
Meeting him

Ever since I was a child my father would only allow my sister to go outside the Mansion. I was forced to stay at home for unknown reason. I will always beg my father to allow me but he never said yes. My mother passed away when I was born. They said that I look like my mom but I never saw her so I don't really know if it's true. My sister and I are twins but we don't look the same. I'm tall for my age, my eyes are blue, my hair is wavy and I have smooth white skin while my twin sister have straight hair, brown eyes, and pale white skin. She inherited all of her features from dad and I inherited my mom's genes.

" Mayumi, where is your twin sister Avrae?" why would my dad ask me when obviously I don't know where she is.

" I don't know" I said while still reading a book. He just look at me for a second and then leave. I know I'm quit weird and just really an introvert kid. I'm 13 years old but I look like I'm 16 or something. I'm a quiet but observant kid so I know a lit of things that they don't know.