idea what is inside it, so you'll have to find out yourselves." He strolled over to his grand palace. Bai Xing and Cheng Ming peered into the chest. There were scriptures, books, and techniques for cultivation. This was impossible, titans and titan borns could not cultivate. This was amazing! Finally he could put his power to use with these scriptures and spiritual fruits.

"Cheng Ming, we can finally use our power in chi form!" Bai Xing exclaimed.

They looked around the surrounding area for a cave. They located one and hurried over to it. When they got inside, it started to rain. The rain quickly turned into a thunderstorm. They huddled together and examined the chest. There were storage rings with more scriptures in them. They rummaged through the chest and found a couple of scrolls. Bai Xing and Cheng Ming started at the ordinary warrior rank, and started to make their way to the 2nd layer of the rank. Each rank has nine layers. The ranks went ordinary warrior, earth warrior, sky warrior, and heavenly warrior. 6 months passed just like that with Bia Xing and Cheng Ming in a meditative state, cultivating. Soon they gathered so much chi, that they were almost at the heavenly warrior rank. They went outside for the first time in half a year and breathed in the fresh air. Suddenly, the sun was blocked by a large shadow. They looked upward to see a giant green phoenix flying overhead.

"Bai Xing, we must use our chi," Cheng Ming said. Bai Xing nodded. They climbed up onto the tallest tree and took a leap of faith. They landed on the back of the phoenix. Bai Xing quickly unsheathed his dark daggers and threw one over to Cheng Ming. Bai Xing scrambled to the phoenix's neck and Cheng Ming did the same. They stabbed the bird but suddenly the bird bucked them off. Bai Xing was floating. There was a blue aura around him. He sent a sword made of pure chi flying towards the bird. It was a legendary skill from the chest named inner might, with this skill he could make any weapon out of chi. The bird squealed and fell to the ground. They investigated the carcass and found something very interesting. They picked up a large egg.

"Bai Xing, we have reached a large amount of power. We have already passed the heavenly warrior rank. I suggest we go back to the village," Cheng Ming said.

They were outside the gate of what used to be the village. They peeped through a small hole in the gate and gasped. There was rubble, ashes, and corpses. The village had been ravaged by an unknown force. The only thing that remained was the enormous walls. They cautiously stepped inside the palace and walked over to the elders chambers. They walked past a home that was demolished. They walked past the barracks where guards were laying, withered. They finally got to the elders stronghold. Three elders were sprawled out on the floor, withered and dead. One was slumped over on a sofa. Two were armed with swords and appeared to be killed fighting something. They stepped toward an elder, but set off a booby trap. Guards popped out of nowhere. Bai Xing turned around and slashed one and charged them, Chen ming stabbed him. Bai Xing thrust his chi-sword toward one and walked over to the final one standing.

"What happened!" He demanded.

"About what," The guard stuttered, clutching a spear that seemed not meant for him.

"Why is the village destroyed!" Bai xing snapped. He unsheathed his dagger and pointed it at the man's throat.

"I will not tell an outsider," the guard stammered.

"I lived here, but that's irrelevant. I have the power to break your bones by snapping." Bai Xing threatened.

"I know you are lying. The elders say you are weak, and the elders are all-knowing," he said.

"Then why are they dead, huh!?" Bai Xing screamed, fed up. "You idiot tell me now!"

"No, I will not betray the elders"

Bai Xing had had enough. He grabbed him and suddenly an aura of chi was floating around him. Soon it whirled around and started crushing the guard, choking him. The guard fell. He clasped his chest and gasped for air.

"Now tell us, or you won't be able to tell anyone anything," Bai Xing threatened. The guard slightly shook his head. Bai Xing punched him. The guard cried out in pain and nodded his head. Bai Xing released the Chi. The guard took in a mouthful of air.

"You are murderers, I knew it, just like the Eldrin Warlock," said the guard.

"Who is that?" Bai Xing asked.

"He is who did all of this mayhem, but why are you asking, you know him, you did this!"

"We know nothing of this man you speak of!" Cheng Min screamed. Bai Xing had had enough. Anger flowed through him, and soon that anger turned into chi. It surrounded him and Cheng Min in a bubble and they started floating upwards! A large boom made Bai Xing gasp and look down. The bubble popped and they tumbled to the ground. Bai Xing gasped and looked at the destruction he had caused.

"What have I done!" He said to himself. He, Bai Xing, had done the impossible. He had destroyed the wall surrounding Chen Suchun.