

The hilltop's Cathedral of the Saints was chosen by Richie as the place to solemnize their marriage. This was chosen for two reasons, the first reason was based on its central location; it was in the very center of their sprawling city, this means no guest who intends to grace the event will go through the stress of crossing through the entire city spread to get to the place, wherever the guest may be coming from the length of the journey will almost be equal for all.

The second reason he chose this cathedral was its unique beauty. The cathedral was built on top of a hill that is naturally endowed with flowers. To get to the top or descend from this hill you will travel spirally, rounding the hill five times before you will get to your destination. And you will drive through highly scented orchids that nature bestows upon this hill, as you are climbing or descending you will have the opportunity to see the entire ever spreading city, in fact this hill is the most grandeur tourist site!

The beauty of the hill top surrounding this cathedral is another thing entirely, it is a breathtaking haven that lull a tensed heart to rest! Richie's plan to have unforgettable wedding experience cannot be achieved better elsewhere in this city than this place. He plans to have photo shoot immediately after the wedding and to video their descent from the hill through the road beautify by orchids.

By ten in the morning the cathedral was already brimming over with the creams of the society. Even the mayor of the city was in attendance because Richie as a very sound auditor working for the second largest auditing firm in the country was directly the head of the team auditing the city's account for the past five years, and the mayor like his clean work.

Many rich women were in attendance, most of whom Richie had one way or the other offended in the past but who forgave him as a demon that they can't do without, but they all came to see who the strong girl was who was able to pin this most elusive lovelorn bachelor down to a wedding.

However, the atmosphere around the cathedral is becoming stuffy and tense not because of normal hot weather, but because the bride should have arrived long ago and they did not see her. The solemnization ought not to last more than an hour, by now it should be rounding up if it started at the fixed hour of ten, it is eleven O'Clock now, the bride, her family and friends were no where to be found..

Richie was becoming both irritated and apprehensive by the ticking of the clock in the cathedral. The Reverend father called him up and asked him what they should do? Richie told him that he should allowed him to try her cell phone again to see if it is now on, for he has tried to reach her so many times before now and he was told by the telecom provider that her line is switched off. He tried her line again and that of her parents and best lady, the result was the same and a thousand what ifs rippled through his heart!

The fact that non of her known family and friends were seen heightens the what ifs shaking his heart! His parents called him to ask him what the Reverend father said to him, but before he could answered the Mayor's personal assistant came to inform him that the Mayor will be on his way out and he want to see him before his departures ; he excuse himself from his parent and rushed out to meet the mayor.

When he stepped out of the cathedral he saw a despatched rider descending from a bike and he headed straight to where he stands anxiously waiting for the Mayor who is receiving a call on his cell phone. When the rider came to him he extended a sealed envelope to him and said, " Sir this urgent letter is for you" Richie was seriously afraid to collect the letter from him because he knew it has to do with the absence of his bride. He asked the man, "Who sent it ?" The rider told him that a man dropped it in their office with instruction to deliver it to you quickly. The eyes of all the people around him were riveted on him, including the mayor who formerly was receiving a call.

Richie collected the letter and open it, immediately he saw the crisp handwriting of Tolu and his heart jumped to his throat, his hands were shaking as he reads through the letter which was not properly addressed, but it started with a mysterious heading.



When we met I told you the truth that am engaged to a man, and instead of you to stay clear of trouble and put my lover in your own shoe, you selfishly and arrogantly pushed yourself on me as man that felt he is better than all other men.

To make the matters worse for you few weeks after I decided to humour you and play along, you mistakenly left your evil memoirs in which you wrote all the evils you have done with women on one page, there I found where you wrote that all women are gullible and must be used and dumped as a piece of garbage. That statement sealed your doom, I made up my mind to teach you a lesson that we women are human that must not be toyed with.

You indeed tried so hard to add my name to the victims in your memoirs but am smarter than you in all ways that i added your name to my own memoirs.

I laugh even as am writing now because I remembered how hard you tried yesterday night to break into me., and I believed you still remembered our last conversation. In case you forget I will remind you. I turned around seductively before you to add to the boiling pressure in your brain and loins and I saw you with a side glance trembling, you pounced on me like a cat and I ward you off like stubborn bugs!

I said, "Look at me, you can only see my body but you can't taste it" Hearing that you got angry and said am talking rubbish. I calmed you down as usual to prepared you for the final knife that would be plunged into your lustful soul. I said, "Just one more night I will give you your treat" Hearing that you must be foolishly thinking I mean my noble body, but no my body is for a worthy man and not for a dog like you; Richie this your treat, I hope it is sweet?

NB: Do you know what I learn through your case? I learn that lustful men are all idiotic puppets that any lady in her right senses can deal with. Hello, what do you learned? Anyway, am yours faithfully the demon tamer, Tolu.

As Richie finished reading the letter an explosion or implosion occurred in the nerve center of his brain, his legs shook violently through a triggered spastic paralysis, his knees buckled and he fell face flat on the cold marble floor and hit his head on the floor and blood gushed out!

The Mayor and the men surrounding him rushed to carry him, he was bleeding from the nose, mouth and the the forehead. When they carry him they discovered that he was totally paralysed.

As the mayor's men rushed him by the Mayor's order into a vehicle to convey him to the hospital, the Mayor bent down and picked the letter on the floor to read. Just when he finished reading the letter the parents and all others who were looking at them from inside the cathedral rushed out asking a thousand and one question. The Mayor was too shocked himself to say a word, he just gave the letter to his father who unconsciously read it to the hearing of all in panic.

The news of his predicament spread from the cathedral into the city with the vehicles that carried him to the hospital. Different people began to say different things about this issue. Some blamed him,others pity him, while the most concerned were raining curses on Tolu who gave him such a treat on the wedding day.