
Heaven's Legacy

PenThief10 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Why Now

In a desolate area, thunder stopped rumbling in the sky and the clouds became bright. In a small cave a man could be seen sitting with his legs crossed. He was too emitting a strong aura that there was no living thing within a long range from the cave. Then the man opened his eyes

"Hahaha, I finally broke through .Wait for me Imperial Court Hall , Sky Cloud sect I'm coming for you , don't worry I'll give you all a fair judgement after all I'm not as vicious as you are " said the man while laughing then coldness flashed through his eyes as he vanished from the spot.

( Don't worry I'll just kill all of the old dogs as I'm a righteous man and destroy the cultivation of their top disciples . Hahaha, old hag Chen , I can't wait to see your face when I capture you and torture you in front of your sect . I'll tie you upside down and tell all your sect members to destroy the whole sect as a generous man anything they see will be theirs and I also won't destroy the tomb, see I'm a very good man. Should I leave his corpse whole. No no, turn him into my slave then use him as a bait to destroy my other enemies and then kill him and throw his corpse into his den. I should thank you for raising those beasts you're truly one of my enemies , I'll just kill him and bury him. I don't wanna look like a bad man in front of the world) the man was thinking while running. He then stopped abruptly while facing the sky. He saw a blue light flashing towards him more than the speed of light . He started running just to be safe but the light was still after him . He was so angry at himself for running . He stopped running and turned to face the approaching light

(I'm a superior cultivator I shouldn't be scared of anything right. Anything that wants to stop me I'll just destroy them but what if it's stronger than I am. No way, it can't be stronger than me right or can it. If it is then I made ...) before he could finish his thoughts the light enveloped his body and his body vanished. He only had one thought in his mind (my revenge , my perfect revenge noooooo, why now ).

"You all come here I found a cave " shouted a man. Then he entered the cave then other men went into the cave.

"Search the cave don't leave any stone unturned. Keep searching don't stop until we find a clue". he then went to sit on a barrel

(man it's good to be the leader. I remember my rookie years I'll have to work without rest. I've always wondered why my seniors we're like that but now I understand. I think I'll look more boss like if I crossed my legs).

"Sir, we can't find anything " reported one of his subordinates. " What did you say ? you couldn't find anything. You all are piece of shxt. If you can't do your job, you all should just resign. You're just good for nothing".

"Search again until you find something. I'm getting angry , fxck out of my sight" shouted the man while standing up and kicking the barrel he sat on. The barrel then fell to the ground and rolled till it crashed into a pillar and the cover flung out. Water then gushed out of the barrel. The man and his subordinates went to the barrel and saw a body lying in the barrel.

(Fxck you, you were reprimanding us while you're the one who was distrupting us. I bet you were feeling good while doing that, you piece of shxt. I wish I were your boss, I would have destroyed your shxtty life.) thought the reprimanded subordinate while saying "I think it's a boy's body ".

"Oh is it?" asked the leader. "Yes " affirmed the subordinate. "Okay then bring him out the body or shut up. Did we tell you that we didn't know that. I think you need to be educated"said the leader while brandishing a long whip. He then pounced on the subordinate.

After more than five minutes, he stopped 'educating' the subordinate and went to the barrel. He then pulled out the body and checked his pulse.

"He's still alive but his pulse is weak, quick take him to the medicine house and send a signal if he wakes up. He might know something about the man's identity".

"Yes sir, I'll act as ordered" replied the subordinate before speeding off with the boy