

‘’Let me tell you something honey, Revenge is the best dish served cold.’’ **** To her, betrayal was the most excruciating pain in the world—the kind that pierced her soul. The people she had loved with her entire heart had not only failed her, but ruthlessly deceived her. "How could you?" she had once cried, her voice shaking as she stared at the man she had chased like a madwoman. But he had already cheated on her—expecting a child with the very woman she despised with every fiber of her being. Her so-called ‘’family " was no better. The relatives she thought she could trust? They only wanted the inheritance meant for her and her little brother. The people who once smiled sweetly and flattered her? They were nowhere to be found when her glamorous and envious life crumbled to nothing. "I thought you all cared about me..." she whispered bitterly, watching as one by one, they all turned their backs on her when she needed them the most. In that devastating moment, everything became painfully clear. The bubble she had lived in popped and she finally saw their true faces. But....it was too late. Everything she had was gone, slipping through her fingers like sand in the wind. Except for him. Her former fiancé, the one man she had tried to ruin with every scheme she had planned, remained by her side until the end. He stood by her, even as she took her final breath. She had accepted her tragic fate—until something phenomenal happened. She woke up once again. Back to the past. Where nothing had happened yet.

Sowunmi16 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Arresting Madam May (3)

''A-Ah….'' Madam May's eyes shook in horror as she turned head over to the screen of the tablet. As someone who worked for the Kingston family for years, she definitely recognized the identity of the Attorneys.

''Young miss, you have to spare me! My family was threatened, and I had no choice!'' Immediately, Madam May pleaded with tears, scrambling forward and attempting to grab Ayana by her ankles.

Her actions were predictable and Sam immediately gestured for his men to hold the woman captive and drag her out of the Mansion.

Only Sam remained in the visitor's lounge with the tablet.

''She will be detained until the court has verified the evidence and given their decision. You should not be worried, young miss. The late Madam and the young master will get the justice they rightfully deserved.'' The Attorney who spoke was the woman who worked for the late Madam Kingston.

''Yes, thank you.'' Her words put a grateful smile on Ayana's face. She was satisfied with the result of her quick plans, yet relieved at the same time that Sam and the parents' Attorney arrived to the situation on time.

'Thank you Paige.' Ayana glanced at her Nanny's granddaughter with a thankful heart.

If Paige had not carried out her plans in a nick of time, her relatives might have tried to mellow the situation, particularly Lucinda.

Her cunningness knew no limits, as the woman knew how to twist and turn situations in her favor.

Meanwhile, Mark observed deeply with his eyes. He glanced at the disappearing back of the bodyguard, then at his niece holding the tablet and now conversing with attorneys about her well-being.

'I can't discuss the custody right now.' He frowned slightly. That Madam May had deeply ruined things for him. If the Attorneys were not present, he might have used the chance to prove his family's innocence, and then bring up the custody.

Now, he couldn't say a word, because it was risky and would surely raise suspicions.

Mark contemplated briefly before deciding to stand up from the sofa. ''We should be going, Ayana.'' He smiled down at his niece warmly.'' It is appropriate for us to leave and you to rest. Dealing with that despicable servant should have done by the adults and not a child. Though, I commend you for not believing her words over your family. If you and Jason encounter any situation like this again, do let your aunt and I be aware.''

He could only retreat this time, then try again without any distractions like that Madam May.

'Ha…' Meanwhile, Ayana scoffed at his words in her heart. She would be a fool not to understand what her uncle was trying to convey to her, and perhaps the Attorneys on the screen.

He hasn't given up yet, huh?

''Yes uncle, I understand.'' She displayed a smile fitting for situation. ''Jason and I still have Nanny to watch over us. Mother and Father's Attorneys are also here to assist us. So, Uncle and Aunt don't need to worry about a thing.''

'Just take your disgusting family and leave my mansion immediately.' If possible, she would have loved to add sentence as well.

''….Alright Ayana, we understand.'' Mark accepted with a small smile. At the same time, he briefly eyed his niece's smiling countenance before glancing at his wife and daughter, signaling them to get up and leave with him.

Unlike Arabella, who was quick to understand her father's gesture, Lucinda lagged behind in thoughts. She hesitantly stood up, wondering if they would just leave without any results.

 ''But Mark….'' She started and her words trailed off at the sight of her husband's sharp glare. She instantly understood that he did not want her to mention a word and simply leave the children alone.

However, Lucinda felt they couldn't just leave without trying.

Her husband had planned to take custody of these children, hadn't he? Was he hesitating because of the Attorneys?

Lucinda felt it was even more beneficial if the Attorneys bore witness to the custody since they were in possession of the legal documents.

Despite her disagreeing thoughts to her husband's actions, Lucinda knew better than to argue in the presence of others.

''We'll visit you and Jason some other time, Ayana.''

Ayana watched as Lucinda flashed a forced smile before walking away with her uncle and their daughter.

"Have you decided on a guardian for yourself and the young master?" The voice of her late mother's attorney broke her focus, drawing her attention from the path her relatives had taken.

"Yes, I have," Ayana replied without hesitation. "And if you're wondering, it's neither my uncle nor his wife," she added for clarity.

"I see. As long as you're certain of your choice, Carson and I will have no concerns. We'll end the video call now, and handle the servant's charges. Don't hesitate to reach out if you or the young master are in need of help, young miss."

 ''Hm. Thank you both for your quick responses.''

Ayana watched as the Attorneys smiled slightly before the video call ended.


She released out a loud sigh and let down the tablet on the cushion. The stiffness in her muscles gradually eased, allowing her body to sink in a state of relaxation.

'I did it.' She suddenly thought. Though this was just beginning, Ayana was proud of herself for handling the situation in her favor.

Of course, this couldn't have happened without the efforts of her Nanny's granddaughter. She had definitely not made a mistake of choosing Paige as the new housekeeper.

In her past life, Paige had resigned as a maid from the Mansion. Her Nanny had already been arrested for theft by her relatives, and Paige must have felt guilty since she still worked for the people who had imprisoned her only family.

'Though I am not one to be nosy, please be wary of the Eldest Master and his family, young miss.' Paige had warned her secretly before leaving the Mansion for good.

That was why in this life, she did not hesitate before appointing Paige as the new housekeeper and her person, which was indeed a right choice.

'I was really tensed.' Ayana groaned softly and rubbed the back of her neck before turning her gaze to the sight of her Nanny and Paige.

''Nanny and Miss Paige can sit with me.'' She suggested in a soft tone, different from the calm yet indifferent tone that she used on her relatives and Madam May.

Ayana could not handle the sight of her Nanny, an elderly woman, standing for long. In the presence of her relatives, she couldn't have allowed her Nanny to take a seat that easily. Lucinda and her cousin would have definitely thrown a fit and accuse her putting them down at the level of a servant.

Besides that, Her Nanny was someone who definitely knew her boundary as a servant for the Kingston family.

 ''We are fine, young miss.'' As expected, her Nanny refused with a smile. The same for Paige, who nodded slightly agreeing to her Nanny's words.

Ayana did not force them and merely concentrated on her thoughts. She needed to plan the next step against the schemes of her uncle.

Meanwhile, Nanny Hilda's smile faltered when her young miss had taken her gaze off them. She glanced at her granddaughter on the side, wondering if the situation moments ago was the reason for her lateness.

Nanny Hilda recalled the crimes that were revealed moments ago, and then the hard times of the late Madam's pregnancy. She sighed sadly at the thought of Madam May's actions.

Even if what Madam May said was true about the Eldest Master and Madam, Nanny Hilda was just disheartened thinking of how the late Madam would have felt if she were alive to have witnessed the situation.

'Young miss….' At the same time, she worried for her young miss who dealt with the situation without suffering a loss. She had seen a shadow of the late Madam overlapping with the young miss. The late Madam had often experienced dishonest servants and dealt with them, though not as ruthless as the young miss.

And her young miss was just a twelve-year-old.

Her heart lifted at the thought that her young miss wouldn't be easily deceived. Though, she was sad that her young miss was not that innocent yet arrogant little girl anymore.

Her young miss had grown up mentally and will grow up much more, better than the late Master and Madam.

Just the thought of her grown-up young miss brought tears to Nanny Hilda's eyes and she averted her gaze from her young miss who had already closed her eyes and relaxed on the sofa.

''I will check on the young master.'' She whispered to her granddaughter and then excused herself from the visitor's lounge.

Meanwhile, Paige glanced at her aging back of her grandmother, and then stared at the sleeping young face of their young miss. She thought of what had happened moments ago and her hurried actions to make sure that everything had been according to her young miss's orders.

'You don't have to worry about the children anymore, grandma.' She smiled to herself.

Their young miss was definitely not an average easy little girl.