
Heaveson University

A school- no not just an ordinary school are Heaveson Academy is. A school that doesn't exist on humans mind, thinking it was just some crazy things that people imagine. How come there's a school where power exist? Where their powers came from? Seventh sense? Oh, that's purely nonsense that only dumb can think of it. But, how about this lady? A normal person from the world of sinners came and see that fantasy school exist. What will happen to her there? Will she survive or be dead? If ever she survive, then she's pretty wise to do that. But if she ain't, then she's dumb and careless. Sabay-sabay nating abangan ang opposite version ng Hell university HAHHAHA! Sabay-sabay tayong mamangha sa mga bagay na dadating sa buhay ng babaeng tinutukoy ko. Please prevail this RRR policy of mine: R-Read R-Respect S-Stop spoiling HEAVESON UNIVERSITY: The rise of seventh prophet. PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME AND A SIN! YOU'LL BE JUDGE SAME THE MEASUREMENT YOU DOES! Goodluck and enjoy reading!

Congospeare · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Lucianne with the Four Idiots in Heaveson

Because of the shockness, I was able to slap myself hard just to deceive myself that this isn't true. But, it didn't help, instead it irritated me more. 

"Reality just slapped you, Luci. Accept the fact." She laughs, holding her tummy.

"Tsk! Tsk!" I exchange from her laugh.

Because of annoyance, I'd start to walk out of her sight. I look like a poor chick as the creatures here look at me. 

Is there something wrong with me? I thought while searching for an answer. 

Not until, a fireball is running towards my direction. 

I'm stunned and speechless.

Because of nervousness, I just close my eyes and it leads my holded tears to fall down on my cheeks.

I wait for seconds, to be hitted by that fire ball. But, there's none.

I slowly and cautiously open my eyes. 

What? The ball fades?

I'm clueless, why that hecking fireball disappeared? 

I'd only come back from myself, as I saw a group of people rushing towards my direction.

"Are you alright?" The orange haired girl asked.

But, before I opened my mouth, I felt dizziness that made me fall down on the ground.

I opened my eyes, I saw a silhouette of humans looking at me. My sight cleared, and I realized that they were the group of people who ran after me, lately. 

"Where am i? Who were you?" I asked, confusively.

"We're the group who's been playing with fire balls lately." She bowed her head. "You're in the medical room." 

All of them can't look at me properly. I guess they're guilty for what they have done. Anyway, I pity them, but that's for bringing my life in danger. I'm just stating the truth. Every choice that you chose had its consequences, and you cannot escape from it.

"Who threw the ball at my direction?" I emotionlessly muttered.

The man in dark violet hair among them raised himself. He's an extraordinarily handsome and muscular man.

"Me," He simply said. 

He doesn't even say some kind of apology. Is he powerful enough not just to say such a little thing from what he has done wrong? Tsk! Tsk! I don't know but maybe when God rained down some respect outside, he was sleeping soundly in his castle. 

"Sorry," He turned his gaze to mine. "So, stop thinking such a f*ck inside your head." I'm shocked.

"What?! You're able to say sorry but you look mad though, " I fight back, but deep inside, I'm slowly depleting because of fear.

I waved my hand to slap him but he immediately held it. He leaned his face closer to me with his terrible dark blue eyes. I already smell his manly scent.

"Don't mess with me, Lucianne." My eyes widened. How did he know my name?

He let go of me and left the room with glaring eyes. He looked scary. We also stared at each other for almost a long time.

"Lucianne, are you okay?" The girl in orange hair asked.

"I'm alright, but can I ask?" I said. "About that man,"

She chuckles. "He's Gabrielo Ciel Archenson, the heir of Archenson powerful and successful clan." She muttered as if she said it with all of her respect.

"Ahh, maybe that's the reason why he is so arrogant." I whispered.

I was about to ask her something but the door suddenly opened and it spat out a very handsome man in his late 30's, hurrying towards us. 

"Doing fine?" He said with his gentleman voice.

I nodded in response.

"I'm Lemuel Malcolm the principal of this university." He introduced himself.

"Can you walk and talk with us in my office?" 

"I can," Then, he helped me to get up.

We went out after Mr. Malcolm talked to the nurse. 

I witnessed the beautiful and royal theme of this school. It's a combination of white and gold, like you're in an eternal palace. It's wonderful and stunning. 

I was almost drenched in saliva because of the unique beauty of the surroundings. Like a crowned princess in her royal castle. I wanna live here forever! This is amazing.

"I guess you've not seen this kind of place before," The man with dark long hair said.

"Shut up, gay haired." They burst out in laughter, except the man that I've said.

He's pouting like a duck, and it's so irritating.

"Stop pouting, imp." Another loud and irritating laugh comes from them again.

"Do you know who's calling you a duck and imp?" Natigilan ako.

They stopped laughing and stood up properly. Everyone is feeling and staring. What the hell is going on? I'm confused.

"Of course I do not know, tsk!" The expression of his face shifted onto a jerk man.

"That's a girl! Right now I officially introduce you as one of my women." My jaw dropped.

"H-How did you say that?! I don't even agree!" I lost my temper. "Asshole!!" 

He squeaks like a duck as i kick his ego. My mom knows that I'm an uncontrollable person, and becomes too dangerous whenever I lose my temper. 

All the people from the hallway stop and look to the man who's screaming in pain. Others hide their laughter but others have some nervous looks.

 I heard the whispering gossip of a student from behind me causing me to be eaten by a negative reaction.

A few seconds of being in pain, the jerk man stood up with his cool appearance and terrible look. He walked towards my direction. I'm stepping backward because of fear. He's continuosly stepping towards me.

I felt the cold wall that added the shiver on my spine. I realise that I'm trapped, 'cause he blocked my way out by his two hands.

We're giving a glance at each other.

"You," He's looking intently. "Do you know that i'm the inheritor of one of the most powerful families?" My eyes widen.

I close my eyes as he approaches his lips to mine. 

Please, no, help me, don't let him steal my precious first kiss. I thought.

After I said that inside my mind, there's a force that made my eyes open in shockness.

"Felix!" The man in pink hair shouted at the black long haired who's hanged.

"Sh*t let me get out of here! Take me down!" He pleased.

Everyone laughs, including me too.

I saw an angel figure looking at me with a happy smile. I also smiled back at him in response, and gave him an okay sign. He also disappeared when someone stopped in front of me.

"Now," I approached him. "You learned some lessons?" I grinned.

"Fine!" he looked at me. 

"Uh-oh, Do you think that you can deceive me?" I devilishly smile. "You're not even promising to me,"

"Tsk! Alright! I promise," He reluctantly muttered.

"What do you promise?" I uttered as if i'm disciplining a child.

"I promise that I will become a good boy," He pouted, but I knew anytime he'd just burst out in tears. 

"You can now untie him." I ordered the angel that did this to him.

Yes, the angel that I saw earlier is my friend and playmate since I was a kid. He's always protecting me whenever I call him.

They were all shocked when Felix just fell on top although, no one was moving him. 

Felix hurriedly walked over to me and knelt down trembling. I was not shocked again because Ezra (The angel) seemed to tell him to apologize for what he did to me.

"I'm sorry," He shamefully said.

"Good, then," A smile formed at my lips. 

"So, shall we go?" Mr. Lewis confronted us. 

"Sure!" I agreed.

It was as if nothing had happened to us as we continued walking while I and everyone we met were staring at me sharply. It's so irritating, what am I in the star spot for them all to see? Tsk! 

"Frustrated, huh?" The girl lately said, softly laughing.

"No, I'm irritated," I corrected.

She laughed again, "That's natural, especially if you are a new student," She looked at felix. "Adding that You have overthrown an inheritor from the mighty clan." 

I smirked as I saw felix pouted again.

"You like him?" I teased, besides they're a match. 

She looks at me as if she's disgusted.

"Me? Like him?" She looked at him again. 

"UNDER MY DEAD BODY!" Felix touched his chest, as if he's hurted.

We both rolled our eyes on annoyance.

"Anyway, You haven't mentioned your name to me yet." I pointed at her, but she just smirked.

"I'll introduce myself, later." I nodded.

Soon we stopped at a royale white and gold door. Mr. Malcolm turned his gaze on us and smiled warmly.

"Welcome to my little office," He loudly said, and it's distracting my scene.

"Can you lower down your voice?" I don't care if I disrespect him, anyway.

"Hey you're disrespe-" I cut him off.

"Im your guest right?" I smirk. "So, you should not complain from whatever, whenever, wherever, however I want to do." My smile widened as he disgustedly sat in his chair.

I sit too as what he have done. "Comfortable sofa, huh," My compliment.

"Can we now sit?" Our gaze shifted to them. "We're so tired standing here."

"No!" Mr. Malcolm squeals. "You almost broke my sofa and yet you have not paid on the damages of it." He frustratedly exclaimed. 

They poured on dismay. 

"Remember guys? Every choice has their different kinds of consequences," I glance at them, reminding everyone.

I can say that I am not an expert in philosophy or advice, I just learn it from my experiences.

Everyone knows it, they don't just notice. Every sequence that occurred to your life has a lesson. 

"Now, can we start this boring conversation?" Breaking the silence with this room. 

They all disgustedly nodded.

"As you see, you're now part of our society. You have many things to learn and study. This school was built as the second home and training place for these students, students who were born and blessed to have the seventh sense."

"We're training their mind, body, and soul. Usually, the seventh sensor or Heaves' are clueless on their powers so their parents sent them here, and that's also the reason why you are here." 

I raised my hand. "How about my mom, did she study here too?" 

After I said that word, he blushed for no apparent reason. 

"Y-Yes," He only said while trembling.

We all frowned. 

"Why were you ner-" I was cutted off by the person who opened the door irritably.

The man in violet hair appears again, with his fierce look. 

Our eyes met for a moment. 

"Get off on my sofa," My eyes widened. How did he speak in my brain ?!

"Get off!!" My head hurt because of the force of his scream

"Ahh!" Everyone panicked. 

I glance at the man again, he looks worried. 

The man quickly approached me and touched my head.

The pain fades as he touches me. I felt some relief for that. 

I look at him, without anger or annoyance. 

He glanced back, giving each other glances. 

"We are in the office, not in the motel," The man in pink hair muttered with malice. 

I pushed the man hard, leading him to kiss the shiny floor. 

"We're not doing anything, tsk!" We both said, being in denial. 

 We just avoided looking at each other because of extreme shame.

"Anyway, let's continue our conversation." The principal maliciously said.

"It would be better for you all to introduce yourself so that this matter can be resolved- and also so that you will not have to flirt with each other in my office." We rolled our eyes. 

Oh! I forget something. 

"What about mom? I could not say goodbye to her properly." 

"Your mom has talked to me lately, and she said that it's more okay not to say goodbye to you. Maybe you cried again like a kinder student." I pouted, but I wanna cry. 

Yes, I am rude but I am still loving at least once.

"So, you four idiots! Introduce yourselves right now, I wanna end this." He boredly said. 

They all nodded and the girl in orange hair again raised herself. 

"Artemis Blythe Cretillion from the Cretillion Clan. Call me Mis." She smiled gorgeously. 

The man in blonde raised. 

"Nash Xyrus Imperial of Imperial clan, you can call me Ash." He smiled, causing his eyes to fade.

Then, the man in dark long hair appeared. 

"Felix Slade Keenstone, the inheritor of Keenstone Clan from the most powerful family here, and you can call me Lix while screaming it." The jerk said, while licking his lips. 

"While screaming it?" I smirked. 

"F*ck you so much Lix!" He pouted while the remaining laugh. 

And lastly, the man in violet hair ain't raised himself, instead he's standing quietly and not uttering anything. 

"Mr. Archenson!" Mr. Malcolm said. 

He emotionless turned to me and introduced himself. 

"Ciel of Archenson Clan." 

"Properly!" Mr. Malcolm pushed. 

"Gabrielo Ciel Archenson, you done?" Then he leaves without any excuse. 

He is worse than me. 

I saw Mr. Malcolm approaching while handling a thick medium size book for me, maybe. 

"This is your map to be saved and forgiven from the Lord in heaven. Every student that enters this school has this. I wanna give you this Bible, which symbolizes our school name and identity."

"All the requirements for being an official part of this school are inside this book, so you need to finish reading this within 1 year without forcing yourself." My jaw dropped.

How could I do that? 

Without being forced? 

It would have been okay if it was a fiction book but this is a Bible! Holy crap! 

I don't even read any single word from an educational book, so how could I read the Bible within 1 year? 

"If you wouldn't finish this within one year you'll immediately be kick off on this school." He smirks, devilishly. 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

"Fine," I rolled my eyes twice.

"Oh! I forgot, your dorm number is 659 with Ms.Stewart." 

"S-Stewart?" Nash looked stunned. 

"Yes, why?" Mr.Malcolm asked, while the others hid their laughter. 

Mr. Malcolm and I were clueless, we both look stupid. 

"Because guys, she's the girl who took Nash vir-" Artemis said but Nash cutted her off by covering her mouth. 

"Be quiet!" He said while smiling weirdly through us. 

"I'll set you free as long as you keep it as secret, okay?" He whispered to her but we still can clearly hear it. 

They both smiled in response, and Nash released Artemis. 

"Again, what did you say earlier Artemis?" I asked. 

She chuckles. "I said… Roxiene is his crush."

Nash wanted to cover her mouth again but it's too late so he chose to cover his blushed face by his hand. 

"Stubborn you," He said with an ashamed tone. 

We all die in laughter while he is dying in embarrassment. 


"Hahahhaha, good job!" - Mr. Malcolm. 

"HAHAHA, nahuli ka din," - Felix

"This is ultimately funny," - Me.

We all stopped laughing after we heard the strong closing of the door outside. 

We looked at each other, and we found no Nash at all. 

"He left!" 

"He left," 

"It means his super ashamed," 

"He really likes her, OMG!" 



"Super funny! hah hah!" 

"I'm tired," 

"Me too," 

"I wanna rest," 

Everyone is complaining after we finished laughing. We laughed for more than 3 minutes.

"Maybe, all of you are definitely tired now, you can go and leave now." Mr. Malcolm reminded us. 

We all stood up from our chairs but, I stop as Mr. Malcolm called my name. 

"Ms.Cervantes, don't leave, we need to talk about something important."
