

Lunch was over and I and Lisa went for our next class which is English Language and fortunately for Lisa, Aiden has that same class, but Unfortunately for me so does Mason.

And to top it all off he is sitting right in front of me, why me, why not one of his fan girls.

Our teacher was announcing names for a group project, each group has four members and each member has to contribute in the group project which will be submitted at the end of the month.

"Okay Jiren, Daisy, Mario and Gloria" she called out.

I was waiting to hear my name as the teacher was still calling out names.

"Mason, Annalisa, Aiden and Hale" yes, my group is amazing, just what I wante--

That's when it hit me like a runaway bus

That's when the names called registered in my head.

Did she say Mason!!!

No, no, no, no, no......no, I'm sure he's not the only Mason in this class, there has to be another one.

"Um Lisa, just out of curiosity, how many Masons do we have in this class?" I said with my fingers crossed.

"We only have one Mason, the one you know, why?" She said looking curious.

"I was just curious " she laughed at me "Okay if you say so".

Why me, what did I ever do to deserve this. If I did do something I didn't mean to, Is it because I ate all the bacon this morning, I'm sure that's it, but I still don't regret eating it though, ah bacon~

I've got to think of something to get out of this, maybe I could change groups, or maybe I could bribe the teacher into changing Mason, hehehe.

"Um Hale why are you laughing like that and rubbing your hands together like a fly" I turned my head and saw Lisa giving me strange looks.

"Actually I am very cold and I um--" she started laughing.

"Hale I know you're not cold, so just tell me what it is" she knows me so well after only hours of knowing each other, I've found a best friend already.

"Okay you're right I'm not cold, you know how I don't like Mason"

"I had a feeling you didn't like him" she knows me so well.

"Well Lisa that feeling is correct, I am this close to hating him Lisa, this close" I gestured to her with my thumb and index finger.

"You're so funny, why don't you like Mason anyway?" She said laughing.

"Well for one he is rude" I said with disgust.

"Yes that much I know, but there has to be more, did he offend you outside of school or something?"

"Yes Lisa yes, he did, I was shopping with my mom, last week, when I bumped into someone and that someone was Mason, when I bumped into him I apologised for it, he didn't even apologise to me,we were both wrong, he wasn't looking at where he was going and I wasn't looking at were I was going, he just walked past me and just said watch were your going, if he was watching were he was going all of that would have been avoided" by the time I was done explaining, I was fuming, I'm sure I'm as red as Tinker bell when she's angry.

"Mason is rude, you just have to get used to it" Lisa said so calmly.

"He better not do anything stupid at our group meetings or else I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind".

"Okay class, since we all have groups, I want you all to use the remaining 10 minutes of my period to get to know your group members and pick a topic you will all discuss".

Since we were all sitting next to each other, none of us had to move seats.

"Hey, I'm so glad we are all in the same group" Aiden said.

"Yh me too" Lisa said and immediately started blushing.

"Hi my name is Aiden, you're Lisa right?"

"Yes, how did you know my name" Lisa asked blushing.

"Well we have been neighbors for practically all our lives"

"Oh yes we have".

"Um, if you guys are done with your introductions, lets pick a topic to discuss, I'm thinking pollution, what do you guys think?"

"I'm okay with that" Lisa and Aiden said at the same time, making Lisa blush profusely.

"Mason is the topic okay with you?" Aiden asked Mason.

"I wonder why my opinion matters, I 'm not gonna do any work anyway" Mason said in that his annoying voice, which girls supposedly like.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.

"Are you deaf, dumb or both, didn't you hear me, I am not doing the project with you" did this good for nothing just call me dumb.

"Um I'm sorry but I am beggining to wonder if you are possessed by a spirit or just naturally an idiot, I know you are stupid but is there any need to show it in public" I said as calmly as I could.

*ring ring*

The bell rang and I grabbed my bag and Lisa.

"You are participating in the project, if you dare not show up, I will break that pretty face of yours and still make you do the project asshole, bye Aiden"

With that I dragged Lisa out of class.

"Urge Lisa how useless can a person be, I just can't comprehend it" I said fuming.

"Calm down Hale, your turning red" Lisa said sounding worried.

"I can't Lisa that good for nothing just called me dumb, me!!!, I wish I could step on his head now"


"He's just a retarded fool, who has more lose nuts in the brain than a mad person"

"Um Hale"

"How can someone be so rude, just how"


"He is so so urghh"

"Hale!!!"I flinched at the sound of Lisa shouting.

"Hale, I understand your pain, but you shouldn't pay attention to Mason, he is like that to everyone, so don't beat your self up about it and please stop you are as red as a ladybug"

"Sorry Lisa, I just get so mad thinking about that boy" she smiled.

"Let's go home, shall we" Lisa said with a happy voice.

"Onward fair maiden" we both looked at each other and laughed.

I'm so glad I met Lisa. We just met today and we are already bestfriends. It's like 'Love at first sight' but in out case 'friendship at first sight'.


Hey guys

I hope we are all staying safe and healthy.


Thank you.
