

Hisham and Shasa were forced to marry because of their individual circumstances and interests. Can they maintain a household that is endlessly a problem.

Nur_Meyda · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Wedding Day

Chapter 11

My blood rippled on contact with him, it felt strange. I have never felt anything like this, to be honest, even though I like to drink and gamble, I have never touched a woman's body.

To cover the strange pounding that I felt I cleared my throat a little, then sat beside the shasa which was limited by a round wooden table. My eyes wandered trying to penetrate the secret that is behind the clouds.

"What are you thinking Sha?" I repeated again because I haven't received any answer from him.

"I miss my parents, Mas, I want to go to his grave."

It turned out that he was always gloomy all day because he missed his parents. I was grateful in my heart, I thought he regretted our agreement.

"I promise after we get married, I will accompany you to visit your parents' graves."

"Really, sir?"

"Hey, but you can't show a sad face like that. Mama and Papa will get suspicious later."

"Okay, Mas. Thank you for helping me and Shakira out of our problems. I don't know if it wasn't for Mas, maybe we would have become beggars on the streets."

"Ah, don't talk like that Sha. We're both together, I also have to thank you."

Shasa laughed while nodding, her face cheerful again as before. I love seeing her like this. I dunno, I love to see her smile. The way she speaks and the clearness of her eyes lately has often been reflected in my eyes.

Drrrtt... Drrttt....

My phone rang, I looked at who was calling it was Marcel.

[Hello, Bro. How are you? How are you ready to lose the black one?] he asked while mocking me.

[Hmm, don't like Cel's dream. Oh yes, come this Sunday to the Crescent Hotel, bring your wife and children as well. I want to come to your office but I don't think I have time.]

[To the hotel, what are you doing Bro. What event is it?]

[I got married, as you requested.] I answered satisfied, I can imagine Marcel's face right now.

[Married, to Shasa. You're not lying right?]

Strange, I sensed a hint of disappointment in Marcel's voice. Hmm, of course he was disappointed, because he failed to get my favorite car, he lost.

[Why would I lie, that's why come Sunday!]

[Okay bro. I'm definitely coming. That's it for now, I'm going to work. Bye.]

Marcel disconnected the call, I put my cell phone in my trouser pocket with a satisfied heart. I feel for you Cel, it's really good to lose in a challenge that you made yourself.

"Who, sir?" asked Shasa.

"Marcel, he doesn't believe that I'm going to marry you," I replied.

"Then what did he say?"

"Nothing, he just said he would come with his wife and children later," I replied.

"That's why you don't like betting, Mas. It's a sin, you know, from now on you can't bet and gamble anymore. Remember that!"

"How come it feels like you're being scolded by your wife?" I teased.

Shasa looked at me then took a breath while averting his eyes. He looks annoyed, but tries to hide it. I smiled back at his sullen face. So gemes, I want to kiss those pouty lips.

Er, what is this feeling. Don't be crazy, Syam, you guys are just pretending to be married. Just a staged wedding, I reminded myself.

Shasa still continues to frown, this is not good. Finally after apologizing I asked him to come in because the night wind was starting to feel cold, I didn't want him to get sick because our wedding time was near.


A week later, the ceremony was finished an hour ago. Now I'm waiting for Shasa who is being made up by Mama's wedding makeup artist in the hotel room.

While Mama, Papa and Shakira were already downstairs. In the room where my wedding party will be held. Most of my relatives and close and distant relatives have also come. They were very enthusiastic when they were told that Papa and Mama were going to have my wedding party. I can understand that because Papa is the oldest child of my late Opa and Uncle.

"Shasa isn't finished yet, Syam?" Mama came to see my preparations and Shasa.

"Not yet, Ma. hmm, you look so beautiful today," I complimented sincerely.

Mama does look very beautiful and younger by several years today. The Tosca green robe suits perfectly with Mama's white skin.

"Ah, you are Sham. Instead of praising Mama, your wife is being praised. Mama is sure that she is prettier than Mama today. So that's it," said Mama in amazement.

Shasa ... she is like an angel from heaven who descended to earth. The white wedding dress fits perfectly on her body. Shasa walked with a smile towards me.

My body shook without command, my eyes did not want to blink at him.

"Hey, Hisham. Just be normal, watch out for those jumping eyes!" teased Mom. He nudged my body so that I could go forward to welcome Shasa.

"Mas Hisham, how do I look today?" Shasa asked with his head down.

"Very beautiful, at this rate I can fall in love with you Sha!" I whispered.

Shasa looked up, we stared for some time. Again, I feel this strange feeling.

"Are we going to continue staring at each other like this, Mas?" asked Shasa, frowning.

I smiled, took his hand and led him downstairs. Mama has gone earlier, she will tell the guests that we will come down soon.

"Mas, from now on our agreement begins. Remember Mas, our marriage is just pretend!" Shasa remember me when we were in the elevator.

"Don't worry Sha, I won't forget!" I said without looking at him.

"Thank goodness, I'm afraid Mas got carried away."

Shasa stepped out of the elevator first but I immediately hold. Shasa saw me do not understand, I smiled and whispered to him.

"Don't worry Sha, I'm not a coward. I will definitely keep my promise forever!"

To be continued