
Heirs of Doom

The Kingdom of Maghada and Colchis were headed by two Kings. King Frederick and a relative of his, King Hammurabi. Though the two kingdoms were related by blood. There was no mutuality of any sort. The king of Maghada, King Frederick. Always felt the King of Colchis had despision for his regality. But he was just using this to cover up his confined jealousy for the more successful state of The Kingdom of Colchis. Frederick's Ego grew and He decided to attack and take over Colchis. The attack was a surprise to Colchis and on that fateful day, Many great men of Colchis fell by the blade of the great men of Maghada. The King and queen were not left out of the heart wrenching slaughter. Everyone else that survived the conflict were taking as slaves into Maghada, leaving their land in ruffles.. Days turned into weeks, Weeks into months.. Months to years, and years to three decades. And the tales of King Frederick and his Relative was passed from the old generation to the new ones. It remained the classic story in the Empire. It has been thirty years since King's Frederick take over and the people of Colchis..or perhaps what was left of them, were still slaves working out their lives for him. The People of Colchis had completely loose hope on any way of escaping slavery. Many of them had passed away and the new generations had take over the jobs mostly. Ad they had little or no knowledge about the tales of King Frederick. Three of the old slaves, who were once princes of Colchis managed to escape slavery alongside some courageous slaves. They went into hiding and ameliorated. It took them years to gather up enough strength to ambush and attack Maghada. King Frederick fell alongside his Empire and the princes took back what was lost. The princes of Colchis brought up King Frederick's family and slaughtered them all. The army cheered and their noise Reverberated throughout the Empire. The Eldest Son of Colchis was about to give a speech to their well deserved victory when some of his men came up dragging a young lady. “My Lord, This their princess. We found her hiding in one of the rooms. What should we do with her” the men dropped her in front of the Princes. “ we'll just do the same thing that was done to my little sister!" The youngest Prince pulled his sword instantly to slay her. “Wait, we can't kill her now. ” The eldest Son stopped him. The youngest Prince pulled back. His eye had quickly turned tormented and he had to walk away from the scene. “ I will not kill you yet..ill make you suff..” “Where is my Father, what have you done to everyone you dimwits!” The princess Curt words came. The eldest son was spooked for a moment, He was shocked at her audacity to question his Regality. His brow arched and he sighed. He walked over to her and tilted her chin up, with his humongous and painful hands. “You will suffer in folds what your father did to us!”

Daizy_Dee · História
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Episode 8

Chapter 8:

Aurora stood up and walked closer to the cell entrance. "someone is here.." She thought. The cell rooms were mid dark and there were many dark spots people could hide whenever the door were shut so Aurora was having problem seeing anybody. but she was certain she heard footsteps.

"Evening Aurora"

"ahh!!" Aurora flinched back as the voice startled her. "Is, is it you again?" She asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes, I couldn't finish talking the last time and I have been busy lately"

"How did you get out of here the last time. The guards locked the door behind us so there is probably no way you used the door!" Aurora pondered.

"I have my ways out of everything.." The stranger replied.

"Who are you, you are one of the Colchis aren't you?" Aurora asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is my purpose of been here"

"You are a Colchis. You probably escaped through a secret route the Colchis slaves created. You are one of them aren't you" Aurora insisted.

The man was mute now.

"And you are also responsible for what happened in the Kingdom. The only thing I don't know is who you are so I'll ask you one more time..who are you?"

"I have come to help you out of This bondage. I am going to take the throne, and I want you to be by my side then" The man said.

"I do not know who you are and you want me to be by your side when you become king. How sure are you you'll become the king, Can you overthrone Boudica and his brothers?" Aurora questioned.

The man was mute again. He seemed to be selective of his choice of words so he will not accidentally reveal his identity.

"The king and his brothers are the last thing on my mind now. They are no problem at all..." He stated.

"What is your next move now after doing this?"

"I never said I was responsible for this" The man said.

"Wait, what!. You are not responsible for what happened. Would you mind telling me what happened in the palace?" Aurora asked eagerly.

"Someone wrote threats on the palace walls. The king was furious and arrested the men of Maghada. That was why all of them was here. But the real culprit was found today and the king killed him"

"Was wondering why the monster hasn't called on me in days, Didn't know he his been tormented now" Aurora smiled demonically.

"But wait, if your plan is to overthrone Boudica and you are not the one that wrote the threats..that means there is someone else trying to take the throne from him.." Aurora said.

"Yes and he was killed right in my face.." The man replied. "Right in your face, you seem like someone who is very close to the king.." Aurora replied.

"Yes, I was there and so were many other men of Colchis" The men replied. "Well, that means you're a Colchis.." Aurora concluded.

"I have told you it doesn't matter who I am and where I am from. All that matters is that I'm going to overthrone him!" The man said with a more raging voice.

"And you want me to be by your side after this?" Aurora asked. The man nodded in affirmation.

"Then we need a plan.." Aurora said.

"I already have one.."

Boudica stayed in his room all day. Even though he killed the man who was questioning his regality with his own hands, His heart was still not devoid of someone trying to take the throne.

He felt someone.. The real pepetrator was still out there and hiding and planning something big.

The door opened and his personal guard, Pericles walked in.

"Are you bothered about what happened my lord?"

"Something doesn't feel right Pericles, I killed the person I defied the most with my own hands but still feel someone is out there planning on taking my own life" Boudica said.

"Something felt odd too when we went to capture the pepetrator too"

"Something happened, what?". Boudica asked eagerly.

"We got to the house and the first thing I noticed was the composement of the house. It looked like a really newly rented one"

"Maybe he moves around the city to avoid been captured?" Boudica suggested.

"And just when we walked in on him. He talked about a boss who said we wouldn't be there until dawn.. "

"until dawn?. Was he expecting the men to come Apprehend him?" Boudica asked endlessly.

"The most confusing part was that he spake well and clear when we walked in on him and when you questioned him, he just remained mute. It was just like he chose death himself!" Pericles stated.

"I noticed he was forcing himself not to talk but he did when Louis walked closer to him too. Anyone overheard what he said to him?"

"No my lord. All everyone heard were whispers. Perhaps you should ask him to find out?" Pericles suggested.

"No. This conversation remains between you and me only. I want you to keep an eye out on everyone in the palace now. The real pepetrator is still alive and he could be anywhere...even in my Palace.."

*Back in the land of Chandan*

Hetsheptsu wife had been waiting for two days for the arrival of her husband but it Didn't seem he was going to show up anytime soon.

She was more worried as Their two sons will arrive from the palace the same day. It was the end of the month and the workers all had days to spend at their homes before coming back to resume their duties.

Night came and the sons arrived to meet their mother right outside their house.

"Mother, why are you staying outside here all alone. Where is father and Mara?" The eldest son asked him.

"Mara is indoors preparing dinner.."

"And father?"

"Your father left home three days ago and hasn't returned yet.." She replied.

"Have you gone to the gambling house and ask of his whereabouts?"

"They only said he came there to gamble and left as usual. I saw him leave the next day myself. He said he was going to a land Named Narubi" She explained.

"Narubi.. There's no land named Narubi.." The younger son stated.

" I know, i tried to tell him this too.."