
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

matchmaker quest 4.0-victoria's confession

Victoria knew that she was supposed to be with Sebastian and possibly karz

she did like Sebastian alot- and she only thought of Karz as a friend

-but the one who she loved the most-

wasn't Sebastian but Lucy- she couldn't outright say it- but she did - and it wasn't fair

Lucy had gared and Logan and Eric

and now Sebastian- would she even accept her? did she even feel the same way?

it was the first time she had felt like this

she loved Sebastian- but- this wasn't the same

she lusted for her- she wanted to kiss those lips- and many other things-

this kind of thing surprised her

-but- she was willing to accept it

she couldn't deny it forever

and she regretted what she did to her

she was the one who made Sebastian and Karz kill Eric- and Logan

did she really deserve forgiveness?

it was clear that she remembered

if she didn't she wouldn't have reacted the way she did but she had to tell her- but she would apologize first- and if she was willing to give her another chance- then she would wait for the right moment to tell her

Victoria walked threw the forest

and suddenly she heard voices

it was Gared and Lucy!

she went towards them- but she didn't get too close- she waited behind the tree

and she knew what she heard- she wasn't supposed to- but she wouldn't say anything

she would pretend that she didn't hear anything- she waited for the right moment and appeared from behind the tree

"Victoria?!" they shouted

"Yep its me- did you two miss me?" Victoria replied

"how long have you been there?" she replied

"Not long-" Victoria replied

"So you didn't hear anything?" she asked

"Nope- didn't hear anything-" Victoria replied

"good-then what did you want?" she asked

Victoria went over to her

"I want to talk to you alone-" Victoria replied

Lucy looked over at Gared and he nodded his head

so Victoria took her to a private spot where they could talk away from Gared

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked

"Lucy- I know that you remember- and that's why you reacted that way- and- I wanted to apologize for what I did- you didn't deserve that- and what I did was unforgivable-

and I'm truly sorry Lucy- for the pain and torture I put you through- they didn't deserve to die like that- Lucy-I would understand if you couldn't forgive me- or even if you hate me-" Victoria replied almost sobbing

Lucy wrapped her arms around her

"Victoria- you were only following Gared's orders- and I know how manipulative he can be- so I don't blame you- you weren't yourself- and neither were karz and Sebastian- and Gared- turned back to his formerself but- I know that he has a heart deep down-" she replied

"does he? if so then why did he make me do those things?" Victoria replied

"because-he- is very-possessive and obsessive- and I hate to break his heart again-

she whispered in a low voice "because if I did he kill me"

"I don't understand why you're with a guy like him-" Victoria replied

"Well I don't really have a choice- and he was the first one I loved-" she replied and whispered "if I'm being honest though- I don't love him anymore- he really scares me-"

"Why are you whispering?" Victoria asked

"because he can hear us-" she whispered

"he can?" Victoria asked

"Yeah just give me a sec-" she replied

she grabbed the decives that Gared gave her

she threw the first one on the ground and crushed it with her feet and she grabbed the phone she saw the picture of Gared and Drew

kissing- and she wanted to cry- they looked so good together- and she was the one that took him away- why did he give up on him?

he didn't deserve that and she didn't- need him- all he did was hurt her- over and over again- how could he be so cruel?

why hurt her and drew like this?

she fell down on her knees and began to sob

Victoria wrapped her arms around her

and wiped her tears -"it's alright sweet heart-you have me now- and you'll have Sebastian too he'll protect you- he'll protect us-" Victoria replied

"But-he'll- kill you both-" she replied

"hey- calm down he's not going to hurt us I promise- you're safe with us-" Victoria replied

"are you really sure I'll be safe with you both?

and will karz- accept me?" she replied

"Yeah- don't worry-he'll be able to accept you-"

Victoria replied

"that's good- and I want you to like him-

get to know him better he really cares about you and Sebastian-" she replied

"I know and I promise I'll get to know him better but-the one I love isn't Sebastian- or will it be Karz-" Victoria replied

"it isn't Sebastian? but didn't you want him to kiss you? and why can't you love Karz?" she replied

"it is true that I did want Sebastian to kiss and I thought that he was the one I loved but I realize that it's not- the one I-I-love- is- is- you-

you Lucy- I love you!" Victoria shouted

Lucy's eyes widen

"You-you- love me?!" she shouted

"Yes-I'm- sorry-" Victoria replied

Lucy pulled her in and hugged her tight

"don't apologize Victoria- I appreciate it- and I'm willing to accept it- you're really nice-

and you're not anything like I first thought-" she replied

"What was your first thought about me?" Victoria asked

"if I'm being honest- a b*tch-" she replied

"wow-well- I kinda thought that about you too-" Victoria replied

"But you loved me?" she replied

"I fell for you- right before Sebastian kissed you- or was going to- I didn't want him to kiss you because- I wanted to- and- then I saw the look in your eyes- when we were going to kill them- and I felt- so bad- and I couldn't do it-

I couldn't kill him- I ran away and I couldn't save them- and you ended up getting hurt- it's my fault-" Victoria sobbed

she hugged her tight and wiped her tears

"Victoria stop blaming yourself it isn't your fault it's Gared's and mine as well-" she replied

"Why did you have to choose him?" Victoria asked

"because- I knew that he loved me-but- I regret accepting him after everything- he hurt me so much- and Lucas hurt me too but- he was more believable- but I knew he was lying too-

and when they both admitted that they loved me l accepted them- and Eric- he never once hurt me- he was so sweet- and Logan he broke my heart too but he was nice about it- and I forgave him too

and lastly you and Sebastian both hurt me but I'm willing to forgive you both- I know how much you both care about me- and that was why I loved Gared- but- he isn't the same anymore-" she replied

"I know- I know you tried your best and- I love you too- I'll love all of you-" Victoria replied

The two embraced and held onto each other.