
Chapter 8: The Mysterious Woman

In the aftermath of the explosion, Bai Xing was contemplating what a suitable punishment would be.

"Maybe I could get banished?" He muttered.

"Maybe what you can do is stop blaming yourself. It's not like anybody lives here any more," Cheng Min observed.

"No! You don't understand! Those walls had an enchantment on them, protecting the village from the dangers of the outside world. Now we are vulnerable and forces stronger than us can just walk right through the gate and destroy us!" Bai Xing yelled. Right as he said that, a sandstorm rolled through. These happened every so often in Chen Suchung, but the walls always protected them from the sandstorms. But this one was different. It had a dark aura and only lasted for a fraction of a second.

"Do you sense it?" Bai Xing asked.

"Yes, a dark presence," Cheng Min. In the distance, they saw a hooded figure. Bai Xing's eyes widened. It was the woman he saw the night before his sacrifice!

"Now that the elders are dead, I can come and kill you," she said. She took off her cloak, revealing a utility belt stocked with weapons and heavy battle armor.

"Who are you?" Cheng Min called out.

"I am Sonoda Ino, the deadliest assassin in Ching Meng!" She yelled. "And I am your worst nightmare." She pulled out two large knives and charged. Cheng Min created a naginata out of chi, whilst Bai Xing unsheathed his daggers. Sonoda did an acrobatic trick and jumped on Bai Xing. He blocked both knives, but was pinned to the ground and vulnerable. Cheng Min took this chance and slashed at Sonoda, but she jumped above the blades and dodged it. She put her knives back in her belt and took out shurikens. She started throwing them at Cheng Min. He blocked all of them with his arm, but one ricochet off and hit Bai Xing in the arm. Bai Xing screamed in agony. Suddenly, Sonoda jumped on Bai Xing with a katana. Bai Xing felt like he was going to throw up, and he did, right before she slit his throat. However, this was not vomit, it was water! The water from the bird bath! He thought. Sonoda was rubbing her eyes.

"How did you manage to get blinding water!" She yelled. While she was feeling around for Bai Xing, Cheng Min quickly perye her katana and stripped off her belt. He smashed them on the ground and they were destroyed, turned to dust. She grunted Bai Xing pinned her to the ground and created a chi claymore. He pointed it to her throat.

"Who are you working for!" Bai Xing yelled, exhausted. Sonoda panted and said,

"I work for nobody, but I was paid to kill you."

"Who paid you then?" He asked.

"I don't know. He was wearing a mask and a cloak and never said his name," she confessed. Bai Xing was confused. Who sent Sonoda? Who destroyed the village? And most importantly, where was the forest god when he was needed? In a fit of rage, he beheaded Sonoda. Then it came to him.