
chapter 10

time pass so do they, after who knows the time he opens his eyes, in his silvery pupil there is now a circle on the inner part of it, (just think like the Reinegan but there is only one circle on each )

making it more mysterious yet enchanting ones, he finds it hard to understand some of the languages of the techniques he finds it foreign and strange, then he will just slowly figure it out in the future because he still has many tramp card that still laying on the side waiting to be used in the perfect situation, then he grabs the thing on his head then throw it away

"shameless," he said coldly watching it flip in the air then it stands on its two tiny feet, it stamps its feet to show its frustration and anger

then he just ignores it as he sees a strange phenomena

the steady and quiet shrine, now slowly covered by red ice, the place now exude a bone-shaking cold and an intense killing intent, all of the phenomena came from the shrine who now had a light in it

the little lizard hurriedly ran to Julius as it can't ignore the chilly and bloody atmosphere, it crawls until his collar then go through it, finding the right place to stay she thought" hmm? strange, this icy cold aura is really familiar, Na! I'm too lazy to remember it, I'll just be cozy in here and suck this guy huff~ this guy blood is sweeter then the honey" she thought while biting, she just shakes it off the familiarity of the aura this place exudes

"Hmm! it is really vigorous" in the inheritance this phenomenon is included as this is one the Onmyuji guard until his last breath

slowly walking to the shrine, the ground now has a layer of red ice on it and it is still not stopping, the ice crawl all over the place causing the original ancient and elegant place to be shrouded with bloody colored ice making the place just like hell

the situation may kill anyone who gets near it but not for our heroine as he slowly walking and calmly goes closer to the shrine who now had a layer of ice in every part of it, actually, he didn't find it chilly but he finds it really good just like a caress of a woman

now stepping the bloody-colored ice, just like a blind creature it crawls to anything closer to it, now his boots are now shrouded with bloody Ice but it didn't obstruct his movement as he still charges forth without stopping

time pass so do the ice as it is now in his knees but he is also now closer to the candle inside the shrine

finding his way to the icy doorstep he finds the shrine nothing inside as the only thing inside is a candle with the color red with demons carve on it making it look like demonic

the fire of the candle is strangely colored black as it dances on top on the candle

his step is steady as like his normal ways but you will see layers of layers is slowly covering his body but as I say it is strange because he moves like he's ignoring the chilly bloody ice on his body

with his hands on his front, he felt tempted to absorb it as it

brings him a pleasure to his whole being,

then just an inch away from the candle


he was rebound by the force in the candle causing him to flow outside from the shrine,

landing in the ground far away from the ice, he coughs blood as the force makes his energy wild as it is still not yet stabilize, he admitted that this is the first time he makes a stupid move causing his situation dire,

the bloody-colored ice who is crawling now stop but then again the place now became colder that atmosphere is crumbling with coldness

inside the shrine the candle that shone earlier died down as it was now in the hand of a man, no, an ice figure man who had sharp eyes and has a good facial, standing tall 7 meters,

"damn this guy, why is he in here, well it is not strange why I felt familiar to this aura ..." thinking on its own the lizard look at the iceman while having an enlighten looks

"to those who can get closer into the satanic ice shall be gifted with yours truly the power of corruption,

I, the god who seek sins

God who rules the icy hell

and god of satanic will give you my satanic ice

now accept it and go to my trials and seek the truth

go to my trial and grasp my ultimate power of destruction and corruption

go to mine and be my inheritor

the whole place became quiet as then he continued

and be the bride of my granddaughter

end of the prologue------