
He Teased me Again

First the males take over, now it’s the females turn to tell the story.

Tsuyu_Asui1101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


My feelings overwhelmed me. When I heard that Ku-Kun got robbed. I ran into his apartment and he looked bad. Blood all over his face and he looked as if he got scratched up. "OMG!" I yelled after seeing the huge stab wound in his side. I called the police and luckily they caught the people who did it. The ambulance came and picked him up and I made sure I rode with him.

3 Months Later...

August 1, 2077:

Me and Ku-Kun, we're officially dating, and everything is going great. The people who tried to jump us was a gang and they had robbed Ku-Kun. He was given a emergency only phone, but has never once used it. He always likes to handle the problems himself. But anyways, today I saw a Flörgën!

Flörgën's are the coolest creatures on Earth. The race of the Flörgën comes from Venus. They were discovered in the year 2051 in Earth time. Ever since the have inhabited our planet and lived with us in harmony. When I found the Flörgën I decided it would be cute and kept it.

That's what the tale says to do if you find a Flörgën. The tale goes: This is the tale of The Flörgën, they come from Venus and look fury. If you see one you have good luck. But keep it and you have the best three years ever.