
Heavenly Pleasure

[Cover is not mine.] A pervert man from the modern world had died, his soul was transmitted on the body of a young man named Qing Tian in the world of cultivation. Before his soul migrated to his new body, he found an old man who called himself a god and he was given five requests by the old man. After making all his requests, his soul merged with Qing Tian's body, he opened his eyes from his new body and found himself in the middle of the forest. Moments after he absorbed the memories from his new body he laughed while grinning. "Haha.. Let's screw up the girls hehehe..." - - Warning: This is an adult novel, for those who are not old enough or who are not strong with this kind of content. It is hoped not to read or leave this novel immediately, because I do not want to destroy the generation that is still pure. Thanks.

MavisKazuha · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Death and Five Requests

Somewhere in the corner of the city, precisely in one of the houses in the residential area. In that house, we can see that near the window there is a man sitting in front of a computer screen, and grumbling unclearly about something.

If we look closely at his computer screen, we can see novels with the R-18 tag.

Yes, this man is a real pervert!

"Aarrgghh, today there is also no recent update of these novels? What is the author doing !?"

Yes, this man is the same person as the majority of people if he is waiting for their favorite novel that has not been released. Grumbling is not clear!

After being satisfied to condemn the authors, the man went to the kitchen to make coffee, and then he returned to his seat while putting his hot coffee on computer table.

To calm his mind, the man opened the window and lit a cigarette while staring at the dark night sky and exhaling cigarette smoke while sipping hot coffee.

"Aahhhh, this is how to enjoy solitude in the middle of the night hahaha..." "Sigh, if only I could mess up girls like in those novels. How nice is that? Hahaha..." He muttered while sighing and laughing.

After finishing his cigarette, the man stood up from his chair and planning to go to bed. But when he stood up from his chair, the man's thighs collided with his computer desk spilling coffee on the table on his computer. And stupidly, he forgot to turn off his computer which caused him to be electrocuted from the electric current of his computer.

"Arrgghhh." He screamed in pain after being electrocuted, "Am I going to die like this?" He stood staggering on the floor, (But dying in this way isn't cool at all.) He thought. Until he staggered backwards and stumbled by his own chair, he fell with the position of his head which first touched the floor and then followed by his body, which caused his death.



"Uugghhh ... am I dead?" The man woke up in a large white room.

"Yes, you are dead, you are currently in the form of a soul." The old man's figure suddenly appeared in front of him making him surprised.

Recovering from his surprise from an old man who suddenly appeared in front of him from nowhere. He thought (Hmmm, could it be possible that this old man is a God in those legends?)

The old man looked at the man in front of him while reading his mind which made the old man giggle "Yes, I am a God like those in the legends" replied the old man.

"You can read my mind?" The man asked in surprise after hearing the old man's answer.

"Heh, that's an easy matter for Gods like me." The old man became rather arrogant.

(Tch, this old man arrogant.) He thought to himself, but he didn't dare speak like that.

"Oh Great God, will you send me to Heaven or Hell?" The man asked flattering the old man in front of him.

And sure enough, the old man was rather happy with the respectful flattery of the man in front of him. Maybe the old man had never talked to anyone for a long time which made the old man happy now.

(Heh, at least you are smart talking in front of a Great God like me and don't upset me.) Thought the old man grinned.

"No, you are here because of my mistake when I checked the book of life and death. My hand slipped because of aches when turning the pages of the book resulted in tearing on the page right in your name. Hahaha ... I'm sorry." The old man laughed while explaining the incident.

(WTF, what is that? And you tell me your mistakes while laughing and no regrets about your tone and your expression? And the words "i'm sorry" are only formalities right? Yes right?) The man cursed the old man 100x in his heart, but did not dare to say the curse.

"Sigh, it doesn't matter the Great God, every life must have made a mistake. Maybe this is indeed my destiny to be like this." The man answered while looking up at the ceiling. Those words sounded like disappointment and sadness.

When the old man heard an answer from the man in front of him. The old man stopped laughing then looked at the man in front of him who felt disappointment and sadness. That makes his heart hurt.

(Could I be too cruel to this man? Should I compensate him? And what if my subordinates know about this incident? I will be laughed at behind my back! This can't be left like this.) The old man seemed to be thinking of his embarrassing events coming, so he decided to compensate the man in front of him.

"Don't be too sad young people, I will give you compensation for this incident. So, I will transfer your soul to a different world and grant you five requests. What about that?" The old man spoke with a smile to the man in front of him, like an uncle who gave sweets to little girls to kidnap.

After hearing the words of the old man, the man grinned at his ear in his heart. It was as if disappointment and sadness had never existed.

"Is it true? Will you come back to your words for yourself?" The man seemed to doubt the old man's words.

"How can I return to my own words? I am a Great God! Hurry up, what are your requests?" The old man looked rather annoyed with the man in front of him who doubted his words.

"Hehe... This must be like that." The man smiled with the old man's reply.

(Ugh, how come I have been used by this man?) The old man's mouth twitched after hearing the words of the young man in front of him.

The man pondered for a while, thinking about what to ask of the old man.

(What should I ask for? Become an OP? That is certain, but if it's just OP, it still feels lacking..) After pondering for a while, he finally remembered something before his death.

(Don't I want to screw up girls like in the novels? Hehe... hahaha...) The man laughed in his heart and on his face smiled like a pervert.

"Oh Great God, I have chosen what my request is." The man replied after deep thought.

"What is that? Just mention it." Said the old man rather arrogantly.

"For my first request, I want to have a Primordial Yin Yang Divine Veins set with cultivation techniques. The Qi cultivated from this set must be the purest, and the cultivation technique will also increase Qi Refining and Body Refining cultivation. And most importantly, it can be used in single cultivation or dual cultivation "

"Secondly, I want Instant Mastery: Whatever skills I will learn will immediately become the highest level."

"Third, I want Zhang Xuan's Library of Heaven's Path. Library of Heaven's Path has to be increased in level, added library features will correct errors in books. And don't have to touch objects to produce books, just glance at it to produce books in the library. Oh, and one more, the Library of Heaven's Path must have knowledge of that world, and can answer my question."

"Fourth, I want to Customize Creator: Can change anything in the world."

"Fifth, I want the Incubus ability of the novel Inma no Hado owned by Midou Kenichi at the Demon King level to be my Bloodline. And please change the butterfly tattoo on my penis later to become an eastern dragon, and every woman I have conquered, they will receive a butterfly tattoo below their navel." The man said his plea one by one without pausing.

After finishing mentioning his request, the man asked the old man in front of him "Can you grant all the my requests, Great God?"

The old man seemed offended by the man's last question, the old man seemed to mock about the man's request in front of him. "Only that? It's all very easy to do."

The man seemed pleased with the old man's answer, and the man immediately said. "Then this lowly human asked for additional bonuses to the Great God, to give Divine Sense and the ability of Divine Touch, make those who are touched, they will achieve heavenly pleasure."

Hearing the bonus request of the man in front of him, the old man's lips twitched and almost spewing blood. He had never met shameless people and thick skin like the man in front of him right now.

After a moment's thought, the old man nodded his fist and sighed.

"Alright, in which world do you want your soul to be transmigrated?" The old man asked the man in front of him.

The man's eyes brightened after hearing the old man's question. "These lowly people don't dare to be too arrogant, I want to be in the cultivation world and don't forget to transmigrate my soul to the body of a 16-year-old boy, who is usually considered an adult in the world like that. If it's too young it will be annoying to wait until adulthood."

The old man's mouth twitched after hearing the man's request, who almost lost his sanity to not kill the human in front of him.

"Alright, close your eyes now. After you open your eyes, you will be in the world of cultivation." Said the old man quickly, as if he wanted to get rid of that shameless man as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Great God." The man immediately expressed his gratitude and immediately closed his eyes, afraid that the old man would change his mind.

Hey guys, this is my first novel.

What do you think about this?

Review welcomed.

Please enjoy!

MavisKazuhacreators' thoughts