
A visitor

Chapter 15

Today, the weather is a bit cold, and a man drenched in blood could be seen running in an apartment building complex. In both of his hands, he is holding… tools… a crowbar, and a kitchen knife.

However, these tools are covered in blood.

Right behind him, are a few zombies chasing like crazy.

Although a bit bloody, the expression of the young man shows a slight smile on his face.

Suddenly, he turns into a narrow corner, which is actually designed by him, where only a single zombie could enter.

The structure is made from the tables he got inside the apartments he has already cleaned up. Under that structure is a shivering figure keeping silent as she fears the zombies would detect her.

She is holding a mop with both hands.

When a zombie enters the narrow space, Marc suddenly turns around and then stabs the crowbar on that zombie's head.

As the zombie falls, Mint who is hiding below would push the zombie's corpse to the corner making the narrow space free of any zombie clutter.

It has already been a week since the two have been doing this and so far it has been effective.

After the last zombie was pushed to the side, Marc began to gather the zombie crystals on their heads and then throw those corpses on the ground floor.

They have already cleaned the building they are staying and now they are cleaning the opposite building of the complex.

"I think we can finish the 3rd floor today…" Marc said while wiping his sweat.

"I hope so… No matter how much I see this gory thing, I still can't get used to it…" Mint helpless said.

"Are you still nauseated? You can return to the flat and rest…"

"No, I'll help whenever I can…"

"Well, it is almost noon, so… Cooking lunch?"

"Ah, I totally forgot… Alright, I'll go now…" Mint said as she stood up and walk to the emergency stairs.

Although she knew that the area is already cleaned, she still could not help but be wary while holding a knife in her hand.

Marc shook his head as he looks at her figure walking to the emergency exit.

He then stood up and then looks at the cleared 3rd floor.

"Let's go to the 4th floor…" he muttered.

He can actually clean a floor but it would take much time and he would always suffer.

Zombies are unlike the ones that you can see in the movies.

Once they got hold of you, their claws would already sink into your skin. There is no such thing as an unscathed encounter when fighting at a close range against a zombie.

As Marc enters the 4th floor he noticed a figure standing by the corridor near the end of the emergency stairs.

He quickly dashed towards the zombie and did a pre-emptive strike.

As soon as the zombie detected a movement, it was already too late.


The sound of skull breathing echoed through the dark corridor of the 4th floor.


The body of the zombie fell to the ground and Marc quickly checked his surroundings. Then he suddenly heard a banging sound from the 1st door on his right.

Without hesitation, he quickly walk towards it and checked if the door is open.

He was a bit surprised to see that the door is actually not locked. He twisted the knob and hid behind the opened door.

He could already hear a figure rushing forward but then suddenly stopped as it showed confusion in its eyes. It tried to sniff the air but could not find any traces of humans in the vicinity.

How could it detect Marc when he is already covered with zombie blood from the start?

When Marc sneaks a peek from the side, he saw that the zombie has turned its back on him.

"Chance!" he shouted in his mind as he quickly dashed towards the zombie.

But who would have known that when he passes by the door, he would see another zombie lifting its head and looking straight at him?

"Oh, Crap!" he thought, but still decided to kill the zombie in front of him.


The knife directly penetrated the lower jaw of the zombie and killed it. At this time, everything suddenly slowed down as he quickly turn his head behind him.

Right in front of his face is the ugly mouth of the zombie which is filled with razor-sharp teeth.

He knew that he has no time to counter, so he decides to dodge by rolling his body sideways following the zombie's jumping momentum.

The zombie hits his body and he rolled to the side. But he was lucky not to get hurt or scratched. He almost wanted to shout in joy as he finally did not get wounded while tackling a zombie.

But his attention suddenly caught the zombie as it suddenly jumps back while squatting on the ground.

"What the hell?" he thought as he could feel that the zombie is actually very agile and had a semblance of a beast reaction.

Then without warning, it suddenly jumps at him.

Marc has already predicted its action and he concentrated and everything turns into slow-motion again.

That's right, after all this time, he has finally been able to control his ability of his to slow time in his mind.

Well, actually this is not slowing time but making his reflexes react faster.

And the limit of this skill is 5 consecutive uses. But if he will not use all of them, and rest for 10 minutes, then he can continuously use them using this process.

That is why, he has programmed in his mind that he can only use it for 4 times, and then needed a 10-minute rest to be able to use it again.

This is because… if he uses all of it, then he would need a day to be able to use them again.

As Marc sees the trajectory of the jump of the zombie, he brandishes his knife and put it directly on the zombie's neck path.


The zombie's neck was cut in half, but the knife was not sharp enough to cut the head off.

But the zombie has already lost its balance and rolled to the ground.

Without hesitation, he flips the knife in his hand and then throws it at the zombie's dangling head.


The knife inserted itself right in one of the eyes of the agile zombie.

In the quiet corridor, Marc was a bit startled when he heard a small shrieking voice.

He suddenly turns to the agile zombie and frowned.

"What was that?" he thought.

The shrieking sound feels a bit familiar to Marc as if he has heard it before.

But then he has no time to think about any of that for now.

He began checking the rest of the room and found another two regular zombies.

After cleaning the 4th floor of any zombies and gathering their crystals, he walks back to the 3rd floor and looks at the metal railings. He then threw down the corpses of the zombies he has killed from the 4th floor to the ground.

"Well, that's it for now…" he muttered as he just enters a house on the 3rd floor and took a shower then changes his clothes.

After cleaning himself up, he just picks a random T-shirt and short pants and then walks back to the other side of the complex to the 4th floor.

The food is already served, and it seems that Mint has already eaten first.

After Marc enjoys the meal, he noticed Mint looking at her laptop while lying on the sofa.

He did not disturb her and just mind his own business.

Later that afternoon, Marc Lee did not go out and decided to stay at home and make more zombie crystal core power supply.

While this is happening, on the street, a weak figure could be seen staggering.

The figure is wearing a piece of military-grade customized armor, but one could see that his body is riddled with wounds.

He is already limping while walking cautiously in the streets.

Suddenly, the man stopped as he noticed a closed metal gate.

"This would be a good place to hide…" he muttered while looking around the place.

He noticed that this area does not have a lot of zombies, so he carefully walked to the side of the gate.

He looks at the latch and saw that there are no locks so he heaves a sigh of relief as he did not have enough strength to do anything anymore. He just wanted to rest his aching and wounded body.

He unlatched the gate and quickly enters.

He even left it open and warily walks inside.

Suddenly, the guy feels a bit weak as he slumps to the ground and leaned on the wall.

He swore that if this place has zombies, then he is surely a dead man.

Suddenly, he noticed the emergency stairs door opening. He wanted to move and hide, but he already has no strength.

He could not even grab the knife on his back.

But he did not want to avert his gaze which is now turning blurry.

At this time, Marc Lee decided to take a walk below and check the surroundings before resting for the day.

But who would have known that he would find a person leaning on the side near the entrance gate?

He carefully approaches the man and noticed that he is actually wounded.

His expression turned a bit cautious as he could tell that the man seems to be a soldier of some sort from his outfit.

When he thought that this person might be a survivor, he suddenly feels a bit elated. Who would not want to see other survivors in these kinds of situations?

"Hey, are you okay?" Marc suddenly asked as he cautiously walked near.

The man seems to be startled that there is a person in this place, so he forces himself to lift his head up.

"Help… help me…" the man said weakly.

Without hesitation, Marc Lee quickly grab the man and assisted him to one of the rooms on the first floor.

This room is something he has prepared just in case something happened and he did not have time to go up.

Inside the room, Marc checked the man's wounds and noticed that it was not caused by any scratch or bite.

The man's body seems to be beaten black and blue.

It was like he was beaten by multiple people judging from the purple bruises he has on his body.

Plus, one of his legs is actually broken.

"Hmm… I wonder if my blood would have an effect on him?" suddenly a radical idea came to Marc's mind.

But of course, he is also a bit reluctant to follow his idea as there is no surety that his blood could heal others as it did on his own body.

If he did not try, then it would be a waste of a specimen, right?

The cruel thought in his mind almost made Marc hit himself.

"How could I think of such a thing?" he muttered.

"Hmm… How about external…" he suddenly added.

Then his eyes landed on the wound on the man's left arm.

He grits his teeth and looks at the man who has already fallen unconscious.

"Let's just give it a try…" he muttered as he stood up and then walks to the kitchen.

He takes out a spoon and then cuts his index finger.

After pinching a few drops of blood on the spoon, he noticed that his wound has already closed.

"This will do…" he thought as he walked back to the man.

He then noticed that the man is still unconscious and also noticed that the man's breathing has become a bit ragged.

"Maybe this is because of his broken rib…" he muttered while walking to the side of the bed.

Marc looks at the wound and then carefully wipes the blood off of it.

Then he carefully drips the blood on the spoon to the gaping wound on the man's arm.

After doing that, he quickly retreated with a knife already on hand.