
Chapter 19 LET HIM GO

They didn't stop running till Alice leads them into the deep woods.

"I'm tired," Bella said, breathing hard. "We need to stop here before I faint."

The six of them stopped too and then sit under the oak, not knowing that the son of Santiago, the shooter was on the tree, gazing down.

"Oh my God, " Lucy said, looking at Sophia who's leaning her head against the tree, feeling tired.

They all kept silent for a while, waiting under the cool lawn, refreshing their strength. And not long after, Ben bent his head on his lap, sobbing, and Lucy walked to him saying, "What's wrong, Ben?"

"Everything," he replied, his head is still on his lap, he did not want others to see his eyes dropping tears. "I missed Erica, please let's go back home."

"No, we can't, we haven't found Henry yet," Sophia said.

"Henry had already dead," Ben shouted.

Sophia looks at him and boomed, "Don't dare to say that again?"