
Heaven's favorite

In the time where the dao dissipate to nothing, breaking the shackles of the world becomes as hard as ascending the heavens. A young man Ye Chen carved out his own path towards the peak of martial art. Follow this young man on his meteoric rise until he surmounted the heavens and stood unrivaled throughout all ages.

SAM1MILLION · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Laws and Concepts.

" you most be joking didn't you hear my title, I am called 'undying' so how can I possibly die completely, it's impossible unless someone far surpassed me in the mastery of laws appeared!, the truth is they just destroyed my divine body and scattered some of my soul energy that is all". Beitang Ming said with a trace of pride and arrogance on his face.

he can afford to be after all he was once the strongest under the heavens of the divine realm, if that person have not betrayed him, then he have no idea what his current achievement would have been.

"in the world outside there is this kind of formless principles called laws, if you mastered even one to the grand perfection then you will be crowned a heavenly king!, and a title will be bestowed upon you based on the law you mastered. it is something very abstract you won't understand them even if I spend a whole year explaining the basics to you so let's move on."

"every law has 9 levels and each level has five stages, the entry, small success, large success, consummate and grand perfection stage, let's say for example if there is a cultivator that has comprehend a law to the 9th level small success stage then he can easily wiped out this mainland to oblivion with just a wave of his hand. that is the terror of laws, so no matter how high your accomplishments are in concepts mastery you can never beat someone that has comprehended a law." Beitang Ming said with a grave tone warning Ye Chen not to even think of trying something so absurd in the future.

"okay you said you are unrivaled, which law did you mastered?" Ye Chen asked confusedly since he had ever come into contact with something so abstract until now, he always thought that concepts were the highest attainment a person can achieve when it comes to principles, but he found out that he was just a frog at the bottom of a lake, there is really a mountain higher than the highest he stood upon in his past life.

"I mastered the life and death laws to the grand perfection stage and even spied on the legendary level above it, this in a sense made me indestructible but the mind of men have no bound when it comes to plots and schemes. my body got destroyed and only a portion of my undying soul escaped the siege where I used the remaining bit of my strength to shatter the realm barrier and descended into the lower worlds". Beitang Ming said letting out a sigh filled with inexplicable emotions.

After a while Ye Chen cleared his head from the confusing information that he had heard deciding that it got nothing to him.

" alright! I will believe you but I really can't set my heart at ease if you remain in my Qi sea, I can't even do anything to you, let's try to sign an agreement between us, you will help me and guide me when it comes to cultivation and who knows maybe one day i might manage to reach your height."

"hahaha! you are very cunning boy, alright I agree, let's do it!" Beitang Ming laughed while also having a mysterious look in his eyes.

" okay it let's sign the soul oath, it might be the only effective method we have right now". Ye Chen said after deliberating on his decision for a while.

" soul oath it is then!" Beitang Ming said

" I swear by the soul that anchored me to the living plane, if I went against my heart and harm Beitang Ming or betray him, unless he means me harm, then the heavens can damned my soul to never be reincarnated forever," Ye Chen finished the oath with a grave looks on his face.

traces of mysterious runes with profound symbols start gathering above Ye Chen's Qi sea, rotating and interweaving they start latching on to Ye Chen's soul avatar binding him eternally to his oath.

this is the most profound and highest oath a martial artist can make in his life and once taken it will be there until the one who takes the oath died.

Beitang Ming also repeated after Ye Chen finished his own path, the same phenomenon appears and the runes also engraved themselves on his divine soul.

after a while the inviolable aura of the heavenly dao dissipate as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

"alright seeing how far you can go then I can spare nothing to see that you succeed in reaching an unbelievable height" Beitang Ming said with a smile on his face

" here take this treasure and refine it, it is the most valuable treasure that I possess I mentioned it to you earlier, the 'Heavenly Mystic Divine Tower', this is the name of the treasure that the spirit of the ruins gave me, this tower has nine levels and even I at my peak only reached the seventh level that's how I know I have a long journey ahead of me, with it you can be able to advance on your cultivation by leaps in no time and there is no side effects to the time acceleration it offers, besides, time acceleration is only one of the thing it offers and it belongs to the first level, there will be new advantages you will obtain in every level you achieve."

" okay there is no use dilly dallying so go on and refine then come back after you are done, I have a special cultivation technique for you, uhm it suits your constitution very well" Beitang Ming finished taking a deep breath after talking for while.

" alright wait for me to come back!" Ye Chen said while his soul avatar start to shimmer in and out of existence until it vanished completely from the Qi sea.

" *sigh*, I hope we will be able to tidy through this reincarnation safely, this time around the ancient devil family will likely act upon him the moment they recognize him. anyway this time around I am awake so there is nothing they will be able to do to him"

Beitang Ming muttered under his breath before slowly closing his eyes to continue his recuperation since it will take a while before Ye Chen will finish refining the mystic tower.