
Lady in Black gucci dress

Marina Bay, Singapore

The restaurant of the finest hotel in the city, was covered elegantly in mahogany wood. The dim golden lighting highlighted the fine ambience of the restaurant, making it look cozy yet royal.

She was sipping her usual black coffee, while reading the latest fashion news on her tablet. Her long brown hair were neatly tied in a bun, complementing her beautiful fair skin. Her sea- green eyes were busy reading the long fashion article with full concentration.

She was indeed a vision for every person in the restaurant. The reason could probably be her extremely good looks or her elegant black gucci dress. Her strong charisma and aura was spell casting for everybody around her. She looked much younger than her actual fourty nine years of age.

"Can I get you somthing to eat," said the nervous waitress.

"No thank you dear. I would like to wait for my friend first," said the green eyed lady sweetly.

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