

'Adriana was ready. She was prepared. She could take down one demon girl.' Those were the thoughts that crossed Adriana before a thundering kick to the chest dissuaded any thoughts of defeating a demon of powerful command over her powers.

Adriana fell to the ground and before she could even process what was happening, a weight saddled her to the ground and drew a dagger to her throat once more.

"Nice moves you got there," Nebra grinned, her pearly teeth bared at the ready.

"Could have done better," Adriana replied abruptly.

"I suppose," Nebra frowned. This Otherworldly wasn't scared of her or at least her face was void of any fear but her heart spoke otherwise. Nebra thought as she listened in on Adriana's heartbeat with her preternatural hearing, which meant her breath was also coming fast but she was calming her breathing.