
Heather Bahaghari

Heather never tried living as a simple young girl to a simple young woman their family status and situations they are in, lead her to have a life that circulates in killing. She is sent to a school for her to learn to control her emotions and to let her become stronger. His name Khalel Laxamana the only heir to a filthy rich family, a cold and domineering person, what he wants he will get. An event that made his eyes not to look at another woman but her, wearing a red dress dancing to the beat of the music and causing an incident and disappearing to the night with no trace and leading him to want more. With his personality can he intimidate, boss and be cold to Heather? or it will be the other way around? Their fate is sealed. It's on them on how they will react to each other.

undeniablewolfpack · Geral
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9 Chs


The next morning she kept chasing Sander and even to the point shooting him but even if she had pulled the trigger after that she always passed out and woke up after 1-2 minutes or 1-5 minutes.

Sander pulled out his phone and called Dr. Straffan.

"I thought she will be Lightheaded if she would passed out?! She kept attacking me and now with weapons!"

"Mr. Sander If she woke after 10-15 minutes of being passed out she will be Lightheaded but for 1-5 or 1-9 minutes she will still feeling up her own emotions, But the effect of her being Lightheaded will only let her calm down for about 5 minutes, and in that time she could think, it's up to her on what she should do,"

"Fine, thank you for your work,"

And he end the call.

I know what she is, she will not stop until she gets what she wants no matter what.

She went near Heather and picked her up from the floor and he put her in his shoulder like a sack. He put her down on the couch and went to get the gun in her hand.

He waited until she woke up.

"Before you start attacking me, hear me out," He said as he could see that her fist is ready to punch.

"I put you that accessory for you to control your emotions so you could help me! Your father and my father's killer is our goal, and you being uncontrollable is not good for our mission, we have been trying to track the pest down but you kept on wrecking all things up! In other words if you want to find your father's killer then hurry up and agree with me!" He said in raged.

Heather stared on his eyes before speaking.

"Fine, Give me my file," she agreed and sat on the couch comfortablely.

Sander went to his room to fetch the files for her identity.

"So you will be Heather Bahaghari," he spoke and gave the file for her to read.

She read all the given documents and nodded to Sander.

"I'm gonna pack my things," she was about to went up stairs when Sander spoke.

"How about you bring some T-shirts, and shorts or pants, all you have are dress and heels." Heather didn't mind his suggestion and just went upstairs to pack her clothes.

She doesn't feel like to wear shirt and jeans.

The Next day.

The Guard put her two luggage in the back of the car but little did she know Sander put some T-shirts, shorts, jeans, rubber shoes, slippers and other comfortable clothes even some of his clothes in her luggage by taking out some of her clothes that she packed.

She wore a beautiful navy blue white A-line spaghetti strap dress with a nude color 2 inches heels and he short hair were tied and putting some light make up. She seems harmless.

They traveled for more than 1 hour and arrive at a place full of trees surrounding a port.

As she went out from her car and a guard following her towards a guy who is responsible for the room number.

"Name?" The guy asked as Heather approached.

"Heather Bahaghari," she spoke as she spoke her name the guy search her name on the PC beside him.

"Room 201, 3 Elite Class," and he handed her some keys.

Heather walked towards the ship she was assigned when a girl bump her but she's too physically strong to fall so the girl who bump her fall down.

Heather is not the girl to say sorry so instead of saying sorry she continued her walk and that made the girl.

"B*tch!! How dare you walk away with out saying sorry!!" The girl shouted and making people look at their place but instead replying Heather just walked and boarded her ship.

She don't want to give attention to useless people.

She tried attacking and that what she gets.

As they reach the floor where her cabin is located she dismiss the guard and dragging her luggage towards the assigned room.

As she open the door she saw Three beds and two girls were already occupying the left side and the center and no one occupied the bed near the window.

So as the girl saw Heather they were awe on how beautiful and harmless she looks.

"Hi! My name is Yennah Buenaventura, you can call me Yen," The girl who's bed at the center introduce herself.

"My name is Daewhi Zhu, You can call whiwhi since Dae or Daedae is not a nice nickname," the girl who occupied the left bed introduce herself.

"I'm Heather Bahaghari you can call me anything you want," Heather introduce herself, she never had friends she rarely communicate with people, she only follow orders and sometimes over doing the mission.

All her life she is alone, and no one to talk to.

"Well since you have given us that opportunity I'm calling you my sweet potato! Is that okay?" Daewhi said in a playful tone.

"If that's what you want," Heather spoke in seriousness making the room awkward.

But Daewhi suddenly laugh and went to Heather and wave her hand saying,

"Hi My Sweet Potato!" as it happened fast Heather was shocked to see her close and waving her hands and she copied her and said, "Hi whiwhi," with a calm and serious voice but this lead the two girls shrik in awe.

"You are so cute My Sweet Potato! It's kinda long though I'm just gonna call Hea okay?" And Heather nodded.

Does talking to other Human make them emotional?

The three of them talk but most of the time it was Daewhi who talked and the other two just listen to her rants amd watnuts.

They decided to sleep when they saw the clock, it was 10 pm already.

Heather lay on her bed as she watched the night sky and later on she fall asleep.