
Evolved summons!

[Summon spirit hounds]

Eugene cast the skill and a group of cute creatures which looked like a breed between the wolf and dog appeared supporting the golem's fight against the buffed skeletons and making the fight a standstill again.

"As you can see, I am quite okay with dealing with the cute skeletons, but let's see how you will respond to my move"

[Summon Judo]

It was the summon Eugene obtained after traveling through the huge forest on the 8th floor, A massive 3-meter Rhino-like creature with three horns appeared and started to charge toward Michael right away.

Two skeletons tried to stop it, but the poor skeletons got crushed instead.

But Michael still wasn't agitated. He summoned another one of his summons to stop the beast.

[Summon Mythika]

The beast that appeared in front of Michael was a monster that looked too intimidating to be just a normal undead.

It had two heads…no three heads!