
Heart of the Titan

Meet Mara Carter Castillo, a spirited young woman thrust into the clutches of the most insufferable billionaire imaginable. Bound by an ill-fated agreement she hastily signed, she's now a slave to his whims, her dreams of a bright future held hostage by the threat of losing her professional credentials and freedom to travel. But as she endures his relentless demands, a surprising twist unfolds Max, the very epitome of arrogance, finds himself inexplicably drawn to Mara, his icy facade melting in the face of her resilience. Despite his attempts to win her over with his wealth, it's a selfless act that finally sparks a flicker of love in Mara's heart. Yet, just as their romance ignites, the flames of opposition roar to life in the form of Max's disapproving parents, determined to crush their union at any cost. In a heart-wrenching betrayal, Max weds another, leaving Mara shattered and carrying a secret that will change everything. But she's not one to stay down for long. Years later, she returns with a vengeance, transformed into a force to be reckoned with. No longer the meek girl of the past, Mara is now a powerhouse, fighting tooth and nail for both revenge and success in a world where Max once reigned supreme. Will she claim her rightful place at the top, or will the ghosts of her past continue to haunt her every move? Dive into this tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, where one woman's journey from victim to victor will leave you breathless till the very end.

Hellen_Happiness_7884 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Prep in the Conference room 2

She did a few trial rehearsals with Mr. Mood, and Max walked casually to their desk with his hands in his pocket.

He stood in front of the projector and he delivered a concise lecture, suggesting they go with the strategic partnership for market expansion. As he discussed, both Mara and Mr. Mood stayed focused and took notes. After the brief discussion, he asked for any questions or suggestions on what could help the company send the offer home...


Mara stood up and suggested, "I feel since this isn't just about how we can help each other's business grow, why don't we make it in a way that would not just benefit us but also the people of Dubai as a nation? Like a national infrastructure development project proposal that would uplift the entire nation."


Max looked at her as if he was considering her idea.

Sit down, he said.

But, Sir, Mara said

 This isn't about that," he added. "You can do that when you set up your own company."


He continued with the discussion, outlining the benefits and advantages. However, just as he was about to delve into the most crucial points, the power went off.


"Why is the light off?" Max questioned. Mr. Mood used his phone's flashlight, shining it directly into Max's face. Max shielded his eyes with his hands to block out the intense glare.


"I'm sorry, Sir," Mr. Mood apologized, adjusting the position of the phone to provide light in the room.


Max angrily asked on the phone, "Why is there no light in the meeting room?" His voice carried a clear command.


"Work on it real quick," he said and hung up the call. He returned to his seat and sat down.



"Yes, sir. I've already done that. I made sure I cut the power in their meeting room. Not sure they would be able to continue with their meeting."

The caller at the end laughed really hard. "Good, good boy. No one messes with me and gets away with it," the caller said before promptly ending the call.

He placed his phone in his pocket, peeping at them in the room with a subtle grin, before leaving the hiding spot.


Mara and Mr. Mood continued with their discussion.

Max was seated in a distant corner, fanning himself with his suit and creating a rustling sound in the process.


Mara looked back at him, and their eyes locked.


"Come," he said with a hand gesture.


"Huh," Mara said, feigning surprise, and pointed at her chest asking if he was referring to her.


Max nodded, and Mara walked to him. He tossed his suit, and it fell right into her hands.


"What do you want me to use it for?" Mara asked with irritation.


"Exactly what I was using it for," Max replied.

Mara's voice carried annoyance as she asked, "Do you want me to fan you with this?"

"Yep," he said, leaning back in his chair, eyes closed ready to receive the cold air she was about to blow with his suit.

Mara gritted her teeth at him, then silently began using his suit to fan him.


"I hate this man," he muttered slowly.

"Were you saying something?" Max asked with his eyes closed.


"No," Mara said and rolled her eyes.


"Hey, do it harder; I'm not really getting enough air," he said.


Mara started fanning him so hard that his suit hit his face.


"Aww," he immediately stood up from his chair. "Are you trying to blind me?" he said.


"I was just doing as you said," Mara said.


"But you should have applied that to it when you were doing it," he said, touching his head and taking his suit from her hands.

"Now, I have to go and check on my eyes," he said, touching his eyes.


"But nothing has happened to your eyes; you look fine to me," she said while looking at him with disdain.

"I would have to use your next salary for medication," he said.



"I was only doing what you asked me," Mara said while walking to him.

"Safe travel, Mr. Mood," he said and walked out, leaving them in the room.

While murmuring, Mara attempted to follow him but he shut the door in her face.

Mara looked back at Mr. Mood, who had a smile on his face all that while.


"I might commit murder by the time this contract comes to an end," Mara muttered.


As he was being this proud, Mara said and sat heavily on the chair, looking at Mr. Mood for an answer.


"Worse than that," Mr. Mood said, giggling.



A day before the presentation, Mara sat in her hotel room, going through the files, and conducting her own discussions on how to go about the whole thing. She received a message on her phone.



"Oh, today is the concert! I'm so excited for the concert today!" she said with a beaming grin.


"This is my only chance," she exclaimed as she swiftly changed her attire and hurried out of the hotel room. "I can still outrun time, and go through them when I return!"


While going through the hallway, she felt someone was after her. She looked around anxiously.


"Oh, I might be deceiving myself. This is a busy place; people might be going in the same direction as me," she said and hopped into a taxi.



"Hey, hey, hey!" she shouted while she danced around, moving her body skeptically to the music.


She held up her board paper to the musician who was singing, and it read, "Your music is enchanting." Sporting a tee featuring her favorite musician's face, which she bought at the entrance along with jeans.


She got back a little late, around midnight. "Why do the files look scattered on the desk?" she said. "I must have hurriedly shuffled them around myself," she explained before collapsing onto her bed and drifting off into sleep….


"Knock, knock, knock!"


A loud banging echoed at her door. Mara slept comfortably on her cozy bed, snoring softly, wrapped snugly in a blanket that covered her from head to toe.