
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
102 Chs


Then they begin entering their own world as if no one is in their world. Nie Long then sobbed a little and said "What a beautiful bond. I wondered when it is my time to have this type of relationship with my wives."

The girls who heard the words "wives" instantly looks at Nie Long. Nie Long who will become Titled Douluo in 2 months and the Holy Son of Spirit Hall doesn't feel any more fear of showing his Martial Spirit to the world.

Nie Long release everyone from his inner spaces and everyone already got their Human Form since all of them already 499,999 years old Spirit Beast. After Nie Long becomes Titled Douluo, they all will break through to 500,000 years old Spirit Beasts.

"Now I will introduce my wife, this is Lucy, my Nine-Tailed Fox wife. This little one is my World Tree wife, Lily. This Hot looking babe is Aurora, my Three-legged Golden Sun wife. This one is my Sword wife, Artoria and last but not least is Charlotte my High Elf wife." said Nie Long.

Everyone who heard him introduces this beautiful woman as his wife was rendered speechless. But the men and the women have different looks in their eyes. The women look at Nie Long as if he is trash but the men have admiration in their eyes.

They then begin to morph back into their true body. Lucy became a cute fox with nine tails, Lily was just an old tree (sadge), Aurora was a crow with 3 feet, Artoria was on his waist finally Charlotte can't morph into anything since the elf body is her true body.

"How can you have 5 Martial Spirit?" asked Ma Hongjun with eyes full of jealousy. Since each one of his wives is top-tier beauty that is hard to find.

"I got a technique when I was 3 years old. And that technique made me get 9 Martial Spirit but right now I only have 5. I can get 4 more wives and plus Bibi Dong I have 10 wives. Are you jealous Fatty? As far as I know, everyone you try hates you and you are never in a relationship." said Nie Long.

Ma Hongjun feels as if an arrow was fired into his heart. Ma Hongjun then shouted "This world is not fair. Nie long got 10 wives, handsome faces, talented and more but I got nothing. Plus he is younger than me."

Tang San who feels bad for Ma Honhjun begin patting his back.

"You normal people only have 1 wife, but I have 10. Are you proud of me? Are you jealous of me? Maybe if you bow down and kow tow to me, I might take you as my disciple," said Nie long jokingly.

Ma Hongjun nearly kow tow to Nie Long after hearing what he said. It is lucky because Tang San hold him back and rationalizes him.

"As if he will teach you his technique so easily. He doesn't even that close to you. How can you think that he will teach you his technique?" said Tang San. What Tang San doesn't say is "Even when we are this close, I never teach you guys my technique, How can he teach that overpowered technique to others?"

Nie Long already teach his parents 2 cultivation techniques and 1 to Bibi Dong. It is not like he never teaches other people, it is because they are not that close to him. If they are close to him, he will gladly teach them like how he teaches Hu Liena since she is the same Fox Martial Spirit as him.

Even though he never expect anything in return, Hu Liena promised to repay him for the technique. And Nie Long already knows how he wants to get repaid. A Fox Tail Maid.

Nie Long then continues joking around with his friends and then walks back to his house. He then plays with his twin sisters before falling asleep with them. After 1 week of rest and playing around, Nie Long begins flying back to Spirit Hall and getting ready to condense his 9th Spirit Rings for Lucy.

Since Lucy is his first Martial Spirit, Lucy always gets the privilege of getting the Spirit Rings first. Nie Long arrives at Spirit Hall and goes see Bibi Dong first to see how she is. He left her alone for 1 week and he is already missing her. And she is also missing him too.