
Heal in Love

perfect_soul17 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

chapter two: Customer

It is the end of the growing season, the daylight growing shorter, Leaves on the trees are turning into yellow, orange, red and brown. the temperature is becoming cooler.... Autumn is beginning with a new hope....

its another terribly fine day of my life. today i am smiling with the hope of new life, today i finally got a job at bookstore cafe.... and its my first day...Its been 65 days...my parents died in an accident.... its been 65 days i literally isolated myself in my room... far away from this wicked world. it was terrible thing to became an orphan....i lost them...within a blink... they were everything to me.... i was broken, sad and lonely. They will always be alive in my memories....I miss you.... I kept some roses and Asters on their grave.... i still believe they are with me...i wish they actually be here, proud of me...

My father was a good person, he was the best father and my best friend too. he always helped people in need... he was the most respectful person and he is still... at his funeral , many came to grieve, not because he helped them but because they actually love him...

he had taken debt from a rich businessman, when i was so ill... but he couldn't return it... his death knocked the doors of my house...they accused my father... i couldn't tolerate the disrespectful behavior... i promised to return the debt... but they couldn't believe me because after all i was a helpless orphan, penniless... they took my house, my parents house , the house of all the love and memories, the laughter and silly fights, and the affection we shared in this house...

they threw me out of my own house... i literally felt like someone is crashing my memories and that i am abandoned to live in the house that belongs to my parents.... that belongs to me after them... i had promised my father the moment he showed me our house, when i was 7....that i will cherish these walls with love...never abandon what he built for me... but now i was breaking it... i was homeless.

i spent my 23 hours on the streets, wetting in heavy rain...

untill a old kind lady helped me. her name was elenor. she offered a room for me, and a job at a coffee cafe... i worked there almost for 40 days, but i was insulted everyday... that my father was a thief and so will i be... they even accused my mother of being prostitute...they bullied me everyday. the boy of the owner was a dick! he and his friends bullied and harassed me everyday... judging me... i could handle every pain they cause me but i couldn't hear any words for my parents...so i left it...

but today i found a new job at bookstore coffee cafe, with flowers and .... store, just like my fantasy. its my first day today and i am ready to forget all the scratches of past and start a new...

The streets of Romantic Paris are just more gorgeous in the autumn...the breezes running through my skin is cold and satisfying...i reached here...

i entered the cafe and walked up to a lady, she was cleaning a table with a piece of cloth.

Are you Louise???

yes ...

hey... i am Esme Evans.... I applied for the work...

Ohh yes i remember....please come in.

I went with her in her narrow cabin, inside, at the end of the store...

I have already sended you the details... just get the dress code and start to work... you will soon have some company... she said.

I took the apron, it was check designed with front centre pocket...i wore it and then cleaned up the messy tables and put the books back into the shelf. And finally waiting for a customer...

I love reading books....people read to be smart but i read to escape the reality...Romance is the fictional truth and everyone wants a happily ever after... but i want the passion, adventure, and little bit of danger too...like i said i read fiction too too much....i want to be the reason he believes in love... i want him to....

the bell rings !... customer is here ...

wake up Esme! and work....

A person walks in with a list of books he wants to purchase. I read the list and found all the books he needed...except for one, which is out of stock recently. i said him...

'i am so sorry sir actually we dont have this book, could you please come and have a check next week'...

i looked up at him. i noticed... he looked up with his grey eyes sparkling like a diamond,one of the rarest i have ever seen... , his hair wavy and brunette. his flawless skin, perfect and strong jawline, 6'6 tall and handsome...he was so beautiful , dressed up in a black leather jacket, white T-shirt and black jeans...watch around his wrist... he looked expensive and 19 yr young and handsome...i guess he has a good taste in fashion. he was still looking at me.

would you suggest me something else?...

his soft lips moved perfectly as he talked... my heart almost stopped... i never ever felt this before...

yes... Afcourse which type of genre you prefer??

i asked him with a heavy breath...

just suggest...!

he sounded rude and impatient....the moment my fantasies collapsed into a tiny pieces....


i went to the shelf and started finding something thats good for improving his attitude....and i found it.... The Art of dealing with people by les giblin... i gave it to him and he gazed me with his spooky grey eyes...he didn't respond anything... he looked up and asked his friend to pay. he turned around and walked towards the exit of the door. his friend asked the bill. I calculated and gived it to him. he was paying.

how can your friend be so arrogant and have such a lack of empathy...!

well... please forgive my friend... and also my boss... he is really dealing with some crises right now... and thankyou for the books...

he took the books and went out....he was kind... afcourse as compared to the grey eyes...

hey Esme...Welcome to the work...

i looked up with a confusion, saw a girl rushing in with a lavender hand bag and a cellphone...her hair was blonde and fair skin...

Do you know me?

yes... Louise told about you... hey I am kate Sinclair, your company !

she smiles with a handshake

lets get to the work...if you need any help please tell...

yess afcourse...

she was sweet and funny. i think i actually have a good company. i guess this peaceful beginning is solution to the new life....

kate talks a lot...she told me about her family, her mischievous younger brother, her dreams... she invited me to her party at her place... and i agreed assuming it to be a fresh start...

its evening. i went to my house, freshed up and wore a Candy Apple Red , Neck skater short dress... with a simple makeup and black heels, my french roast hair was perfect and my brown hazel eyes were sparkling with beauty. i am ready to go...

I booked a cab... and i was waiting ... i heard a voice behind the shrubs, assuming it to be breeze, i ignored. the cab reached. i stepped in and the car moved.

The cold breezes touching my soul through the window, my heart is freezed, my eyes closed, i breathe in and out in and out , opened my eyes, the most beautiful city....

i reached at her place...

she introduced me to her friends...

This is kimberly my friend from college and he is jake my boyfriend. And this is Esme from work...

i tried to be social....but as i am a introvert i could not afford much...

Okay Enjoy the Partyyy!... kate screemed with a glass of wine.

everything was going perfect until a trouble knocked my door. A girl spilled her drink on me and i was literally wet , my dress is spoiled... kate helped me, she gived me her dress, it was white knee short piece...i changed and decided to leave the party to avoid the socializing. It was too late... dark out there... i left her place and tried for the cab....godd! uhhh!...my battery is dead... looks like i need to walk home... i was walking in dark under the sky full of stars and moonlight on the street looked so aesthetic... i felt there is something following me... i turned around and someone injected something in my neck holding me from back... before i was unconscious i pushed him and... i run across the road and meet with an accident...

before my eyes closed...i saw a shadow disappearing with the stars....