
Heart of the Titan

Meet Mara Carter Castillo, a spirited young woman thrust into the clutches of the most insufferable billionaire imaginable. Bound by an ill-fated agreement she hastily signed, she's now a slave to his whims, her dreams of a bright future held hostage by the threat of losing her professional credentials and freedom to travel. But as she endures his relentless demands, a surprising twist unfolds Max, the very epitome of arrogance, finds himself inexplicably drawn to Mara, his icy facade melting in the face of her resilience. Despite his attempts to win her over with his wealth, it's a selfless act that finally sparks a flicker of love in Mara's heart. Yet, just as their romance ignites, the flames of opposition roar to life in the form of Max's disapproving parents, determined to crush their union at any cost. In a heart-wrenching betrayal, Max weds another, leaving Mara shattered and carrying a secret that will change everything. But she's not one to stay down for long. Years later, she returns with a vengeance, transformed into a force to be reckoned with. No longer the meek girl of the past, Mara is now a powerhouse, fighting tooth and nail for both revenge and success in a world where Max once reigned supreme. Will she claim her rightful place at the top, or will the ghosts of her past continue to haunt her every move? Dive into this tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, where one woman's journey from victim to victor will leave you breathless till the very end.

Hellen_Happiness_7884 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Unexpected Trip

Mara stood there, throwing her hands up at him. "Ugh, I hate this man," she said and pulled her luggage to follow him.


She removed her phone and started recording with a smile on her face. "This place is beautiful," she said. Max walked a little far away, and he turned to watch her. Mara rushed to get to him despite struggling with her luggage.


"Can you take me a picture beside this building?" She inquired and extended her phone. He didn't say anything and kept on walking.



Mara, with her luggage, rushed over and stood in front of him. "Can you take me a picture beside this building?" she asked again. Max looked at her questioningly, wondering if everything was okay with this girl.


Mara placed her phone into his hands and left her luggage in his other hand. She rushed to the building and stood there, raising her hand in the air. "Yes, take me like this," she instructed.


Max stood there, a bit stunned, and it seemed like he had no option. He raised the phone to snap her. Mara positioned herself in a different style, blowing air. "Take this, angel," she said, and Max went a bit forward to take the picture.

"Last one, last one," she said and held her waist, opening her teeth wide, smiling for the picture. She took her phone from his grasp when he was done taking it.


Glancing inside the phone, none of the pictures captured had her full body in it. Instead, it was either half of her body showing or it wasn't clear but blurry. "What is this?" she said and looked up at him with irritation in her eyes. "This is how you look in person, halfway," he said and turned, continuing to walk away.


"Can't wealthy people do anything better without the assitance o others?" she wondered and rushed to follow him.


At the entrance, people were already gathered awaiting his arrival, shouting his name with signs of welcome. It seemed like his arrival was pre-advertised. Photographers and reporters were there, trying to interview him, and some wanted to take pictures of him.

His guards covered him to prevent anyone from getting to him. Mara stood beside him, astounded by the number of onlookers awaiting them. She confidently entered her modeling spirit, holding her head high and smiling for the cameras while waving at them.


 Max and his guards took off, leaving her behind. He yanked her by the wrist from her stand.


"What was that for?" he asked, annoyed. "I was only trying to take pictures with our fans," she added.


"Are you completely fine?" Max asked her.

"Do I appear ill?" she said sharply and touched her face to check if her temperature was high...


Without any other words, they continued their walk to their waiting car.


"Welcome to Dubai, Sir," one guard standing beside the latest model of Aston Martin said, and he opened the door for them to enter.......


Mara kept on giggling out of excitement in the car at the site of the tall buildings, she moves briskly on the seat with her phone trying to record everything she finds amusing and pulled her self out of the window and pulled her phone out too to take more videos of the beautiful Dubai...…


"Ahhhh!" she shouted with excitement as the wind tousled her hair, reveling in the breathtaking splendor of the countryside. She took deep breaths to soak it all in. Max pulled her down to sit, and her head hit the top of the car. She sat quietly without moving for a second, then continued to record the scenery with a big smile on her face. Every time she stole a glance at Max and realized he was looking at her, she stopped recording.


"This is your room, ma'am," he said, opening the door to a luxurious space bathed in light, with an amazing view outside. Mara stood at the entrance, appreciating the scene. "Thank you," Mara responded and walked into her hotel room.


"Where should I keep the luggage?" he asked. "Anywhere, you can even put it there," Mara reacted with a smile.


"Do you like anything?" he asked her. "No, not at all," Mara said.


"That's your personal phone. You can use it to call us anytime you need something," he remarked as he walked out of the room.

Mara stood still for a second after he had left and kept her cool. She went to check if he had completely left, closed the door well again, and excitedly jumped on her queen-size bed, rolling on it out of excitement......…



Mara walked around the hotel after changing, taking pictures with a beaming smile on her face. "I can't believe I am in my dream country without even spending a penny!" The thought of it brought forth giggles of happiness as she jumped around, swinging her hands in the air, and taking a joyful stroll along the corridor that led to her room.


"Baby!" The sound caught her attention as she got closer she heard other noises. Curiously, she bent over to locate where the noise was coming from…


He had a smile on his face, which he rarely does, but this time he did, his eyes twinkling. He stood in the centre, surrounded by his guards, and the girls climbed on him, touching him.



She leaned against the wall near the room, observing the scene. She covered her mouth, attempting to conceal herself before they noticed her. She couldn't help but blurt out, "So, all they were saying about this arrogant boss of mine was true." She sighed heavily. "I was right." She questioned, "Why does he appear happy like a teddy bear instead of a roaring lion like he is, Roarrr!!!?" She poked her head out to watch the girls touching his face, "Look at him, smiling with his head like a football." she said again...…..


Bang! Bang! Bang!


 Her phone fell to the ground, drawing everyone's attention. They all turned to see who it was.


Mara quickly picked up her phone, holding it close to her chest as her heart pounded. With her eyes closed, she murmured to herself, "I hope they didn't notice me."


She heard footsteps approaching and tried to slide away with her back turned, attempting to escape before they caught her eavesdropping on them.


Before she could flee, she felt a firm touch on her hands that pulled her. She turned immediately, fear in her eyes she faked smiled…



What do you think you were doing? He asked her while leaning closer, she retreated until her back hit the wall behind. "I was only checking the hotel out," she said, stammering. Without warning, he placed both hands on either side of her head against the wall and drew himself even closer, with his lips almost an inch from hers.


Mara tried frantically to disengage from him but found herself trapped between his arms, where their bodies met closely – their heartbeats echoing each other.


"Do you want to join them?" he asked slowly in her ears. Mara shivered at the thought of what he had said and had a small glance into an uncertain future if she agrees to his request...….




He got closer to her their face touching, He caressed her thighs and slowly moved his hands upwards towards her breasts. Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide as the realization hit in: "No! No!" She exclaimed as she pushed him away and fled without even looking back...…


He stood there and smiled at her as she ran away.


She closed the door hard from behind while still catching her breath...




 That was close, very very close she whispered as she bent over and walked slowly to her bed, …she sat down swiftly looking left and right, her eyes darting all over the place.. He is a monster a very dangerous one, she thought to herself as she heard another disturbance behind her corridor and quickly jumped and covered herself on the bed.


Next Day.....

With an air of haste, she entered the briefing room where ten men from different companies sat accompanied by their personal assistant. All were sharply dressed and ready for the conference meeting to begin. She looked tense in her official wear with neatly tied hair as she hurriedly took a seat next to Max, her boss. Offering smiles of greeting to those seated or gathered together talking.


"You're late," Max whispered indignantly as he leaned closer towards her.


"I'm sorry," she replied softly while looking at him apologetically.

Max gazed back at her incredulously before rolling his eyes away from hers in annoyance...


In about 5 minutes, the meeting started, with the board leader bringing offers that would help each other's businesses grow, as everyone present was a business guru. The discussion followed, with each person raising a topic here and there.


Mara sat there, slightly dozing off and feeling out of place. Max nudged her to shake her back into reality. As he stood up to make his proposal, some people seemed eager to support him, while others sided with business expert Mr. Green Wave. Multiple offers were made as each person vied for the opportunity. In the end, it came down to Mr.Warren III and Mr. Green Wave.