
Unholy Transmutation - Part 26

I sat with Sasha's gift in my lap, studying it intently, a giddy feeling burgeoning in my gut.

All the while, Rostya watched me with matched intensity, waiting for me to share the bounty. Every once in a while, his tail would flick from one side to the other, but otherwise, he was still as stone. One would barely be able to discern his breathing, unless explicitly searching for it.

Prior to attending the event of my poisoning, Sasha and I discussed what was to come had Rens taken the Krovic throne. The golden filth would've already reached out to my maternal brethren to the west. The Wolf Navy was one of the few bodies in the West Continent that had the potential to sway the Casterian Conflict, and what use to the emperor was the Krovic throne if he couldn't have the benefit of Vuklandic resources that now legally accompanied it?