
He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

[COMPLETED.] [Side Story released!] [Mature Content.] “That baby is mine, and so are you,” He declared, pointing at Kate’s belly while his deep green eyes gazed at Kate, like a viper ready to strike. Kate couldn’t believe that he– Henry Grant, her new boss eight years younger than her, was the father of her unborn child. “We should be together by default. But I will give you a choice. Go and suffer with your deadbeat husband, or come with me, I will show you the fun you’ve missed.” ===== For the past five years of her marriage, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, had always believed she was infertile. She was unable to conceive a child and her deadbeat husband Matt always insulted her for it, calling her a useless woman despite never finding a job himself, forcing Kate to be the sole breadwinner of their family. Yet, he still had the nerve to cheat on her with her own sister! Heartbroken, Kate escaped to her office late at night with four bottles of strong red wine. To her surprise, she wasn’t alone. A handsome young man stood in her office, watching her. He refused to give her his name, but offered to keep her company for the night. With lust and booze coursing through her veins, Kate readily abandoned herself to her basest, most repressed instincts, seducing the nameless but willing visitor. In her drunken stupor, she boldly declared, "If my husband wants to sleep with every woman on earth, then two can play that game." She didn’t care if they did it raw, as she always thought she was barren. Only to find herself staring at a positive pregnancy test a month later. Kate Woods, the supposedly ‘barren woman,’ was pregnant. The stranger had accomplished in one night what Matt could not in five years. - Now that Henry has given her a choice, would Kate leave her deadbeat husband and jump into the sea of uncertainty with this young man? Or would she stay with Matt, her husband who cheated on her for the sake of their families? - Official Commissioned Cover. - Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

ForeverPupa · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
524 Chs

Chapter 21

Kate felt that her heart would burst out of her chest from sheer joy. She couldn't care less who the baby's father was right now. All she knew was that she'd be a mother soon, and nothing was going to stop her from having this baby!

Besides, she was already financially stable on her own, so she could raise the baby alone!

In fact, she was delighted that Matt wasn't the baby's father, which meant the baby wouldn't have any bad seeds from him. The baby wouldn't have the seed of an entitled, useless man with an inflated ego, which was such a relief!

Now, the only problem was how to tell her mother. Even if her mother had never told her, Kate knew that she had always hoped for a grandchild.

Of course, she could tell her mother that she was pregnant, but then her mother naturally thought that this baby was Matt's, and Kate didn't want that.

Kate fell into a trance as she stepped out of the bathroom, her mind occupied by the recent events.

"Let's just forget about that for a moment. The baby is only one month old, I can tell my mom about the baby once I've successfully divorced Matt," Kate told herself as she shoved the negative thoughs aside. "I think things would be easier to explain after we're officially divorced."

After deciding not to tell her mother about the pregnancy just yet, Kate started researching about pregnancy.

She had read a lot about the do's and don'ts during pregnancy, but that was years ago before she had lost hope and tried to erase any sliver of hope that she could get pregnant from her mind.

Who would've thought that years later she'd be reading about it again?

When Kate tapped her office card to clock in and then walked through her office corridor, her mind was occupied by thoughts and worries about her pregnancy, so she ignored every coworker who greeted her.

She had her face glued on the phone screen, searching through the food she shouldn't eat during pregnancy. She didn't want to mess this up, she wanted to do the best for her child even before he or she was born.

"Good morning, Mrs. Woods."

Kate lifted her gaze slightly upon hearing a familiar voice and then smiled at one of the editors who worked under her. She was a new employee, but she was diligent and so Kate had a good impression about her, "Morning, Mai. Did you finish checking the manuscript I sent yesterday?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good, then put the file on my desk, I'll give it a quick check," Kate told Mai.

"Ah—about that, um…." Mai looked flustered and even blushed when Kate gave her insturctions. "I—I already placed it on the CEO's desk. He said he wanted to read it himself…."

"CEO?" Kate frowned. Her eyes darted to the CEO's office. The faint glow of the lights from inside made Kate nervous. Those lights had not been switched on since Mr. James Grant's death.

Well, except for that one time when she slept with a mysterious man inside the CEO's office and got pregnant, of course.

Kate blushed at the thought, if anyone in the office found out, she would be in a lot of trouble, and yet she had no regret of what she did that night, because it brought her so much joy.

"The new CEO is already in the office, Ma'am. He came early this morning," Mai informed Kate. She glanced at Kate's office and looked anxiously before whispering, "The Iron Lady is in your office, by the way. I just want to make sure you're ready because she doesn't seem to be very happy."

Kate's brows creased deeper, "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Mai."


Kate put her phone inside her blazer pocket and headed to her office.

She opened the door and was greeted by the sight of a woman in her fifties sitting on a chair in front of Kate's office desk. She was wearing a formal blazer. Her hair was bob-styled, and she wore glasses that could serve as a magnifying glass.

Her face soured as Kate entered the office.

Kate straightened her back and greeted the director from the parent company formally, "Good morning, Mrs. Cadwaller, may I know why you are here, in my office without prior notice or an appointment?"

"Where have you been, Mrs. Woods?" the Iron Lady snapped. She pointed at the clock on the wall. "It's almost ten. You're late."

Kate almost rolled her eyes at the woman before her. She was exhausted and barely slept a wink because she was busy worrying about STDs last night.

Besides, she had nothing to do at the office except for a meeting at two in the afternoon. She deserved at least a break, she worked her ass off for the company.

"Mrs. Cadwaller, I'm not here to be lectured by you. I completed all my work last night, and I'm the one that has been running this company for the past three months since Mr. Grant's death," Kate boasted about her achievement making sure that the Iron Lady knew how vital she was to the company. She wasn't the type to abuse someone with her position, but that didn't mean she'd let anyone stomp all over her without reason.

Mrs. Cadwaller shrank back in her seat, slightly intimidated by Kate because what she had said was true.

Kate was the one who had been running the company for the past three months, and it had been performing well even without Mr. James Grant's presence.

She was also great at her job. She could always tell if a manuscript would become a best-seller that the company would profit highly from.

Kate sat on her chair and leaned forward until her elbow rested on the desk, "So, may I know why are you here?"

Mrs. Cadwaller turned around, stared at Kate for a moment, and then said, "The new CEO is here."


The new CEO is here!

Do you know who he is? Hehe~

Thank you for reading! Please send Golden Ticket and Powerstone if you like the story!

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