
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Outros
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58 Chs


I calmed myself down with a deep exhale and relaxed my hand. There is no point regretting over the past. Although I was mainly at fault for committing the crime my family isn't without blame either.

After experiencing those 17 years worth of memories I can confidently say that I lived a rather pitiful life.

Sure there are people outside whose living conditions were much worse than mine and I was provided with all the basic necessities but I was suffering emotionally.

In my entire life up to this point there were two people I loved dearly and looked up to the most– my father and my elder sister.

But my father disowned Lucas and he made his twin brother, Adel Morningstar, the next head of the family candidate.

The root of my disgusting personality lies in the childhood I lived and the jealousy I felt towards my twin brother.

The society in this world is structured to favor the strong individuals.

This is especially true in high-background and distinguished households where elites put a great deal of emphasis on the individual strength of their children.

From then on it is easy to guess what I must have gone through.

The potential shown in the status screen earlier ‹Gold 3› rank was far cry from what my twin brother and elder sister had. 

My brother Adel had ‹Immortal 2› rank potential and my elder sister, Yelena Morningstar had ‹Diamond 3› rank potential.

To summarize, I was nothing but a disgrace to the family where everyone was a talented individual.

So all the love and attention that was directed towards me since birth disappeared and was directed towards Adel as soon as I awakened at the age of 9.

Lucas started being neglected not only by his own parents but also his elder sister, the one person Lucas looked up to and admired the most.

(A/N: Here the MC refers to the past Lucas as different person)

All of my friends started distance themselves from me and in the end I became all alone. 

My entire social life collapsed overnight and as a result I became a misfit.

I even recall the time when I celebrated my 13th birthday all alone in my room which was also the last time I ever celebrated my birthday.

As they say, losing something you take for granted hurts more than not having something even after you wished for it.

The stress from the solitude began affecting me and I started to act out of order to get some attention from my family.

Of course, they didn't give a damn about me. 

In the end, I started to vent all my frustrations on others– on commoners and servants who couldn't go against me due to my status as the general's son.

And after my recent transgression I was exiled from the family by my father.

With the money I was given, I came to the outskirts of the Global city and rented this apartment.

I was enrolled in the Global Military Academy for the mandatory military training since I was able to use mana.

But now that I regained my memories as Vincent Frost, my past life's personality became the dominant side of me. 

I will definitely atone for the crimes I committed, but before that I should payback my family for everything they given me.

I was no saint and definitely not a good person, I was a cold-hearted person who made all of his enemies suffer and beg for mercy. It wont be any different in this life either.

I will make every single person regret their actions for making me suffer even if they are my family.

....On second thought, let's leave Yelena out of this. Because when I look back, she might have suffered just as much as me due to those shitty parents.

If I lost the affection of my parents since my awakening then she didn't receive any from the start. And even now Adel is the only one who is receiving everything just because she is a woman.

For now I stopped thinking about all that and started focusing on what I should do from now.

I checked my watch to see today's date.

February 15th 2730

The Academy starts from February 29th.

I guess I should first start making my own preparations for the academy.

Since this is a world where power is everything, it shouldn't be any problem for me to attend the academy.

I mean I was the strongest being in my previous life and even though I still haven't regained any of my powers I can confidently say that I am strong. No way those little brats who are still wet behind the ears would even be able to leave a scratch on me.

Forget about the academy, I doubt even the strongest of the humanity would be able hold a candle against me.

All that crap about ranks and potential doesn't mean a thing to me.

But the problem is my body, it is too weak to handle even 1% of my power and even then it would definitely suffer from a severe backlash. For now I have sealed all those power inside me.

I don't have any plans to enlist in the military for my required service or standout unnecessarily. I mean who can force me to do something if I don't want to.

I already fought more than enough in my previous life and now I plan to live my life in peace like hermit. But since I am already enrolled in the academy I decided to have some fun while seeing how things have changed in the last 700 years. 

It was at that moment I started feeling a strange sensation. It was sixth sense telling me that someone was looking at me. I looked around to see if there is anyone or any cameras installed. But I couldn't find anything and then that feeling vanished. 


I smirked at the situation which keeps getting more and more interesting. I guess I will be having quite an eventful academic life.

I got up from the bed and looked at my watch and left the apartment.

First things first I will have to train my body. I don't know whether I am good or bad when it comes to this worlds power standards but in my eyes, this body too weak and the stamina is absolutely disastrous. 

I have 14 more days to train myself including today.

It was more than enough time for a monster like myself to become capable of handling 2% of my power. Without further ado, I searched for the best place to strengthen my body on my smartwatch.

I closed the apartment door and headed towards the railway station after deciding my destination.

My destination is nearest active Volcano.