
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Outros
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55 Chs

First Day(2)

The entire classroom was filled with cheerful chatter and murmur.

Everyone was excited for their first day at the Global Academy and they were discussing about their academic life with their friends.

There were a few students like Ella Bright, William Sinoath, Elijah Steelforged and Chase Woods, who preferred solitude and sat idly while minding their own business.

Ella Bright was sitting haughtily on her chair as if she owned the academy. Since her father has a seat on the council of the Global City, it wasn't wrong to say that she owned the Academy.

She was playing with her auburn red hair with a bored expression on her face. In the meantime, she was sneaking a few glances at the boy beside her. 

The boy beside her was a half-elf boy with emerald hair and soft violet eyes. Being a half-elf, he was naturally pretty handsome. In fact, his fair skin and small face made him look more like a girl than a boy, earning him the attention of many maidens sitting around him.

His name was William Sinoath and in his arms was his mana beast cat pet, Rui.

Rui was a black-furred cat capable of casting shadow magic. Although elves dislike shadow magic due to their natural affinity with light, Willam took a liking to this certain black cat.

A few seats behind him was sitting a brown-haired youth. His sapphire-like azure eyes were fixated on the book in his hands. He was quite handsome for a dwarf.

His name was Elijah Steelforged.

He was a diligent student who was reading a book on mana beasts' anatomy even on the first day of the academy.

A few seats in front of him was a human boy with long golden black hair tied into a bun. He was tall and had a well-built body with an angry resting look on his face.

He was Chase Woods. 

There was one more person even among these solitude seeking people who was sleeping on his desk without a care in the world.

Lucas who skipped sleep for days together was understandably tired, but the students who didn't about that were talking how low Lucas has fallen.

Even Amelia was perplexed by his abnormal behavior but continued to ignore him after.

The person in question however, didn't show any signs of waking up.

Apart from Lucas, everyone seems to enjoying themselves in their own way. 


Suddenly there was a loud slamming noise at the main door.

The very next moment, the class which was as lively as a fish market suddenly fell silent.

A single boy stepped into the classroom while oozing out a dreadful aura. His mere presence was enough to control the atmosphere of the room.

He had raven black hair that matched his tan skin, and his eyes, a deep shade of olive, were capable of entrapping anyone in awe.

He was wearing the [Top 16] cadet uniform.

Despite being the first year and this being his first day, he was already in the Top 16. It was a feat unheard of.

He was wearing a white blazer with blue embroidery and, underneath it, a white shirt paired with royal blue pants.

He also wore a blue armband, showing that he was already part of the Disciplinary Community (the pawns).

He was none other than the Quinn Darkstar, an illegitimate son of Major Miles Darkstar and also a war prodigy.

As he glanced around the classroom, he noticed how Lucas was still sleeping even after he made such a big noise.

Deciding to ignore him, Quinn walked up to the back of the class and took a seat without muttering anything to anyone.

The murmur in the class, which had previously died down, started again. This time though, everyone was talking about Quinn.

Just after Quinn took his seat, Lucas also woke up. He let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. 

The students once again started to talk amongst themselves but every single one of them was talking about Quinn.

"It seems that the instructor has arrived." I muttered to myself in a very small voice.


A loud voice, comparable to that of a thunderstorm reverberated through the entire classroom. 

Does no one in this generation know how to speak slowly? If everyone will be like this then how am I supposed to take naps in the classroom.

After my sleeping schedule got messed up due to my training, I hardly ever sleep at night. I hope at least a few of them have normal voice. Right, Aster did have a quite voice, looks like there is still hope for this generation.

While continuing my useless thoughts, I looked at the woman responsible for making the noise.

A violet-haired woman was standing on top of the dais.

The cadets around me were stunned as if they didn't notice her till now. They looked at her as if she appeared out of nowhere.

"I didn't appear out of nowhere. All of you are just pathetic!" as if reading my mind, the woman spoke.

"Only seven people noticed me! And I didn't even cast an illusion spell! Pathetic, all of you!"

She is quite the teacher I say. Taking such a strict stance on the very first day must be the norm nowadays since everyone is aspiring to become a soldier.

"I am the Witch Of Soul Harvest, Liz Snyder! I'm an ‹Immortal-1› ranked Section Commander of the Northern Defense Force!" She said in an arrogant tone.

"Ahem, or at least I was until I was suspended for 'acting out' and neglecting some useless orders," with an embarrassed face, she continued to speak.

Oh? Soul Harvest. It seems that mortals have become powerful enough to control souls now. 

Dark violet hair and fierce purple eyes, a voluptuous mademoiselle-like figure, and light brown skin. And not to mention how stealthily she walked into the classroom.

Liz Snyder, was it? I guess its worth remembering her name.

"And because I neglected orders, I'm being punished by being appointed as your head instructor. I'll also be teaching you all about battle strategies and controlling fire and shadow elements along with their variables.

"Don't make me regret wasting my time on insects like you all." She said while rolling her eyes as if she was already disappointed!

She has quite the arrogant personality. I at least hope she has the strength to back it up.

"I know you all were excited for your first day, so most of you didn't get any sleep last night. So let's keep it short today, yeah? In fact, we'll not do much for the next five days, so get to know each other in that time.

"Today, I'll simply take attendance and then let you all select your main weapon," Liz said while getting behind the podium. "Oh, and I'll also hand you your rankings today."

I guess I will go home early and take a nap. Maybe she has a soft side to her since she is worried about the sleep of her students. But her next words immediately made me regret for thinking about her.

"Actually, I wanted us to do something more today, but it looks like you all are in pretty pathetic states, and I don't want to kill you all on your first day."

"Nevermind, she's a bitch through and through," I muttered under my breath while shaking my head.