
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Aether lay sprawled on the cold stone floor, his body screaming in protest after his ordeal. His lungs finally calmed to a steady rhythm, and he allowed himself a moment to simply exist. His gaze drifted upwards, tracing the lines of the cavern walls. They were a tapestry of mossy green, punctuated by jagged protrusions that looked like the petrified teeth of a forgotten giant.Escape was the only thought churning in his mind. But as he surveyed the sheer height of the cavern walls, a cold dread settled in his stomach. Scaling those cliffs seemed like an impossible feat, even for a healthy individual, let alone one battered and bruised like him.His reverie was shattered by Lumi's disembodied voice echoing in his mind. "[Host has comprehended the flow of mana by 5%]"Aether jolted upright, disbelief warring with a flicker of curiosity. Could it be true? Had he, through sheer desperation and the near-death experience, actually managed to improve his understanding of magic?But Lumi wasn't finished. "[Due to host's accomplishment, Host has acquired Empirical Mastery]"Aether's astonishment crackled in the air. This was uncharted territory. He had stumbled into a realm of power he barely understood, and Lumi's pronouncement hung heavy, a cryptic message waiting to be deciphered.Yearning, a spark in the midst of his exhaustion, overwhelmed him. He sat up, his voice a hoarse whisper, "Lumi, show me my stats." The desperate plea hung in the air, a testament to his newfound hunger for knowledge, for a way to navigate this bizarre world he found himself in.Aether's breath hitched as a panel of shimmering light materialized before him, courtesy of Lumi. It displayed his stats, a constellation of numbers and phrases that represented his current capabilities. He scanned them intently, his brow furrowed in concentration. But then, his gaze snagged on a new section below his standard classifications. It glowed with a faint luminescence, setting it apart from the rest.

name: Aether Ilon

race: human, ???

bloodline: ???

physique: ???

status class: Awakened

Empirical Mastery: Dual Cognition.

Aether's lips moved silently as he deciphered the words: "Empirical Mastery." Intrigue sparked in his eyes. This was entirely new, a concept Lumi hadn't introduced before. But the entity wasn't finished yet. Beside the newly acquired ability pulsed another inscription, its very presence thrumming with a quiet power.Aether leaned closer, his voice barely a whisper, "Dual Cognition." The words resonated within him, carrying the weight of something profound. A newfound ability. A power he didn't fully understand, yet one that hummed with possibility. It was as if a door had cracked open in his mind, revealing a glimpse of a vast chamber brimming with potential.Bewildered by the cryptic words hanging in the air, Aether was about to unleash a barrage of questions at Lumi. But his vision abruptly shifted, zooming in on the glowing inscription of "Dual Cognition." A new set of words shimmered into existence, etching themselves onto the panel of light."[Dual Cognition Description: a path of two is forged and a path of two will they meet]," the description read, as enigmatic as a riddle whispered on the wind. Aether furrowed his brow, his mind churning in an attempt to crack the code. "Two paths…" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "What paths? And will they meet? Does it mean…" But his train of thought sputtered to a halt, frustration gnawing at him. This cryptic message offered no clear answers, only a tantalizing glimpse into the unknown.With a sigh that carried the weight of his lost deduction, Aether turned his attention to the next section. "[Dual Cognition ability: This ability allows the host to enter a split state of consciousness," the words began, unfolding like a long-awaited revelation. "While their mind focuses on comprehension and analysis, a secondary consciousness ('apostle') takes control of the host's body, allowing for navigation and action. This detached state facilitates a deeper understanding of complex concepts and environments. All acquired knowledge is then transferred back to the host, who can utilize it to develop their skills…"Aether's eyes widened as he absorbed the implications. This was a game-changer! A way to tap into a heightened state of awareness, to analyze and learn at an accelerated rate. He could become a sponge, soaking up information while his body, controlled by Lumi navigated the world around him. A thrill shot through him, a spark of excitement battling against the lingering exhaustion. This wasn't just power, it was a gateway to knowledge, a chance to bridge the gap in his understanding of this strange world.But the elation was short-lived. A chilling afterthought materialized at the bottom of the description panel. "[Flaw: Dual Cognition comes with a significant drawback. After 15 minutes of use, the ability shuts down, and the host experiences debilitating side effects.]"Aether grimaced, the joy momentarily dampened. Fifteen minutes. A mere quarter of an hour for a power so potent. And then, debilitating side effects. The implications hung heavy in the air, a cautionary note marring the otherwise promising prospect.Yet, even with the limitations, a smirk tugged at the corner of Aether's lips. This was a double-edged sword, yes, but a sword nonetheless. And in his current predicament, any weapon was better than none. His mind buzzed with ideas – scouting treacherous paths, deciphering ancient texts, even unraveling the mysteries of his own newfound magic. The possibilities were endless, and a newfound determination settled in his gut. He would master this ability, exploit its strengths, and find ways to mitigate its weaknesses.Holding his head in his hand, Aether absorbed the full weight of his new reality.Lost in the labyrinth of his newfound abilities, Aether was jolted back to reality by a familiar pang in his gut. Hunger, a gnawing reminder of his neglected body, clawed at him. With a rueful groan, he realized the urgency of his situation.Pushing himself up from the damp ledge, Aether stretched his aching muscles, each movement a symphony of complaint. so much had happened.But dwelling on the past was a luxury he couldn't afford. The future stretched before him, an uncertain path shrouded in mist. He had to prepare, to gather his bearings and formulate a plan for the days to come. Hunger might gnaw at him now, but a more profound hunger, a thirst for knowledge and understanding, burned even brighter. He had tasted the potential of his newfound abilities, and the prospect of wielding them fueled his determination.With newfound resolve, Aether walked back to his camp, the echo of his footsteps bouncing off the cavern walls. The journey ahead would be arduous, fraught with dangers both known and unknown. But for the first time since his arrival in the cave, he wasn't alone. He had found Zephyr, and within himself, a burgeoning power waiting to be unleashed. He would navigate this labyrinthine world, one step, one discovery at a time.