
Chapter 155

Two giants were standing opposite each other on the fighting field. Everyone knew who they were, but there was no consensus on the outcome of the fight.

"Mel is in the second round, but his job is challenging now!"

"Look at his opponent. Mel will fight against the best Bodily Developer among all students!"

While the two young students were speaking, their friend suddenly intervened. Caught by the shoulders, he brought the two people close to each other and said in a whisper so that no one would hear.

"Isn't it a great coincidence that Mel and Edgan's rivals are all men of the Second Great?"

"Isn't there a draw?"

"Yeah, sure! It is such a coincidence that 'P' matches Mel as if that was ordered!" 

The young people did not seem to shut up, but they shut their mouths and turned their gaze to the fighting arena with the official's announcement.

"You are a Botanist who does physical development! What a sweet thing you are!"