
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

12. The Luckiest Husband

Seeing the envoy of King William fall, Anthropy felt sorry. He then stepped quickly to pick up the man's body and lifted him and threw him towards the kingdom of Andromeda. After throwing, he immediately walked towards Sofia's house. He hoped that the woman would not see his actions at all and would never realize his evil side for rejecting the presence of King William's decision without Sofia knowing.

"What did you do to that man Anthropy? Don't ever act arbitrarily without my knowledge. This is my house and only I have the right to accept or reject anyone who comes. You are only a guest in this house and you should not do activities that can harm you." me and my good name.'

Hearing Sofia's words, Anthropy frowned thoughtfully. He was sure the wife he loved so much saw what he had just done to the envoy of King William. Actually Anthropy was surprised by Sophia's abilities. He had covered all the areas he used to intimidate King William's envoy with his magic power so Sofia and Rachel wouldn't see his actions, but what the man received right now was beyond expectation. The power he created to cover up his misbehavior had absolutely no effect on Sofia, making her really feel very confident. Sofia actually has a hidden power that she hasn't used for a long time.

"What makes you accuse me with such heinous accusations Sofia? Do you think that all the actions I did were because of my crimes and atrocities? Please know that what I am doing now and in the past was purely because I wanted to protect you from the touch of completely irresponsible people."

"Who are you who feel you have a responsibility to protect me here? Who are you and what is your role to make you dare to do something without my permission? Never say that you are the husband who has protected me in your way! believe in new people who recognize themselves as good people. Never be wrong because what I do is in accordance with your orders. Now go and leave my house because I will never easily accept new people who claim you care about me when behind he had bad intentions."

Anthropy was stunned to hear Sofia's words addressed to him. He really didn't expect that what he said would become a weapon that could stab himself. Sofia completely reversed her words and used them to corner herself and this really made Anthtopy feel completely useless.

"What are you waiting for? How many times have I kicked you out of here? Do you want me to call the village chief so that he expels you?"

Anthropy nodded. He knew that Sofia wasn't playing at all with what he was saying right now. With unsteady steps he then walked out of Sofia's house. He paused a few times and then looked back reassuringly that Sofia was still standing where she was watching him go, full of regret. But once again he had to swallow disappointment because what he thought really did not come true. Sofia didn't look at him at all. His wife actually stepped into the house and carried Rachel and closed the door without even looking at him.

"What made you kick Anthropy out, Abigail? He's the man you should have kept to stay here with us and protect us from the evil of those around us."

Sofia smiled then she stroked Rachel's soft fur. Her heart actually felt lost but she couldn't possibly lick her own spit. She wants to be firm in his actions and attitude towards anyone so that people will no longer consider him trivial. However, the arrival of Anthropy at her house really made her always feel driven by this man and she didn't want that. She is the host and only she has the right to make any decisions there without any interference from others.

"Just let him go. Before he came, I was living alone here and I'm fine. Indeed several times people tried to interfere with my life but I can handle it in my way. After this I also hope that I can also do something the same as what I've been doing."

"Are you sure? You don't regret leaving him? He's a nice and handsome man. I saw that he has an extraordinary charm and he also seems to love you very much."

Sofia smiled at Rachel's opinion. Her heart actually also admits something very I agree with what the cat said but Sofia didn't want it too easy to give space in her heart to another man after so long looking after her for her husband's foxy.

"His position will never be replaced by anyone in my heart, Rachel. Anthropy doesn't have room anymore to occupy the little place in the corner of my heart because there is a husband who is now gone. I love Foxy very much and only he can be silent in my heart.'

"Oh my God, your ex-husband is very happy to have a very loyal wife like this. He's gone but his wife still keeps your love and that's very rare, Abi. Foxy is really the luckiest man on earth to have you."

"It's only natural for a wife to remain loyal to her husband. For me it's not a strange thing because every woman who is married has been close to seeing other men even though her husband is no longer with her. You don't have to praise me too much because what I did was a very natural thing. There is nothing special at all. If anyone has tried to betray him when his husband is at his house, it means he is a human being who still needs education about love and affection towards family."

Rachel slid her head into Sofia's hands. Even though she was actually very annoyed with what the woman who had carried her said, she still showed something different outside her heart.

"You asked something about how I could turn back into a human, didn't you? I haven't answered yet. It seems you've forgotten your question."

Sofia was stunned to hear Rachel's question. She had completely forgotten about it. She had promised to help Rachel but she herself had forgotten.

"I'm sorry Rachel. I totally forgot about that. Luckily you reminded me of how to get back to normal like a normal human being."

"I can return to being a normal human if I manage to find the magic mirror that was stolen by someone and bring it back to its owner."

Sofia's eyes widened when she heard Rachel's answer. She is confused between being honest and hiding the fact that what is the condition for Rachel to return to being a human is in her.