
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

9. Rachel's Lie

Several times Anthropy tried to strengthen his strength so that he could pull the mirror from those worthless objects and he could save it, but several times he tried, he couldn't do it. The mirror felt so heavy that he refused to even pick it up. After a while of trying, he then stopped his efforts and then sat down thinking about various things.

Some messages spoken by the king of heaven he tried to remember again. He remembered that his father once said that the mirror would not be easy for anyone to take, especially when he had already determined the most comfortable house for him to live in. The mirror can be taken if there is a pure heart who has no ambition at all for the life of the world and he prefers to be friends with those holy people who have distanced himself from the life of the crowd around him.

After analyzing all his memories, Anthrooy then nodded his head. He hopes that Sofia is the only human created by God to be the owner of the mirror. He took a deep breath, relieved by what was currently a burden in his life.

"God, if the mirror is really comfortable with Sofia, please keep her from falling into the hands of the cat incarnate from Sarah's subordinates. If that happens, I will never worry about the presence of Sarah's subordinates at Sofia's house forever because The cat will never be able to take what its master wants."

Antgropy stopped his meditation and he tried to open his eyes and then looked around with his heart's eyes looking for the whereabouts of Princess Sofia and the cat named Rachel.

In his mind's eye, he saw Sofia sitting in her room with Rachel, looking at each other. Several times Antropy was surprised because Sofia was completely unaffected by the magic power possessed by Rachel at this time.

"She doesn't have any magic, but why when Rachel looks at her? She doesn't seem sedated or influenced by the evil power that the cat carries?"

While Anthropy was still in confusion, he suddenly saw Rachel trying to reach out her hand, grabbing something from Sofia's hair. Antrophy sighed. He was really worried about Sofia and her current fate. Rachel must be doing something that would make Sofia feel helpless and willing to go along with her every whim, but considering the incident of Sofia's refusal, she was really trying to hold on so as not to come out of hiding and interfere with their activities. Even though his worries are getting bigger and bigger, Anthropy tries to remain patient and stay in his current position while continuing to watch what he is currently seeing.

"You are so beautiful, Abi. People always say that Abigail is the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing else. I used to always be curious about what people around me said and I always tried to find your whereabouts. Several times I tried to get out of my mother's house, but I failed. My mother would not let me leave the house at all until I finally had the courage to ask her permission to meet you here."

"What happened? Is there something you want to prove?"

"Of course. I want to see with my own eyes, that your beauty is really as extraordinary as what they say. It turns out that after I met you, I really admired your beauty. I'm sure the angels in heaven are less beautiful than you. I'm sure you have been able to make all men bewitched, including Anthropy who always tries to attract your attention right?"

Sofia just smiled at Rachel's question. She knew what was said by the cat in front of her was true that all this time she had been a bone of contention for men from both humans and other nations. She also often finds it difficult to intervene with men who are fighting to try to snatch her away, including Arfando, her biological son, who recently proposed to her and asked her to marry him.

"You have no idea how painful it is to be the beautiful me that I am now. I'm not free to go anywhere because everyone is trying to get my attention. You can imagine how tired I am of making excuses for rejection so they don't get mad at me. people fight just to fight over me and that's not comfortable at all, Rachel. If I had a choice, I'd rather be an ordinary human like everyone else. They can live comfortably, peaceably and peacefully without any disturbance from anyone."

"Why is it like that? Isn't it nice when we are the center of other people's attention? Everywhere people like us and of course when they like they will give you a lot of things. Isn't that right? You are weird. Being a beautiful woman you don't like and prefer to be like other humans who have absolutely no advantages?"

"You say that because you have never been human in my position. I prefer to be human like them. Not too much attention by others and they can be free to do anything without any intimidation from anyone. Maybe you really wonder what I experienced and how I feel. But you try to imagine when we are in the right position, a lot of women are jealous of me and they try to bring me down, even in the society around me. They are very happy when people are able to see my ugliness. They will make fun of me -make fun of me because I'm a widow they worry about taking their husbands away. They don't want to be friends with me and they get worried when their husbands talk to me."

The beautiful cat in front of Sofia couldn't help but be silent. In her heart, she actually felt very annoyed, especially when she saw Sofia's beautiful face, which was absolutely perfect. She was still trying to make the beautiful face disappear from in front of her, but he immediately shook her head. She is aware of the task she currently assumes from Sarah. The hand that she initially reached towards Sofia's face she pulled back. She who initially wanted to scratch Sofia's smooth face finally gave up. She didn't want to fail in carrying out the mission.

"You seem to be in trouble, Rachel. Tell me what really happened to you! I'll try to help you as best I can."

After Sofia said those words Rachel suddenly burst into tears. Several times she tried to express the words that could make Princess Sofia feel sorry for her.

"Have you ever imagined being this poor me, Abi? I used to be a beautiful woman just like you. At that time there was a man who loved me and when I rejected him, he actually cast spells that finally conjured me into a cat like now."

Sofia looked at Rachel with pity. She never thought that there was still magic power capable of turning a human into an animal. But seeing the reality in front of her, she couldn't deny the truth of Rachel's story.

"Aren't you at all trying to figure out how to get yourself back to the human you were before?"

The cute cat in front of Sofia lowered her head while continuing to shed tears, making Princess Sofia feel surprised. She wasn't trying to figure out what Rachel was really feeling right now. She wanted the cat to tell herself what she had to do to make herself human again.

"Before I left my castle, the witch told me that I could become a human like I was before on one condition."

"What one condition is that? Why don't you try to find that condition so you can come back?"

Rachel shook her head as she continued to cry, making Sofia even more curious about the conditions the witch had put forward to make Rachel go away