
Chapter 8: A Kick Sent Flying

Fan Wudi sat there, his spine held straight as an arrow, uncowed by the tension in the air.

"Speak!" Zhao Hongzhi snarled hideously.

At this moment, Fan Wudi let out a derisive laugh, contempt written all over his face as he stared at Zhao Hongzhi. "What is there to say? You are an ungrateful and shameless creature!"

"The thing I regret the most now is saving a despicable wretch like you back then!"

"A matter so minuscule and unlikely to occur, somehow escalated to the point of murder in your eyes. Trash like you is a rarity in my life!"

"I'm truly in awe of your absurdity!"

"If I'm not mistaken, my poor grandson has already fallen under your hand, hasn't he?"

"I must have been blind to save a beast like you back then, and even kept your secret for so many years!"

"I didn't die on the battlefield or under an enemy's blade, but instead, by the hand of a shameless creature like you... what a self-inflicted fate!"

"My innocent grandson, naive and pure, kind and loyal, with exceptional talent, also died at your hands!"

As Fan Wudi spoke torrents of tears spilled down his iron-clad face.

On the rooftop, Chu Mo's heart ached. He wanted to shout: Grandfather, your grandson is here!

Your grandson is still alive!

But he couldn't!

To shock and deflect Zhao Hongzhi for the time being, to make him sleepless and bothered by nightmares, to secure a peaceful future cultivation... he mustn't reveal his whereabouts at this moment.

"What do you mean by an improbable incident? Do you know how many people in Longevity Heaven are eyeing my position?"

"Also, rest assured, your useless grandson is still alive, but… hehe!"

"I'm afraid he won't live long!"

Zhao Hongzhi revealed a victorious smile as he spoke.

"Your grandson, although he has blocked meridians, his foundation …is remarkably solid!"

"I had originally planned to send my beloved disciple to finish him off, but I didn't anticipate that my genius disciple, who entered the Primordial Pass at the age of eight, was a little lacking in practical combat experience..."

"He almost got defeated by your grandson, thankfully, your grandson kept throwing away his opportunities!"


Fan Wudi glowered at Zhao Hongzhi, his eyes icy-cold. "Shameless!"

"Heh, is this considered as shameless? Your grandson is just too stupid!"

"Woman-like mercy!"

"However, that little beast is impressive in his own way, using just the second level of primordial energy to almost defeat my disciple!"

"If it wasn't for his blocked meridians hindering his growth, he would indeed be considered a genius!"

At this point, Fan Wudi didn't even bother correcting Zhao Hongzhi's misconception about Chu Mo's meridians.

A proud smile appeared on his face, "My grandson is indeed a true genius!"

"So what?"

"Even though he is a genius," Zhao Hongzhi scoffed, "Wasn't he tricked when I secretly intervened, introducing a surge of energy into my disciple's body?"

"My disciple is commendable; his reaction was swift. He threw a punch that sent your grandson flying!"

"And moreover, my beloved disciple used the Blood Killing Palm technique!"

"Hahaha, have you heard of the Blood Killing Palm technique? Those who endure it are doomed to die, hahaha!"

As Zhao Hongzhi laughed uproariously, his previously refined face became twisted.

"Beast!" Fan Wudi roared, glaring at Zhao Hongzhi.

The old man was consumed with rage, the veins on his forehead protruded.

On the rooftop, Chu Mo showed a look of surprise, yet immediately regained his composure, not even looking at the Demon Lord.

Without asking, it was clear that the Demon Lord would surely know about all this.

He didn't say anything...

As always, defeat is defeat. If Chu Mo was strong enough, how would it matter if the Seventh Elder plotted against him in secret?

If he had the power of the Demon Lord, even the Seventh Elder could be easily squashed with a single slap!

In the end... it still came down to his own lack of strength!

The blame rested not on anyone else.

For the first time, Chu Mo detested his own weakness.

And for the first time, he earnestly desired to become stronger.

The Demon Lord glanced at Chu Mo, saying lightly, "That so-called Blood Killing Palm has already been neutralized by me."

Chu Mo remained silent, but a warm feeling surged through his heart.

For some reason, their conversation was inaudible to those in the room below.

Clearly, this was another of the Demon Lord's tricks.

Inside the room, Zhao Hongzhi's deranged face continued to contort, as his eyes flickered uncertainly, seeming to find ample justification for his next move.

Slaying a life-saving benefactor!

Even if one's conscience hadn't been completely obliterated, it would undoubtedly be difficult to undertake such an action.

Fan Wudi looked scornfully at Zhao Hongzhi, "You ungrateful beast, is there any need for such a pathetic justification for murder?"

"Knowing that my grandson is still alive, brings me great relief!"

"Don't worry. My grandson is exceptionally lucky; he won't die!"

"Today you kill me, but one day, my grandson will ascend to Longevity Heaven, and personally behead you in revenge for me!"

"Come on, beast, kill your savior!"

As the old man spoke, he stood, his tiger-like eyes glowing with inexorable intensity, piercing directly into Zhao Hongzhi's eyes.

"I want to see the moment you strike!"

"What are you hesitating for?"

"A beast like you, whose conscience has long been devoured, would struggle to slay your benefactor?"

Fan Wudi was incredibly forthright, even though he was substantially weaker than Zhao Hongzhi, his imposing demeanor was something ten Zhao Hongzhis couldn't match!

Even though he knew his death was on the horizon, he didn't show the slightest sign of fear from beginning to end.

Throughout the conversation, he successfully stifled Zhao Hongzhi's momentum.

"Fine, old fellow, you dare demean an elder of Longevity Heaven with such high-handed authority?"

"You deserve to die!"

Zhao Hongzhi roared in anger, lifting his hand to strike Fan Wudi's face.

He used all his strength in this palm strike – even a huge stone could be easily split in two!

A human head, no matter how tough, is nothing compared to a stone.

Fan Wudi was about to die at the hands of this shameless creature.


A sneer of disdain suddenly emanated from the roof.

This sneer, although seemingly amused, was cold as ice!

Zhao Hongzhi's hand, which was aimed at Fan Wudi's face, stopped just three inches from his eyebrows.

His eyes were filled with endless horror and astonishment.

A bead of sweat slid down Zhao Hongzhi's forehead, and strangely, it froze midair.

At this moment, time seemed to come to a standstill.

A black figure suddenly appeared in the room.

Zhao Hongzhi's eyes widened with intense fear, he knew he was in the presence of a formidable opponent!

He involuntarily looked at Fan Wudi, cursing his deceit if he could talk.

This man was hiding such a terrifyingly powerful being under his roof!

Old man Fan Wudi was also stuck, surprised at the sudden appearance of this black-clad man.

Because, he also didn't recognize this person!

This man in black was the Demon Lord. Without a word, he raised his hand and slapped Zhao Hongzhi twice!



The resounding sound echoed far into the silent night.

"I always thought I was a nefarious villain!"

"Cold-hearted and ruthless!"

"Repeatedly committing heinous deeds!"

"Dominating with tyranny!"

"But after meeting you, I suddenly realize that compared to you, I can be considered one of the rarest good guys on earth!"

Chu Mo, who was secretly watching from the roof, almost fell off.

His expression was dumbfounded as he thought: You're a good guy? Although you're far better than Zhao Hongzhi, you're still a bad guy!

The Demon Lord instinctively glanced at the roof, then looked at the paralyzed Zhao Hongzhi, raising his hand, and slapped him again, almost disfiguring Zhao Hongzhi's face.

The irritation that he had been experiencing these past few days from Chu Mo, was finally being vented.

"I have never seen a shameless thing like you!"


"The term hypocrite dishonors the word gentleman when it is used to describe you!"


"Even if it is a counterfeit ... it still implies some gentility."

"And you?"


"You're just trash!"

"What kind of species are your parents? How could they give birth to a thing like you?

"Why didn't they just strangle you at birth?"


"Your presence is an utter disgrace to the name of villains!"

Slap, slap, slap!

A flurry of slaps ensues.

Zhao Hongzhi's face was swollen beyond recognition.

The teeth in his mouth were knocked loose, and not a single one was left intact.

The Demon Lord's methods were terrifying, Under normal circumstances, this savage barrage of slaps would have knocked someone unconscious, if not killed them.

Yet Zhao Hongzhi's consciousness remained incredibly clear, his eyes expressing a range of emotions.

Shock and fear gave way to pleas for mercy, which turned into despair.

Chu Mo watched every bit of it from the roof, feeling satisfied, Shame it wasn't him slapping Zhao Hongzhi.

In the room, Fan Wudi, even though he was puzzled by the uninvited guest, had a satisfied look in his eyes as well.

If he could speak, he would have cheered loudly!

The barrage of slaps was so satisfying!

Absolute joy!

After the aggressive beating, Demond Lord successfully vented the anger he had from his experience with Chu Mo.

With cold eyes, he looked at Zhao Hongzhi and said, "You animal, I should have killed you with a slap, but I fear dirtying my hands!"

Meanwhile, Zhao Hongzhi lamented: If you were really afraid of dirtying your hands, why slap me repeatedly?

However, he inferred from the Demon Lord's words that he had no desire to kill him, which gave him a bit of hope.

He knew, as long as you lived, there's hope!

But right away, the Demon Lord cooled his hopes.

"Although I will not kill you, I know all about today's disgraceful behavior and all the vile things you've done!"

"This person is under my protection!"

"If anything happens to him later..."

"Even if he dies on the battlefield, I will go to Longevity Heaven, drag you out, and make sure you can't live nor die!"

"Then I will expose all those disgraceful things you did, make them public knowledge, let everyone know what kind of lowlife an elder of Longevity Heaven truly is!"

"If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it!"

"Now, get lost!"

Saying so, the Demon Lord kicked Zhao Hongzhi's butt, and made him fly right out the window of Fan Wudi's house.