

Sophia's POV

I felt nervous sitting on the boat for the first time in my whole life. My palm was sweat on my lap, and a butterfly flew in my stomach, I closed my eyes and do a meditation I learn from my father. He taught me that I should direct my full attention to the feelings of fear anytime they came. I do that all the time and it works for me. But now, it seems it doesn't work. I glanced around and study everyone's face. Benjamin's face paled, looking down, worrying, he has missed his Erica, and I know Erica has missed him too.

Bella wore a happy face beside Benjamin. I remembered she told me during a free hour in school that sailing was her hubby, and that the reason why she always travels to her granny's house during holidays is that her granny's a fisherman. Where all she does all days is to paddle, and paddle, and paddle.