
Heart of the Titan

Meet Mara Carter Castillo, a spirited young woman thrust into the clutches of the most insufferable billionaire imaginable. Bound by an ill-fated agreement she hastily signed, she's now a slave to his whims, her dreams of a bright future held hostage by the threat of losing her professional credentials and freedom to travel. But as she endures his relentless demands, a surprising twist unfolds Max, the very epitome of arrogance, finds himself inexplicably drawn to Mara, his icy facade melting in the face of her resilience. Despite his attempts to win her over with his wealth, it's a selfless act that finally sparks a flicker of love in Mara's heart. Yet, just as their romance ignites, the flames of opposition roar to life in the form of Max's disapproving parents, determined to crush their union at any cost. In a heart-wrenching betrayal, Max weds another, leaving Mara shattered and carrying a secret that will change everything. But she's not one to stay down for long. Years later, she returns with a vengeance, transformed into a force to be reckoned with. No longer the meek girl of the past, Mara is now a powerhouse, fighting tooth and nail for both revenge and success in a world where Max once reigned supreme. Will she claim her rightful place at the top, or will the ghosts of her past continue to haunt her every move? Dive into this tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, where one woman's journey from victim to victor will leave you breathless till the very end.

Hellen_Happiness_7884 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 26 : Unexpected Dinner

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us today. We have a lot to cover, so let's get started," the host began.


Mara glanced around, noticing the intense focus on the faces of the attendees. "Oh, I am so full," she murmured as she straightened herself up to make a good impression.


"As you all know, today's meeting is crucial for the future of our industry. We will be discussing new strategies, partnerships, and innovations that will drive our businesses forward," the host continued.


The room was quiet as everyone listened, taking notes and absorbing as much information as they could.


The presentation was followed by a Q&A session where representatives could ask questions and share their insights.


Suddenly, the doors at the back of the room swung open, and a hush fell over the audience.


All eyes turned to the entrance as Mr. Nicolas Levy made his grand entrance. The lighting seemed to catch him perfectly, highlighting his tall, athletic frame.


He was impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and fit physique. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and his piercing eyes scanned the room.


Mara's breath caught in her throat as she watched him approach the podium. "Oh..my..he's so sexy..I can watch him all day," she thought. "Look at those eyes, the muscles..." She bit her lip, trying to focus, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from him.


When he reached the podium, he paused and looked out over the audience with a slight smile. He glanced briefly in her direction, and she felt a jolt of electricity.


"Is he looking at me?" Mara muttered to herself, excitement in her eyes. She slightly adjusted her hair and sat upright.


"Thank you all for joining us today. I am honored to lead this conference and share some groundbreaking developments that will shape our future.


"First," he continued, "let's discuss the new technologies that will revolutionize our industry." He gestured to the screen behind him, which lit up with dynamic visuals.


"Mr. Warren III, you are not supposed to be here," Mr. Moon said as he hurried after him.


"Says who?" Max paused and asked.


"You are not the one hosting this meeting, and this place is for... even you have a meeting later in the day," Mr. Moon said.


"Forget it, cancel them all," Max ordered, brushing past Mr. Moon. "I have every right to be here."


Mr. Moon took a deep breath and slowly opened the door for him, and Max quietly entered the room. He stood at the back, observing the interaction between Mara and Nicolas.


His jaw tightened as he saw the admiration in Mara's eyes.


Nicolas, sensing Max's presence, threw a wink at him and then focused his gaze on Mara, his eyes lingering on her as she spoke.


"Miss Castillo," he said, his voice smooth and deliberate, "could you share your thoughts on how your company's latest innovations align with the trends we've discussed today?"


"He's so charming when he speaks," Mara muttered, her eyes widening with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"Of course," Mara said as she stood up. "Our company has been focusing on sustainable solutions that not only enhance efficiency but also reduce environmental impact."


Max rolled his eyes, staring at her. "Now, why is she talking so sweet like that...how fake...I can't believe it," he muttered, his fists clenched at his sides.


"For instance, our latest project..." Mara continued.


"That's very insightful, Miss Castillo," Nicolas said, his smile broadening once Mara was done. "I think it perfectly complements the direction we are heading," he added, glancing back in Max's direction, a subtle smirk playing on his lips.


Max chuckled nervously. "Both of them are so fake...I can't believe what my eyes are seeing," he muttered.


Each question assigned to Mara during the meeting continued to irritate Max, and he boiled over with annoyance.


As the meeting drew to a close, the host took over.

"Thank you all for your contributions. This has been a highly productive session," the host said.


Max's gaze lingered on Mara for a moment before he turned to leave.


"Miss Castillo," Nicolas called out as he watched Max go. Max paused as he heard Nicolas call Mara's name.


"I'd love to discuss your ideas further. Perhaps over dinner?" Nicolas suggested.


Max clenched his fists, waiting to hear what Mara would say.


Mara hesitated, glancing in the direction where Max had stood. "I... I'd be honored, Mr. Levy," she said, her voice steady.


"Wonderful. I'll see you shortly," Nicolas said with a smile. "Oh, and I promised to get you a dress earlier."


"Yeah, one of my employees will send it over to you at the guest room," he added.


Max's jaw tightened as he listened, feeling a surge of jealousy and frustration.



Slapping her face hard as she changed into her new dress, Mara muttered, "I hope this is not a dream," then slapped her cheeks even harder.


"If this is a dream, I never want to wake up," she added, staring at herself in the mirror. "Haaa!" she screamed out of excitement.


A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.


"Who is it?" she called, trying to steady her voice.


"It might be from the next door," she said, ignoring the knock and shifting her gaze back to the mirror, admiring her new dress. "He has some good taste," she murmured to herself, her fingers smoothing the fabric. "He looked at me throughout the meeting."


The knock on the door grew heavier as it startled her. Without wasting much time, she rushed to the door.


"Mr. Max Warren III, what are you doing here?" Mara asked as she glanced up at him.


"I want to see you for a second," Max said, clear tension in his voice.


"You will see me tomorrow at work, please," Mara said and slammed the door closed.


"Did she just close the door on me?" Max said in disbelief, a disbelieving giggle escaping his lips.


With a breath out, he knocked on the door again.


Mara took her time to open it, but just as he was about to knock again, she swung the door open. "What now?" she asked, exasperation in her voice.


"Why have you changed the dress I gave you?" he asked immediately.


"Huh?" Mara said, confused.


"Why would you take a dress from a total stranger?" Max said.


"I told you he isn't a stranger; he is the great—"


"Nobody wants to know," Max said, cutting her off.


"But that is who he is," Mara said, her voice rising in frustration.


"You don't know who he is," Max said, his jaw tightening.


"I know enough," Mara retorted as she crossed her arms.

"Are you all ready, Miss Castillo?" a voice said as it approached them.


"Y-yes! Mr. Levy," Mara said with excitement. She slammed the door in Max's face and quickly came back, holding her purse.


Max stood there, his expression darkened as he watched Mara rush past him with excitement.

With a hasty move, he went and held Mara's hand. "I need to talk to you," he said and pulled her away from Nicolas.


"Sir, please, I told you you can do that tomorrow when I come to work. Right now I have a dinner date," Mara said, her face flushing with frustration as she forced a smile.

"Are you even serious? Why would you agree to go to dinner with a stranger? Don't worry, there is nothing he can offer our company. There's no need to discuss anything with him over dinner," Max said, his frustration evident.


"Sir this isn't about your company and I can choose to do whatever I want," Mara said in a her voice barely audible.


"Why are you disturbing my date?" Nicolas said as he walked closer to them, a smug smile on his face.


Max turned and looked at him furiously.


"I never thought I would see the day where you would come to my hotel," Nicolas said, still smiling.


"We are leaving," Max said, gripping Mara's hand tightly. "I will go and drop her home," he added, with a stern look at Nicolas.


"With who?" Mara said, struggling to pull her hand away as she tried not to let Nicolas see her discomfort.

"Since when did I start going home with you?" Mara asked, her voice rising.


"You are my responsibility. I brought you here for this meeting, and it is my right to take you home," Max said firmly.


"I know my way home," Mara retorted, her voice shaking with anger.


"Please, sir, you've already ruined my dreams, and I have accepted my fate, but please don't ruin this for me," Mara said, looking at him with a pleading expression. She then rushed back to Nicolas as if nothing had happened.


Max stood there, speechless.


"Shall we?" Nicolas said, smiling at Max before leading Mara away.


Max watched them go, his frustration boiling over.


"Ahhh," he exclaimed, hitting the wall with his clenched fist.


"Oh, Mr. Warren, what took you so long? The meeting was over like 30 minutes ago," Mr. Moon said as he saw Max coming towards him.


"Get me the car keys," Max said, stretching out his hand.


"Oh, don't worry, sir. I don't have a problem driving you back," Mr. Moon said, not handing over the car keys.


"You can take a cab home. I am not going home now," Max said, his patience wearing thin.


"Where are you going? Should I call your guards to escort you?" Mr. Moon asked.


"I will go by myself. Give me the keys," Max said firmly.


She sat awkwardly in her chair, her eyes nervously scanning the elegant surroundings of the restaurant. She fidgeted with her napkin as she tried adjusting her dress discreetly while Nicolas skillfully cut a piece of salmon on her plate.


"This part is good," he said as he glanced up from his plate.


"Thank you, I will enjoy," Mara said, returning a nervous smile.


"I hope you're finding everything to your liking, Mara," he said, offering a polite smile.


"I am," Mara said with a nod, glancing around.


"You seem a bit tense. Is everything alright?" Nicolas said as he took a sip of his wine, studying her carefully.


Mara swallowed nervously, meeting his gaze. "It's just a bit overwhelming. I've never been to a place like this," she said.


"Don't worry, Mara. It's just dinner. No need to be nervous," Nicolas chuckled lightly.


"Right, just dinner," Mara said, managing a small smile.


He sat at the corner table of the restaurant, his face obscured by a newspaper as he discreetly watched Mara and Nicolas at the table across the room.


His attention was so fixed on them that he barely noticed the waiter approaching until she spoke, which startled him.


"Sir, sir, what do you want?" the waiter asked as she approached him.


He remained silent, his gaze still fixed on them. The waiter followed his gaze and noticed the intense stare.


"Sir, can I get you something from over there?" the waiter asked, gesturing towards Mara's table. "Is there something specific you need?" she added.


He hesitated for a moment, as he kept his gaze behind the newspaper.


"Sir, sir," the waiter said with a polite smile.


He slowly lowered the newspaper, revealing a faint smirk. "Oh no," he finally replied casually, pretending nonchalance. "Just enjoying the view," he added as he gently placed the newspaper on the table.


"So, when did you start working for him?" Nicolas asked curiously.

"Oh, here comes the devil," Mara exclaimed, wide-eyed, as she gestured towards a nearby table.

"Devil?" Nicolas chuckled, turning to see Max.

"What is he doing here?" Mara questioned, standing up.

Feeling awkward, Max slowly got up from his seat and shamefully walked towards them.

"Do you think you own this place or something?" Max quipped. "And why aren't you both talking about why you're here?" he added.

"Were you listening to us?" Nicolas asked.

"Do I look like someone who has nothing to do?" Max retorted. "I also have a business dinner here."

"I see," Nicolas said as he stood up.

"Miss Castillo, we were leaving, right?" he asked, turning his gaze to Mara.

"Ye-yes!" Mara replied loudly, as she quickly grabbed her purse.

"Enjoy your meeting," Nicolas said with a wink at Max, and they walked past him.

Thank you for reading another Chapter!

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