
Heart’s Remedy

Violet, a young PR representative, is extremely loyal and committed to her college boyfriend Matt.They’ve been together for nine years. Violet and Matt went on a date at a restaurant and she thinks Matt is about to propose. She got the biggest shock of her entire life when Matt told her he was ending their relationship Violet’s friend Sophie suggested they go to the club as a way of getting Matt off her mind. Violet and Chris's path crossed at the bar when Violet was trying to get rid of a guy bothering her, she thought Chris was good-looking and whispered in his ears to pretend to be her boyfriend. Is this the beginning of something new? Will Violet give love another try? Will Violet and Chris find solace in each other?

Emmanuel_Greer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 2

Awoken by the sound of her ringing phone, she jerked up confused. Her head was aching and the light rays from the windows shining in her eyes were causing more of the aching. She twisted and turned until she was able to pull herself to sit up on the couch. She racked her hands through her scattered hair and searched for the ringing phone around the couch and in her bag. She found it and turned it on. Ten missed calls from Lauren and a text that said "WHERE ARE YOU" All caps.

"Shit!" she exclaimed running to her room. "No time to shower "she murmured as she pulled off her clothes. She ran to her closet and pulled out a black skirt and a chiffon top with flowers and stiletto heels and slipped them on quickly. She put on deodorant and a lot of her perfume and made a run for the door picking up her jacket, purse, and phone.

She took the elevator down and walked quickly to her car entering and putting the key in the ignition. She tried to kickstart the car but it wouldn't budge. She came down and went to the side of the road and put her hand out to call a cab. She got a cab after almost thirty minutes of waiting. She told the cab driver her location and he drove off. She got there and ran quickly into the office building and took the elevator up to Lauren's office. She wasn't there meaning she was in one of the conference rooms. She walked briskly to conference room one which is likely the place for this presentation. She peeped and it was the place. She slipped in and stood by the door. Lauren noticed her and shook her.

"So, gentlemen I don't see why you shouldn't sign with Steven's Advertising Agency" She smiled at the table of men and women as they applauded her. She sat down as the manager stood up and presented the paperwork for signing.

After the meeting, Violet picked up Lauren's files from the desk like she always does and walked after her. It was obvious she was angry. They got to her office and Lauren sat down in her seat.

"Lauren I'm sorry…." Lauren raised her hand to show that she didn't want another word.

"Why didn't you show up early today?"

"I'm sorry Matt broke up with me yesterday and I got drunk and I slept off and I'm hoping I still have my job please I didn't mean for this to happen I'm not like this and you know it please do I still have my job?" She smiled a little.

"Get me my green juice"

"yes!" she squealed

"But if you come late next time, I will not take it lightly with you. Now tomorrow we sign one of our biggest clients here is the paperwork. You are gonna type it and get it done now okay?"

"Yes Lauren thank you so much" She collected the paperwork handed to her and walked out of the office and went to work on it.

After hours of working and setting up the boards, Violet stood up from her desk, picked up her bag, walked out of the building, got a cab, and went home still feeling sad. Once she got home, she opened a tub of peanut butter ice cream and tequila and sat on the couch to watch the movie five feet apart. After an hour of crying and cursing Matt because of the movie she was watching, the doorbell rang and she deliberately refused to answer.

"Go away!" She mumbled.

"Vi? Open up it's Sophia"

"Go away"

"I'm coming in you forgot you gave me a key" the keyhole jingled and it opened up and Sophia walked through the door.

"Violet" she sighed and walked to the couch and hugged her.

"He just broke up with me just like that he didn't even give a heads up nothing he just broke up with me," she said in between tears

"I know sweetie I'm sorry" Sophia coed. "You know what let's go to the club"

"What? That's a terrible idea. I mean look at me."

"No, it's a great idea. Let's go drink a shit a ton of alcohol and probably get laid"

"I don't want to, I have this big presentation tomorrow with Lauren and if I'm late again I'm gonna probably lose my job" She stood up and walked to the kitchen Sophia followed her.

"Come on Violet, you need this. You haven't been out for a while now…. Please" She flashed puppy dog eyes at her.

"Fine. But full disclosure I'm a little tipsy. I wanna go shower first" She walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower after which she got out and got dressed up in a crop top and highway skinny jeans with boots and a jacket. She put on make-up and perfume.

"Come on let's go"

"You look nice"

"Thanks well I can't drive being that I'm not in the mood, please let's just get a cab"

"Ya sure come on let's go out and party"

"Dude we have got to get you laid." Nick Grover said to Chris Walters.

"I mean how long has it been six years," Joey Merck said with creased eyebrows.

"I mean look at all these fine ass women here," Bruce Kincaid said whilst following a girl that had just passed him with his eyes. Nick, Chris, Peter, and Bruce were friends from college and they seemed to have stuck together. Nick was an attorney with his firm in Atlanta, Joey was a doctor who just moved from New York for a fellowship, Bruce was a silver spoon boy, inherited his father's businesses and now runs them and Chris owned a chain of Sneaker stores, and just opened one in New York and signed Stephan Curry for his new set of Jordan's and as the face of his store which brought them to the club to celebrate.

"Alright we are gonna pick a girl and you are gonna go talk to her" Nick sat up and started to look at the girls in the club.

"Look guys I don't just move on from that. This is a bad idea" Chris placed a hand on his face running it down

"How about that one?" Bruce pointed at a girl dancing a few feet away from them. She was blond and had a huge display of boobs. "Big boobs," Bruce smiled.

"Nope, too showy" Chris shook his head.

The guys kept arguing about what girl was right for him to go talk to and Chris was tired of their bickering. He sighted a girl by the bar sitting alone sipping a martini.

"Guys Guys" they stopped arguing "How about that one?" He pointed to the girl at the bar.

"Black, long and wavy hair?" Peter pointed out.

"Looks like she has a nice ass judging by the way she seated" Bruce sipped from his drink nodding.

Nick shoved Bruce "Dude can you not comment on a girl's body for like two seconds?"

"I'm gonna go talk to her" Chris stood up and took down all the drinks on the table for a boost. He started towards her.

"Get laid Bro" He heard Bruce yell behind him. He turned and held the middle finger to him. Before he could get to her, a guy came to sit beside her. He stopped and turned back to the table where his guys were seated.

"Looks like someone beat me to it" He sat down back.

"Sorry dude" Nick patted his back

"Well, dude you drank all the drinks so go get a refill so we keep this search on. Plus my break will soon be off and I'll have to get to the hospital" Peter urged.